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| Preventing common bugs with temporal logic
E. Allen (mailto:eallen@cs.rice.edu?cc=&subject=Using
temporal logic with bug patterns) Ph.D. candidate, Java programming
languages team, Rice University 1 August 2002
Temporal logic is a formalism
used to describe how a program state will change over time. In this
article, his second on temporal logic and assertions, Eric Allen
discusses how several of the most common bug patterns can be prevented
by the use of temporal logic assertions. Share your thoughts on this
article with the author and other readers in the discussion forum by clicking
Discuss at the top or bottom of the
Although traditional assertions can increase the amount of checking
that can be done over Java code, there are many checks you just can't
perform with them. One way to handle these cases is with temporal
logic. Recall from last month's article, "Assertions
and temporal logic in Java programming," that temporal logic can help
to provide much more powerful assertions over methods in programs, helping
to enforce invariants that are otherwise hard to express formally.
We don't have to search far to find many useful invariants that can
help to keep bugs out of our programs. In fact, we can augment our efforts
to eliminate some of the most common patterns of bugs through the use of
such temporal logic assertions. In this article, we'll examine some of the
bug patterns most positively affected by the use of temporal logic. We'll
be using the following bug patterns as examples:
- Dangling Composite. This bug occurs when your software throws
a null-pointer exception, a hard-to-diagnose problem, due to the
misrepresentation of a recursive datatype.
- Saboteur Data. This bug occurs when stored data fails to
satisfy certain syntactic or semantic constraints; when software crashes
due to an error, not in the coding, but in the data the code is
- Split Cleaner. This bug occurs when the acquisition and
freeing of a resource are split across method boundaries, allowing for
certain flows of control that do not free the resource as they should,
either by leaking them or by freeing them too early.
- Orphaned Thread. This bug occurs when a master thread throws
an exception and the remaining threads continue to run, awaiting more
input to the queue; this bug can cause a program to freeze.
- Fictitious Implementation. This bug occurs when you
"implement" an interface without actually meeting its intended
The Dangling Composite bug
pattern The Dangling
Composite bug pattern involves the misrepresentation of a recursive
datatype, representing some base cases of the type as null values rather
than separate classes. Doing so can cause hard-to-diagnose
NullPointerException s.
For example, suppose you have formed the following hideous datatype to
represent binary trees: Listing 1. Some very bad
public class Tree {
public int value;
public Tree left;
public Tree right;
// Leaves are represented as Trees
// with null branches.
public Tree(int _value) {
this.value = _value;
this.left = null;
this.right = null;
public Tree(int _value, Tree _left, Tree _right) {
this.value = _value;
this.left = _left;
this.right = _right;
Please, do us all a favor and don't use this code for any purpose other
than as a bad example!
This code forms a Dangling Composite. Leaves are represented as Trees
with null values for the left and right branches. If we try to recursively
descend such a tree, we might easily cause the signaling of a
NullPointerException .
The best way to prevent this bug pattern is to refactor the
representation of the datatype as a Composite class hierarchy
(see the article on this subject in the Resources
section). Suppose you've completed just such a refactoring, as
follows: Listing 2. Better, refactored
abstract class Tree {
public int value;
public Tree(int _value) {
this.value = _value;
class Leaf extends Tree {
private Leaf(int _value) {
class Branch extends Tree {
public Tree left;
public Tree right;
public Branch(int _value, Tree _left, Tree _right) {
this.left = _left;
this.right = _right;
You want to make sure that none of the remaining code (or any outside
client code) is still constructing any of the old Dangling Composites: How
can you do this?
Easy: do a clean compile. You'll get a compiler error if you try to
construct an instance of class Tree . And because
Tree is abstract, when you try to compile the new program,
errors from the type checker will notify you about every construction site
you should refactor. Additionally, the fact that the left and right fields
were moved into class Branches means that every statement
that sets the values of these fields in class Tree will cause
a type-checking error too.
