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| Add manageability to your Java-based systems
Li (mailto:westmakaha@yahoo.com?cc=&subject=Management,
JMX 1.1 style) Author, Wrox Press 24 September 2002
In this article, the first in a
three-part series on Java Management Extension (JMX), Sing Li examines
the history of network management software and how it evolved from
humble beginnings into today's complex and sophisticated enterprise
management systems. He also explores the origin of many common problems
that plague these systems and how JMX can be leveraged to solve
Java Management Extension (JMX) is a hot new addition to the Java
platform that promises a scalable, low-implementation cost, and
legacy-compatible solution to the age-old problems associated with
enterprise network management. Modern software servers, including popular
open source servers like Jakarta Tomcat and JBoss, are quick to adopt JMX
as their management standard. We'll begin our exploration of JMX by
looking at the history of network management software and how it has
The evolution of network
management Early network bridges, protocol converters, and
routers were simple dedicated hardware units typically configured through
a terminal directly connected to a serial port on the unit itself.
Configuration commands were usually used to enable or disable ports or
change characteristics of the protocols supported by the device. The
number of configurable parameters on these "black boxes" was limited, and
the serial terminal interface was often cryptic and intelligible only to
highly trained network operators, as shown in Figure 1:
Figure 1. Ad hoc serial connection
The proprietary network
era As networks grew in size, and the number of these "black
boxes" proliferated, it became evident that some way to address and
control a large number of these networking devices was necessary. Some
vendors elected to provide a separate "out-of-band" interconnection or
concentrator network for administration of these devices, as shown in
Figure 2:
Figure 2. Out-of-band multiplexed
Others used "in band" technology in which the addressing and control
information was sent on the same network that these "black boxes" operated
on, as shown in Figure 3:
Figure 3. In-band device control and
Client software (called management consoles, a name inherited from the
terminal console analogy) evolved slowly from the cryptic terminal-style
interface, to GUI-enhanced configuration tools that enabled each
addressable device on the network to be configured individually. This gave
birth to early network management systems (NMSs). For the most part,
proprietary networking protocols dominated during this time, and early
NMSs typically used proprietary protocols to address, control, and monitor
a vendor's devices.
TCP/IP becomes the de facto networking
Enter the era of the TCP/IP network. Through an early incarnation of
the Internet, the TCP/IP protocol suite became the standard for globally
connected networks. Large businesses discovered they needed to connect
their separately evolved, proprietary islands of heterogeneous internal
networks (many of which were from different vendors on a global scale),
yet at the same time not lose control of all their devices across the
entire enterprise.
In addition, infrastructure builders were maintaining more and more
networking black boxes in their operations. Frequently, this spanned
multiple network operation centers across separate geographic regions.
There was a need to administer, control, and monitor all these devices
from a centralized location. The urgent requirements from these two large
groups of customers spawned the concept of early enterprise NMSs.
The management consoles (clients) during this time used the latest
graphics workstation and processing technology, and often included
interactive geographic maps of where managed devices were located, as well
schematic displays of the network mesh. By clicking on a map or a node of
a GUI network graph, the network operations center staff could monitor the
status of any particular device and change its setting and configurations.
SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol -- a protocol designed from the
ground up for network management on top of TCP/IP networks) became more
popular as the de facto standard for management of heterogeneous networks.
While initially resistant to SNMP, for both practical and economical
reasons, vendors of proprietary networking hardware eventually adopted it
as an alternative way to manage their networking devices.
The PC and LAN revolution: extending
enterprise management Around the same time as the TCP/IP
revolution, the popularity of the PC- and LAN-equipped office exploded.
This created a need for some enterprise NMSs to take on a new dimension:
managing and controlling PC workstations, printers, peripherals, and other
LAN devices, as shown in Figure 4:
Figure 4. Adding PC and LAN devices to the
management mix
Many vendors used their newly acquired capability as a marketing
advantage to push their enterprise management systems, or EMSs (notice the
de-emphasis of the word "network"). Commercial EMSs from leading vendors
grew in both size and complexity during this time, while many vendors'
products still maintained a large proprietary code base and supported all
legacy vendor-specific systems. Existing GUI-based management console
(client) software was "ported" again and again to the many different
versions of emerging desktop operating systems, pushing the envelope and
increasing the complexity of the underlying code base. The SNMP protocol
was stretched to its limit supporting new and varying devices that it was
never designed for. The number of managed network endpoints proliferated
beyond manageable levels, and added-value intelligent management
assistance was standard in almost every commercial EMS.
