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High-impact Web tier clustering, Part 1: Scaling Web services and applications with JavaGroups
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Scaling at the Web tier
Visualizing the scaling problem
JavaGroups architecture
Communications coding patterns
Distributed data structures
Pluggable Channel implementation
Programming with JavaGroups
Exploring session replication
Testing the visual shopping cart
A problem
Coding state transfer logic
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A hands-on exercise with the distributed solutions toolkit

Level: Intermediate

Sing Li ( Web services and applications with JavaGroups)
Author, Wrox Press
1 July 2003

As the J2EE platform has matured, it has opened up the opportunity to deploy commodity servers in networked cluster configurations for scaling of Web services and Web applications at the Web tier. These commodity servers, interconnected through commodity LAN hardware, can provide cost-effective clustering solutions. The last piece of the clustering puzzle is in the software. In this series, Sing Li examines three open source software substrates that can enable high-impact Web tier clustering, beginning with JavaGroups.

On the Internet, the popularity of J2EE-based Web applications and Web services has pushed the requirement to handle thousands (or more) users simultaneously to the forefront. It is no longer a "future deliverable" luxury in many commercial deployments, but a necessity. In this competitive business environment, an online shop that hangs or crashes when there are too many shoppers simply will not survive. While scalable solutions are widely available for the transaction tier of the J2EE model (for databases, transaction monitors, message queues, and so on), solutions for scaling Web applications or services at the Web tier are still emerging. In this series, we'll take a look at several software technologies that can be applied to scale applications at the Web tier. Each technology takes a different approach and resolves a slightly different set of issues. In this first article, we will examine a popular open source distributed communication substrate called JavaGroups.

Scaling applications at the Web tier
There are tried-and-true ways to scale the Web tier. The intuitive way to scale up the number of concurrent sessions handled by a service is to add resources to the application server. These resources can take the form of memory, disk space (storage resources), and CPU (computing resource). Figure 1 illustrates this single-machine approach to scalability:

Figure 1. Scaling the Web tier on a single SMP server
Scaling Web tier on a single server

The roadblocks to this approach are the hard limit imposed by the address space of the processor used and the limits of commodity (reasonable cost) symmetric multiprocessor (SMP) hardware. Server configurations beyond four processors might require proprietary or custom hardware to handle the resource load and can quickly become costly to acquire and maintain. These restrictions place a practical upper limit to the number of user sessions we can handle on the Web tier with a single-server solution.

Don't miss the rest of this series

Part 2, "Building adaptive, scalable solutions with JavaSpaces" (September 2003)

In addition to the limit on sessions, the single-server solution is often not a robust solution because of its single point of failure. Availability could be sporadic because the service is not available when the single server is down. While there are viable technical solutions to the problem (such as hot-swappable, redundant back-up resources), these solutions can also be very costly.

Micro and minicomputer system manufacturers have long turned to clustering as a viable solution to the scalability problem. Clustering enables a group of (typically loosely coupled) servers to operate logically as a single server. The advantages of clustering include:

  • Elimination of a single point of failure
  • High service availability if multiple servers in the cluster can handle the same service
  • Load balancing by diverting requests to the least loaded server hosting the same service

Recently, clustering has "hit the mainstream" due to a number of converging factors:

  • J2EE Web tier containers (application servers) technology is finally maturing, and their state management and operational models are well specified and understood. By replicating the state of Web tier containers across a cluster of servers, you can implement a scalable service solution.

  • The cost of commodity PC-based servers is at historically low levels (with CPU power per server continuing to increase), making clustering more affordable than ever.

  • High-speed LAN-based interconnects are widely available and inexpensive. At the same time, sockets, TCP/IP, and higher level networking APIs make the programming requirement quite simple. Now you can use LAN-based interconnects for a cluster in place of proprietary hardware link/bus-interconnects.

  • The wide adoption of the open source Linux operating system enables even custom clustering solutions to be implemented, maintained, and sustained in a non-proprietary manner.