As this example demonstrates, type checkers can be extremely powerful
refactoring tools. But consider this Doomsday scenario: new client
programmers may very well remember the old practice of constructing leaves
and attempt to construct new leaves by constructing new instances of class
Branch , passing in null values for the left and right
branches. Well, with temporal logic, you can put "Always" assertions on
the fields that assert the field never takes a null value:
Always{left != null}
Always{right != null}
Granted, we could refactor the code in such a way that we could put a
similar, ordinary, assertion on the field. But the process is much more
involved. Specifically, we'd have to make the field private, add a setter,
and refactor all places in the code where the field was set into calls on
the setter (we could leverage the type-checker when performing this
operation just like we could in the one above). Then we could put an
ordinary assertion on the setter that the value set to is not null.
So, in this case, you can get away without using temporal logic
assertions, but the task is much more difficult. Let's look at some other
bug patterns where temporal logic gives us a bigger advantage.
The Saboteur Data bug
pattern The Saboteur
Data bug pattern occurs when stored data fails to satisfy certain
syntactic or semantic constraints. Such data can lie dormant for a long
period of time and then explode when accessed.
The best way to prevent this pattern of bug is to perform sufficient
checks over the data before putting it into long-term storage. But
suppose you're maintaining a database with multiple clients, some of whom
you don't control, all of whom have write access. How do you prevent the
inappropriate insertion of data?
The first level of defense is to provide a single point of control (in
the form of a Mediator) for all database access. However, you still might
not be able to prevent malicious (or just clueless) clients from breaking
your abstraction and entering data through an alternative path.
One way to help diagnose such problems quickly is to place temporal
assertions over the database. These temporal assertions can state the
syntactic and semantic invariants that are expected to hold, as "Always"
ForAll x in Employees . Always{Age >= 0}
ForAll x,y in Employees . Always{isMarried(x,y) implies isMarried{y,x}}
The Split Cleaner bug
pattern The Split
Cleaner bug pattern occurs when the acquisition and freeing of a
resource are split across method boundaries, allowing for certain flows of
control that do not free the resource as they should.
The best way to handle this pattern of bug is to refactor. But if the
code base is large and sufficiently ugly, it can be difficult to ensure
that every possible execution path has been traced through.
In that case, one form of Split Cleaner bug pattern will be transformed
into another: instead of not freeing the resource at all down a path, we
will attempt to free it more than once.
One thing we can do to help root out such tragic refactoring attempts
is to place a temporal assertion in the method that originally acquires
the resource to the affect that, if the resource is freed, it is not freed
again until it is acquired.
For example, consider the following horrendously broken code for
opening and closing files:
import java.io.*;
class ReaderMaker {
String name;
public ReaderMaker(String _name) {
this.name = _name;
FileReader getReader() {
return new FileReader(this.name);
class Client1 {
void doSomeWork(ReaderMaker maker) {
FileReader reader = maker.getReader();
Who is responsible for closing FileReaders once we're done
with them? Apparently the client is. This is a classic case of a split
cleaner. It's just too easy to retrieve a resource and never free it when
distinct methods are responsible for the two activities.
Temporal logic assertions are also useful for diagnosing such errors in
the first place. For example, if we suspect a split cleaner, we can place
an assertion over the method obtaining the resource that says that if a
resource is acquired, then it is eventually freed. Then, if a program
execution terminates without satisfying the assertion, we'll be notified
with an error message. Ideally, all resource acquisitions would include
such assertions in the first place, so that we're notified of split
cleaners as soon as possible.
The Orphaned Thread bug
pattern The Orphaned
Thread bug pattern occurs in a multithreaded program when some of the
threads wait upon one thread that terminated.