Internet and e-commerce revolution:
Adding manageable software services to EMS Continuing with
the explosion of EMS-managed endpoints, the Internet revolution sent most
EMS systems and architects into shock. Suddenly, large networks that were
once disparate were connected through the Internet, and customers were
requesting that this "network of networks" be manageable in the same
user-friendly management consoles they knew and loved (see Figure 5).
The emergence of increasingly intelligent network devices, PCs, and
peripherals created a demand for more and more intelligence in the daily
management and monitoring of these endpoints. Furthermore, the increasing
demand for conducting business over the Internet created a new breed of
endpoints for the EMS to support: that of intelligent software
It is not uncommon for a modern EMS system to have management access to
every single database server, Web server, application server, and disk
farm (new, highly intelligent, wide-bandwidth, adaptive disk farms are now
called storage area networks, or SANs) in an enterprise across the
Figure 5. Modern EMS
The need for distributed intelligence in
managed networks In the present age of EMS, intelligent
management assistance is no longer an option, but a necessity. The need to
deal with dynamic networks that are constantly changing in composition and
topology is also a must. In addition, the ability to adapt to and support
any new and future devices is a definite requirement. Yet these new EMSs
must continue to support and work in harmony with the mishmash of legacy
devices, protocols, and software that customers have invested heavily in
during the arduous evolution. In fact, there is a strong demand to support
existing GUI-based EMS clients due to the training invested in these
complex tools. At the same time, new users to EMS are demanding the most
modern Web-based management interface possible to enable remote management
and monitoring.
Using these new EMS systems, you can still enable and disable ports on
a legacy "dumb" networking black box, but you can just as easily issue
commands like:
Automatically switch to backup application server
clusters and database servers as necessary to maintain a 95% uptime over
the next 24 hours; alert network operator on pager 808-555-1212 upon
catastrophic failure.
In other words, you can also rely on intelligent management assistance
to manage network failures as they occur in a typical application
service provider (ASP) environment.
What sort of changes in software architecture and networking protocols
enable this sort of sophisticated network management in the Internet age?
In fact, the EMS scenario we've painted is still pretty much a "work in
progress." JMX is a key step toward realizing the universal management of
dynamic networks with complete backward compatibility and support for
existing and legacy EMS infrastructures.
Leveraging the Java platform for network
management There are various features of the Java platform
that make it a natural candidate for the implementation of complex network
management solutions, including platform and OS independence, networking,
and dynamic adaptability.
Platform and OS
independence Because of the Java language's platform and OS
independence, it is no longer necessary for NMS developers to maintain a
version of the code base for every OS and hardware platform combination.
Instead, energy and effort to enhance product features can now be focused
behind one single code base.
Networking Unlike most
other programming languages, networking is a core part of the Java
platform. It is not an afterthought or a third-party library, and as such
it is guaranteed and certified to work in unison with the rest of the
OS/hardware platform. This is important because older network management
products often rely on third-party networking libraries to fulfill
requirements not satisfied by the platform/OS combination or to achieve
targeted stability.
Dynamic adaptability The
ability to dynamically and securely load classes across the network can be
readily leveraged by network management software. For example, a
Java-based EMS can support new devices or services simply by "loading" its
support module across a network, and software modules that implement
network management intelligence can be dynamically upgraded on demand.
JMX: A network management
specification JMX is an industry-wide collaborative effort
to create a set of specifications that will describe an extensible
architecture, API, and a set of distributed services for network
management using the Java programming language. It leverages the strengths
of the Java platform for network management as detailed earlier. At the
time of this writing, the most current specification is Java Management
Extension Instrumentation and Agent Specification, v1.1.
Deliverables of JMX include a set of specifications, documentation for
the APIs, a reference implementation conforming to the JMX spec, and a
compatibility test suite. See Resources
for access to JMX 1.1 specs and more information.