While these LAN-connected, commodity server-based clustering solutions often do not have the hard guarantees of well-calibrated, finely-tuned, custom-designed proprietary systems, they do offer a highly cost-effective solution for implementing scalable, available, load-balanced systems. Figure 2 illustrates the topology of this commodity hardware-based solution:

Figure 2. Scaling the Web tier with networked server clusters
Scaling Web tier with networked server clusters

Of course, having the right hardware is only half the story. Instead of writing custom networking communications software for every specific application, it would be ideal if some generic "glue" software could be found for creating cluster solutions. This is an emerging area of practical research, and is the final enabler that can make commodity-clustered solutions a reality. Before discussing how JavaGroups, the open source distributed communication substrate, can provide this glue, let's first get a better picture of the Web tier scaling problem.

Visualizing the scaling problem at the Web tier
Imagine a shopper at an online store. She has been going through catalogs and placed several items in her shopping cart. Typical shopping cart implementations manage a session on the server. The key to the session is either stored as a cookie on the client's browser or URLs that have been rewritten with attached session ID information. Subsequent requests from her browser will send back this session ID, enabling the server to track her session. Many shoppers may be online concurrently, and the online store service must manage all the sessions. In our scenario, we will assume that these sessions are non-persistent and that they are stored in memory by the online store service.

The problem with scaling is that if the online store site is actually serviced by a cluster of machines, successive requests for a particular session must all be directed to the same machine (because the session is stored only on that machine). By externalizing the sessions and replicating it across a cluster of servers, all servers in the cluster can take the incoming shopper requests for any replicated session.

It is certainly possible to write our own custom networking software to handle this session replication. Due to the possibility of network hardware failure, however, this software can be difficult to code, test, and maintain. Thankfully, JavaGroups provides ready-to-deploy solutions for session replication in a cluster.

To understand how this replication works, and why several open source application servers have already selected JavaGroups for session replication, let's examine JavaGroups in more details.

JavaGroups architecture
JavaGroups is a software toolkit (API library) for designing, implementing, and experimenting with distributed system solutions (more precisely, in the academic realm, it is known as process group communications). The architecture of JavaGroups is divided into two interrelated pieces, as shown in Figure 3. A Java API abstraction called a Channel provides the boundary of separation.

Figure 3. Conceptual architecture of JavaGroups
Conceptual architecture of JavaGroups

This boundary also separates the two distinct roles of potential JavaGroups users: distributed application developers and protocol implementers.

JavaGroups users
On top of the Channel boundary, we have distributed application developers who will use JavaGroups as a substrate to perform distributed operations. In fact, that is our role -- we are distributed application developers who will use JavaGroups to implement Web tier clustering.

Below the Channel boundary, JavaGroups supports a flexibly stackable, run-time reconfigurable, 100-percent pure Java protocol stacking framework. This is a fantasy come true for communications protocol experimenters, designers, and implementers. Using the framework, you can write and test a moderately complex protocol implementation within a couple of pages of Java code -- making it easy to debug, maintain, and evolve. Programming at the protocol framework level is beyond the scope of this series, but interested readers can consult the "JavaGroups User's Guide" in the Resources section.

Virtual synchrony versus probabilistic broadcast
The basic set of JavaGroups microprotocols, included with the JChannel implementation, provides some very strong guarantees in terms of quality of service for the protocol stack. The group management service (GMS), is based on the virtual synchrony model (see Resources for a reference book on this topic). Each member installs a sequence of views (membership lists) through time and is guaranteed to receive the same set of messages between views. Any message sent in one view is also guaranteed to be received in that view. While stable for small memberships, the implementation is not scalable to a very large membership. In fact, the virtual synchrony implementation in JavaGroups can be quite problematic with large group memberships.

To support very large memberships -- where probabilistic rather than absolute guarantees are acceptable -- JavaGroups supplies a set of protocols based on probabilistic broadcast. These protocols are scalable and stable as the membership grows.

JavaGroups Channel
A Channel is a socket-like entity that has a lot of value added to make our distributed programming life simpler. As distributed application developers, we program above the Channel line, and Channel provides a facade for us to access the rich protocol support provided by JavaGroups.