Temporal logic assertions can help to diagnose such bugs. At every
instance where a "wait" is placed for a reply from another thread, we can
insert an assertion that the wait is eventually satisfied. If it never is,
we'll get an error message saying so, when the program is terminated:
Always{wait() implies {Sometime{notify()}}}
The Fictitious Implementation bug
pattern One of the most straightforward applications of
temporal logic assertions is for adding executable documentation on
interfaces, thereby catching fictitious
implementations of the interface as soon as these assertions are
For example, consider my favorite example of an interface: a
Stack . We could add very powerful assertions to this
interface, to say things like the following:
// Once push(x) occurs, top() will return x until a push or a pop occurs.
Always{push(x) implies {{top() == x} until {push(y) || pop()}}
// If the stack is empty, there should be no pops until a push occurs.
Always{isEmpty() implies {{! pop()} until {push(x)}}}
// (if we have a length operation) If the length is n, and a push occurs,
// then next step, the length will be n+1.
Always{{length == n && push(x)} implies {Next{length == n + 1}}}
You get the idea.
Not only are the temporal logic assertions in the interface much more
precise than prose would be, but they are actually enforced at run time
(if we are running code instrumented to include checks on the
Tying up loose threads As
we have seen in this and the previous column, temporal logic assertions
are powerful because they can help you make unit testing that much more
powerful, because each temporal logic assertion can correspond to many
traditional assertions.
In this article, we've shown how to use temporal logic assertions to
combat the following bug patterns:
- Dangling Composite. Using a simpler "Always" assertion on the
fields to assert that the field never takes a null value.
- Saboteur Data. Using "Always" assertions over a database to
state the syntactic and semantic invariants that are expected to hold in
that database.
- Split Cleaner. Using a temporal assertion in the method that
originally acquires the resource to assert that if the resource is
freed, it is not freed again until it is acquired. Temporal assertions
are also useful here as error-producing diagnostic tools.
- Orphaned Thread. Using temporal assertions to assert that a
"wait" is eventually satisfied wherever there is a wait placed for a
reply from another thread. Again, this technique is useful as an
error-producing tool.
- Fictitious Implementation. Using temporal assertions as added
executable documentation on interfaces to catch fictitious
implementations of the interface as soon as the assertions are violated.
Next time, we'll talk about yet more ways to help improve the
robustness of your code. In particular, we'll look at some exciting new
tools that can automatically detect intended assertions over your
code, by examining your JUnit test suite.
- Participate in the discussion forum on this
article. (You can also click Discuss at the top or bottom of the
article to access the forum.)
- You can check out the Temporal Rover trial version (a tool for
checking temporal logic assertions at run time) at the Time-Rover Web site. Note:
Although the price of Temporal Rover and other products from Time Rover,
Inc. is not made public, you may want to contact this company before
testing the trial versions of their products; you might find the cost of
the commercial versions to be prohibitive.
- The Stanford
Encyclopedia of Philosophy carries a broad discussion of the
philosophical and mathematical foundations of temporal logic.
- The Spin
project at Bell Labs -- a widely distributed software package that
supports the formal verification of distributed systems -- is an example
of temporal logic model checking for hardware verification.
- Read all about assertions in Java 1.4 in John Zukowski's "Magic
with Merlin: Working with assertions" (developerWorks,
February 2002).
- Check out this XP
site for a summary of the ideas behind extreme programming.
- The JUnit Web site
provides links to many interesting articles from a multitude of sources
that discuss program testing methods.
- Read all of Eric Allen's Diagnosing
Java Code columns.
- Get hundreds of Java technology-related resources at the
developerWorks Java
technology zone.
About the
author Eric Allen has a bachelor's degree in computer
science and mathematics from Cornell University and is a PhD
candidate in the Java programming languages team at Rice University.
Before returning to Rice to finish his degree, Eric was the lead
Java software developer at Cycorp, Inc. He has also moderated the
Java Beginner discussion forum at JavaWorld. His research
concerns the development of semantic models and static analysis
tools for the Java language, both at the source and bytecode levels.
Eric is the lead developer of Rice's experimental compiler for the
NextGen programming language, an extension of the Java language with
added language features, and is a project manager of DrJava, an
open-source Java IDE designed for beginners. Contact Eric at eallen@cs.rice.edu. |