The goal of JMX is to define only the interfaces that make up the
systems within the JMX architecture, but not to dictate implentations and
policies when they are unneccessary. This philosophy is essential to gain
support from vendors with vested proprietary interest in existing network
and service management technologies. It will also enable new JMX-based
applications to enjoy the maximum freedom and flexibility in design --
avoiding situations where a prescribed implementation and policy may not
be appropriate for future needs. In this way, the reference implementation
provides only one example of how the set of interfaces specified can be
satisfied, but does not recommend or suggest ways to accomplish this.
Architecture and operational model of
JMX The architecture and operational model of JMX aim to
satisfy the following goals:
- Scalability: The ability to adapt from the management of a
handful of devices or services to the tens of thousands of manageable
endpoints that an Internet-age enterprise may have
- Legacy integration and compatibility: The ability to work in
harmony with existing NMS or EMS solutions, as well as legacy-manageable
endpoints that may not support JMX
- Low cost implementation: JMX compatibility can be engineered
into existing software products and devices easily, without major design
and coding effort
In the JMX architecture, taking a three-level, divide-and-conquer,
architectural approach reduces the complexity of scalable network
management. The three loosely coupled levels are illustrated in Figure
6. They are:
- Instrumentation Level: In this level, the manageable
endpoints (device, software service, and so on) are made accessible
through JMX-specified interfaces. This is done by creating Java objects
that expose configurable attributes, accessible operations, and events.
These objects are called ManagedBeans (MBeans for short).
Endpoints that are manageable through these objects are called
JMX-manageable resources in the specification. Legacy non-JMX devices
and servers (such as an SNMP-compatible device or subnetwork) can be
readily "adapted" into a JMX-manageable resource by providing a Java
MBean wrapper. JMX-manageable resources at this level can be designed
completely independently of objects at any other JMX architectural
- Agent Level: In this level, the internal architecture of JMX
agents is exposed. A JMX agent is a software component that
exposes a set of standardized agent services to remote management
components and directly controls the JMX-manageable resources through
their MBean interfaces. In fact, MBeans are managed inside a JMX agent
through an MBean server that can load and unload MBeans dynamically. The
interface to access the MBean server is specified by JMX. Value-added in
a large EMS system, such as localized intelligent monitoring and
automated response, can be implemented at this level of the JMX
architecture. Agents at this level can be designed independent of
objects at the other levels. Agents communicate with management
applications through connectors or protocol adapters. However, the
specification for these components are still works in progress.
- Distributed Services Level: In this level, the aim is to
specify the interfaces that provide for JMX Manager components. JMX
Managers can access agents or groups of agents to manage the
JMX-manageable resources that are exposed by the agents. Essentially,
these are interfaces for EMS application developers to program against.
Manager components can be EMS applications or an intermediate
intelligence layer that manages multiple agents and associated
Figure 6. Three levels of architecture for
Figure 6 illustrates the JMX objects at the three levels, as well as
the interfaces specified by JMX 1.1. Leveraging object-oriented design and
the Java programming language, each level in the JMX architecture is
highly componentized and separated by well-defined interfaces. Writing
compliant code to these well-specified interfaces ensures our
instrumentation and agent logic will work with any JMX 1.1-compatible
implementation. While the instrumentation and agent levels are mapped out
in the JMX 1.1 specification, the distributed services level is still the
subject of future specifications (shown in Figure 6 as a horizontal gray
dotted line and as the dotted boxes above). Standard JMX interfaces to
existing network management standards, including SNMP and CIM/WBEM are
being worked on concurrently by other groups.
Standard versus dynamic
MBeans Core to the instrumentation level are the MBean
interfaces. The MBean interfaces specify how attributes are to be
accessed, how operations (similar to methods in the Java programming
language) can be invoked, and how events are sent from the MBean. There
are two main types of MBeans, detailed in Table 1.