Like a socket, a Channel has an address associated with it and is the object we use to send and receive data. Unlike a socket, however, the address associated with a Channel is opaque (application developers need not know the physical details of the address) and the data that we send and receive from a Channel are messages -- a higher-level entity than a socket's packet.

To be useful for process group communications, a Channel is associated with a group of processes. Every Channel has a textual Channel name (sometimes called a group address) associated with it, and Channel instances with the same name logically belong to the same group.

Group membership management in a distributed network is not an easy problem to solve or program. In fact, group membership management is one of JavaGroup's most valuable features. The protocol stack below the Channel abstraction can perform group membership management for us, keeping track of members as they join and leave the group. You even have a choice of using algorithms based on virtual synchrony or probabilistic broadcast (see Virtual synchrony versus probabilistic broadcast).

Together, the address and Channel name uniquely identify a Channel instance. To use a Channel instance, you must first connect to it. Only one process can connect to a Channel instance at a time. You can also disconnect from a Channel instance, freeing it for use by others, or close a Channel instance to permanently disable it. Figure 4 illustrates how Channel instances facilitate process group communications:

Figure 4. Communications with JavaGroups Channels
Communications with JavaGroups Channel

Figure 4 shows four Channel instances on three machines over a LAN. Note that all Channel instances have the same Channel name, but different physical addresses. Each physical address in this case consists of <IP address: port>, allowing multiple physical addresses on the same host (one IP address). Also, note that only one process is connected to each Channel instance. All four processes belong to the same group.

Communications in process groups
You can send messages through a Channel to a specific member of the group (unicast) or to all members of the group (multicast). To send message to a specific member of the group, you need its address.

Since the Channel manages group membership for us, you can always obtain the members in the current "view" by retrieving the membership list from the Channel. In addition, you can also obtain view changes (membership change notifications) from the Channel as it occurs. Figure 5 illustrates the separation of responsibility between the distributed application developer and the Channel abstraction:

Figure 5. Functional view of JavaGroups Channel
Functional view of JavaGroups Channel

Reusable communications coding patterns
To further simplify distributed application programming, JavaGroups offers a collection of frequently used communications coding patterns in the form of Java classes. You can use many of these programming patterns (also called building blocks) instead of, or in addition to, direct access to the Channel abstractions.

You can find all of these patterns in the org.javagroups.blocks package. Table 1 shows a partial listing of the most useful building blocks:

Table 1. Coding patterns building blocks
Class Name Description
PullPushAdapter Alleviates the need for the user to check the Channel for incoming messages. The user registers a listener, and the adapter will call back upon receipt of incoming messages or change of view.
MessageDispatcher Encapsulates the synchronous sending of a request to all members and correlates the subsequent receipt of responses. Can wait for first response, all responses, a specific number of responses, majority, or timeout. API is push in nature, through registration of a MessageListener. In addition, the user can register a RequestHandler to deal with incoming requests to the Channel.
RpcDispatcher Layered on top of MessageDispatcher, adds remote method invocation semantics to the message dispatcher-managed scenario. Enables the user to call remote methods and correlates return values from all or a subset of members. Also supports incoming remote calls from other RpcDispatcher instances by using reflection on a server object supplied by the user.
ConnectionTable A TCP connections manager that uses a thread pool to handle incoming connections. Reuses existing outgoing TCP connections to send messages.

The coding patterns are applicable to many distributed designs, and are specially created to work well with JavaGroups Channels. For example, by programming to RpcDispatcher, you can substantially reduce the code required for distributed applications involving remote procedure call semantics.

Ready-to-use distributed data structures
Other coding patterns in the org.javagroups.blocks package provide complete, ready-to-use, high-level distributed data structures, a partial list of which is shown in Table 2:

Table 2. High-level distributed data structures as building blocks
Class Name Description
ReplicatedTree Manages a complete distributed tree data structure, replicating all changes reliably to group members. Any member can add and delete nodes.
DistributedHashtable Implements a replicated hash table that will propagate changes of the hash table to all group members.
NotificationBus Self-contained (creates its own Channel) building block implementing a notification bus where consumers can register for notification sent by producers. Each group member can participate in either or both roles. Designed to support the implementation of a replicated cache.