Table 1. Standard and dynamic MBeans
MBean Type |
Description |
Standard MBean |
All the attributes, operations, and events
associated with a standard MBean are specified statically in its
interface. They are fixed and do not change with time. Standard
MBeans must implement a management interface that is coded to fixed
coding conventions (called lexical design patterns in the JMX
1.1 specs), detailed in the MBean specification. For example, to
instrument a class called WebServer using a standard MBean, its
management interface must be called WebServerMBean . A
JMX agent will typically use introspection to discover the
management interface of a standard MBean. |
Dynamic MBean |
All dynamic MBeans implement the
javax.management.DynamicMBean interface. The set of
attributes, operations, and events associated with the MBean is not
determined until run time, using the DynamicMBean
interface. This caters to manageable JMX resources that have
attributes, operations, and events that may vary over time (for
example, an instrumented application server may support different
attributes with different release levels -- Tomcat 4.1.4 versus
Tomcat 4.1.5). It is also a natural fit for instrumentation of
federated network technologies such as Jini/Jiro.
Dynamic MBean specializations: Model and
Open MBeans There are two subtypes of Dynamic MBeans for
special purposes, shown in Table 2:
Table 2. Model and Open MBeans
MBean Type |
Description |
Model MBean |
All JMX implementations must supply an
instance of a Model MBean -- implementing the
javax.management.modelmbean.ModelMBean interface. It
must be called
javax.management.modelmbean.RequiredModelMBean . Model
MBeans provide a "ready-to-go" MBean implementation that you can use
immediately to quickly instrument any JMX-manageable resources. It
is a pre-fabricated, generic, dynamic MBean class, offered as part
of the reference implementation, that already has implementations
for all the required default behaviors -- allowing you to add or
override those that you need to customize at run time. This enables
Java-based, non-instrumented resources to provide a guaranteed
compatible MBean facade at run time, enabling them to be managed
through the JMX architecture. |
Open MBean |
An Open MBean is a dynamic MBean where all
the attributes of the MBean belong to a set of specified Java data
types (String , Integer ,
Float , and so on), and the bean provides
self-describing data through the
javax.management.openmbean.* set of interfaces. Any
agent and any manager/EMS can easily manage the JMX-manageable
resources represented by these beans. Details of Open MBean are not
fully specified in JMX 1.1, and the reference implementation does
not include them. |
Figure 7 illustrates how MBean is used to add instrumentation to a
device and a software service. Note that the corresponding MBean is the
JMX-internal representation of the device or service. Any MBean registered
with the MBean server (discussed later) in the JMX agent can have its
management interface (attributes, operations, and events) exposed to
remote NMSs or other JMX applications. When we add MBeans to instrument a
device or software service, however, we do not have to consider what sort
of JMX agent or NMS will be used for management.
Figure 7. Operational model of JMX
Persistent MBeans Some
MBeans may require persistence support to ensure proper operation. These
MBeans should always implement the
javax.management.PersistentMBean interface. This interface
only has a save() and load() method. The
persistent MBean implementation is responsible for calling the
load() method during bean construction to initialize the
MBean's state based on persisted values.
Inside the JMX agent Figure
7 reveals the anatomy of a typical JMX agent. Note that the four major
components inside an agent are the MBean server, a set of agent services,
connectors and protocol adapters, and custom agent logic.
MBean server The MBean
server is a core component inside an agent. All MBeans must be registered
with the MBean server before they can be accessed by remote applications.
Registered MBeans are addressed by unique object names when working with
the MBean server. Remote manager applications (or distributed services)
can discover and access an MBean only through its management interface
(exposed attributes, operations, and events).
Agent services Agents also
provide a set of agent services that can be used by the custom agent logic
to operate on the registered MBeans in the MBean server. These services
are mandatory for compliance to JMX 1.1 -- all agents must provide them.
Interestingly, these services can be implemented in the form of MBeans
themselves. Implementing a service in the form of an MBean can provide
several benefits:
- The service's operations can be remotely accessed through a Manager
component or EMS.
- The service itself can be remotely managed by an EMS, accessed from
remote manager applications.
- Update of the service logic can be performed dynamically at run time
by downloading the MBean.
Table 3 shows the set of agent services defined in the JMX 1.1
Table 3. Agent services required by JMX 1.1
m-let or Management Applet
service |
Enables dynamic class loading across the
network from the URL location (see
javax.management.loading.MLetMBean and associated
classes/interfaces). |
Monitor Service |
Converts an expensive remote-poll
operation to a local one; will monitor an MBean's attribute for
specified changes and send an event when the change is
observed. |
Timer Service |
Sends an event when a specified amount of
time elapses or periodically at a specified interval (see
javax.management.monitor.MonitorMBean and
associated/interfaces). |
Relation Service |
Enables the definition of relationships
between MBeans and enforces integrity of the relationship(s) (see
javax.management.relation.RelationServiceMBean and
associated classes/interfaces). |
Value-added agent
logic Value-added agent logic is typically the code that we
write. It is the custom agent logic that may provide localized
intelligence to manage the JMX-manageable resources registered with this
agent. For example, if we have two redundant clusters of application
servers, we can create a custom agent that monitors load levels and
redirects incoming requests to different clusters dynamically -- by
operating on the MBeans of the registered servers. Often, the vendor of an
NMS may also supply custom logic. Once the specification of the
distributed services solidifies, it is foreseeable that certain custom
agent logic may work in unison with custom remote JMX manager components
to provide higher-level network-management functions.
Connectors and protocol
adapters The agent does not communicate with distributed
services, NMSs, or other management applications directly. Instead,
connectors and protocol adapters are used. This architecture is consistent
with the J2EE Connector Architecture (see Resources).
A protocol adapter is a software component that provides access to the
agent-managed resources through a standardized protocol, such as HTTP and
A connector is a specialty software component that provides a remote
interface to the agent and/or managed resources at the agent (typically
done using remote procedure call technologies such as CORBA or RMI --
often over SSL for security). When an agent has multiple connectors and
protocols active, the resource being managed may be accessed by multiple
heterogeneous applications or NMSs simultaneously. Protocol adapters can
be used to provide backward compatibility to existing and established
NMSs. For example, we can create a common information model/Web-based
enterprise management (CIM/WEBM) adapter for NMSs that supports this
standard, or we could create a telecommunications management
network (TMN) protocol adapter to enable operation, administration,
and maintenance (OAM) on telecommunications resources managed by JMX
agents. The precise specifications for JMX connectors and protocol
adapters are subjects of specifications being developed concurrently (see
Growing application support for JMX
1.1 While only the instrumentation and agent level of the
JMX architecture is fully defined, it has already gained widespread
support among Java-based enterprise technology developers.
J2EE 1.4 and JMX The
August 18, 2002, proposed final draft version of the J2EE v1.4 (see Resources)
details how JMX-based instrumentation will become a standard part of the
J2EE Web container (JSP/Servlet Engine), EJB container, and application
client container. This is a natural evolution because the wide deployment
of J2EE-based servers is making manageability a definite requirement. (As
you can imagine, manual or ad hoc configuration, management, and
monitoring in a large site with hundreds of deployed servers is nearly
Thus far, commercial server products have supported manageability
through proprietary means or special additions that make the product
compatible with existing NMS products. The standardization of JMX as the
management substrate in the J2EE v1.4 specs will go a long way to ensure
that server products from different vendors will be compatible with (and
can be managed by) NMSs universally.
Implementation case study: Apache
Jakarta Tomcat 4.1.x Consistent with the J2EE v1.4
specifications, the latest beta version of the Tomcat 4.1.x server has
already integrated JMX instrumentation. See the Resources
section for information on where to download it. Most of the Tomcat
instrumentation is centered on the configuration components, which
correspond to run-time objects within Tomcat's Catalina engine.
Configuration components (such as <Engine>, <Host>,
<Server>, <Service>, <Connector>, <Context>, and
<Realm>), formerly modifiable only through the
server.xml and web.xml file in the
conf directory, are now all instrumented through JMX MBean
If you examine the org.apache.catalina.mbeans package
(either in the source code distribution or the API Javadoc), you will see
all the JMX instrumentation MBean classes that expose these Tomcat
configuration components. Some examples include
org.apache.catalina.mbeans.StandardContextMBean that
instruments the <Context> configuration component, while the
instruments the <MemoryUserdatabase> component. If you examine the
actual source code, you will find that the Tomcat 4 instrumentation makes
extensive use of the Model MBean template supplied by the JMX
Currently, Tomcat 4.1.x uses the MX4J JMX implementation, an open
source licensed JMX implementation, instead of Sun's reference JMX
implementation. However, both implementations are completely JMX 1.1
compatible. See the Resources
section to find a link to the latest version of MX4J.
One immediate benefit of the extensive Tomcat instrumentation is that a
Web-based GUI administration application can be readily created. Tomcat
4.1.x provides such an application, called admin. The application
itself is created using the Struts application framework and JSP
technology. It accesses all the configuration components (same as those
defined in the server.xml file) via the MBean server of the local JMX
agent. The JMX agent is created, in Tomcat's case, by the
org.apache.catalina.mbeans.ServerLifeCycleListener class.
This is a LifeCycleListener that will be invoked upon Tomcat
startup and shutdown.
To try out this JMX-based admin utility, you must first edit the
tomcat-users.xml file under the conf directory
of the Tomcat distribution. Make sure you add the admin role to the tomcat
<user username="tomcat" password="tomcat" roles="tomcat,admin"/>
This is the file that will be used by the <MemoryUserdatabase>
component to authenticate access during runtime, and a user must have the
admin role to run the utility. Next, start up Tomcat 4.1.x.
Open a browser and type the URL:
On the login page, type:
Username: tomcat
Password: tomcat
Now, explore the admin utility and observe how JMX MBean has
enabled the real-time display and modification of the Catalina
configuration component values. For example, Figure 8 shows the
configuration page for the attributes of a <Context> configuration
Figure 8. Tomcat 4 GUI admin utility based on JMX
Of course, in addition to the admin Web-based application, the
instrumentation of Tomcat also enables it to be managed by other agents
and EMS.
Conclusions JMX achieves
its design goal of scalability, low implementation cost, and compatibility
with existing technology by leveraging the Java platform and careful
design. In the next article, we will work with the reference JMX 1.1 code,
implement our own Standard MBean and Dynamic MBean, leverage the required
Model MBean for quick instrumentation, and experiment with a JMX agent.
- Download the
latest JMX specification, reference implementation, and compatibility
test suite.
- For a completely open source implementation of JMX 1.1, also the
current JMX used by Jakarta Tomcat, check out the MX4J Project.
- For more information on SNMP, consult the Internet Engineering Task
Force's Request For
Comments 1157 document, or see the latest developments in SNMP
Version 3.
- For detailed information and the latest developments on CIM/WEBM,
take a look at the Distributed Management
Task Force's Web site.
- The latest version of Tomcat 4.1.x server, with JMX 1.1
instrumentation, can be downloaded from The Jakarta
Project. Source code distribution is also available.
- For on-going work on the specification of JMX distributed services,
protocol adapters, and connectors see JSR 160 JMX Remoting 1.2,
JSR 146 WEBM Services,
and JSR 70 IIOP Protocol
Adapter for JMX.
- JMX features an agent connector/adapter architecture similar to the
J2EE Connector
- J2EE 1.4 will feature completely JMX-instrumented containers.
Download the latest version of the emerging J2EE 1.4 specification.
- Tivoli
software from IBM features secure enterprise management solutions that
support a wide variety of existing and emerging network management
standards, including TMX4J,
a JMX-compatible implementation, available from alphaWorks.
- "Management
application programming" (developerWorks, May 2001) is the
first in a three-part series that looks at how Sun Microsystems's Jiro
technology and the Distributed Management Task Force's Web-Based
Enterprise Management Initiative (WBEM) can simplify the creation of
management applications for heterogeneous environments.
- In "Developing
JSP tag libraries with Apache Tomcat" (WebSphere
Developer Domain, May 2001), get hands-on experience attaching
VisualAge for Java to an installed Apache Tomcat 4.0 server.
- JSR109,
Web services for J2EE, (developerWorks, August 2001) defines
how Web services are supported in a J2EE 1.3 or J2EE 1.4 application
- Be sure to visit the newest developerWorks product domain Tivoli Developer
Domain for technical information about Tivoli software and security
- Find hundreds of Java technology-related resources on the developerWorks
Java technology zone.
About the
Sing Li is the author of Early
Adopter JXTA and Professional Jini, as well as numerous
other books with Wrox Press. He is a regular contributor to
technical magazines, and is an active evangelist of the P2P
evolution. Sing is a consultant and freelance writer, and can be
reached at westmakaha@yahoo.com. |
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