Pluggable Channel implementation
So far, we've talked about the JavaGroups Channel as if it is a concrete implementation. However, Channel is actually an abstract class in JavaGroups. In fact, the current JavaGroups distribution comes with multiple Channel implementations, as illustrated in Figure 6:

Figure 6. Channel abstraction and concrete implementations
Channel abstraction and concrete implementations

JChannel is the 100-percent pure Java implementation of the flexible protocol stack framework, combined with an extensible collection of protocols. This is the most frequently used Channel implementation.

EnsembleChannel accesses Ensemble (see Resources), a robust process groups communication substrates (non-Java), through a connector written in the Java language.

It is also possible to extend JavaGroups by creating your own Channel implementation.

Programming with JavaGroups
A typical usage scenario for JavaGroups involves the following:

  1. Instantiates a Channel and initializes the required protocol stack
  2. Connects to the Channel
  3. Starts sending messages or processing incoming messages (possibly with the help of the building blocks)
  4. Disconnects and closes the Channel

Assuming we are using JChannel, we can create a protocol stack by simply setting an initialization string (alternatively, an external XML-based configuration file may also be used -- see the JavaGroups User's Guide link in the Resources section for more information on the XML-based configuration). Listing 1 is an example of such a string:

Listing 1. Configuration string for JavaGroups initialization

"UDP: PING: FD(timeout=5000): STABLE:" +
"VERIFY_SUSPECT(timeout=1500):MERGE:" +
"NAKACK:UNICAST(timeout=5000)" +

Each component of the string, separated by a colon (:), specifies a microprotocol that implements a composable protocol feature or quality. In fact, each microprotocol is implemented by a Java class of the same name and is loaded at run time by JChannel. Many of these microprotocols can be found in the org.javagroups.protocol package, but the protocol designer is free to use any package name. Each microprotocol specified in the stack can have one or more associated properties that can be set in parentheses in the initialization string. The protocol stack is built from the bottom up at run time, layer upon layer of microprotocol, according to the initialization string.

Run-time configurable, stackable microprotocols
Table 3 shows descriptions of some of the frequently used microprotocols, including ones used by our sample initialization string. For more information on individual property details, see the Resources section for a link to the "JavaGroups User's Guide."

Table 3. JavaGroups microprotocols
Microprotocol Name Description
CAUSAL Causal ordering of messages within group. Implementation uses a vectored clock.
FD Failure detection using heartbeat protocol. Heartbeat messages are sent to neighbor members according to ordering in membership list.
FD_SOCK Failure detection based on TCP sockets. Ring-based pings are sent between neighboring members. Works best when all members are on the same physical host.
FD_PID Failure detection using process ID (native JNI code to obtain PID required). Works only on the same hosts (one IP address).
FD_PROB Failure detection using probabilistic algorithm. Every member of the group sends heartbeat and maintains heartbeat counters of others.
FLOW_CONTROL Flow control implementation limiting maximum number of messages sent between message receipts.
FLUSH Flushes all messages in a consistent way across all members. Typically performed before view changes.
FRAG Message fragmentation and reassembly. Ensures larger messages are fragmented to FRAG_SIZE before being sent down the stack. Fragmented messages are reassembled at the receiver before being sent up the stack.
GMS Group management service. Manages group membership based on the virtual synchrony model.
Merge separated subgroups. Subgroups are formed when the network separates into partitions due to failure.
NACKACK Implements reliable transmission. Requests retransmission of missing messages based on message sequence numbers. Ensures proper ordering of messages delivered from each originating Channel.
JMS Use Java Message Service for transport. Works with any JMS implementation.
STATE_TRANSFER Implements state transfer protocol, enabling new members to obtain existing state from coordinator or all members. Requires FLUSH microprotocol to be on the protocol stack.
UNICAST Implements reliable unicast transmission. Requests retransmission of missing messages and ensures proper ordering of delivered messages.
VIEW_ENFORCER Discards messages until the first VIEW_CHANGE is received. Client does not need to process messages until it is a member of a group.
STABLE Implements distributed garbage collection protocol (that is, deletes all messages that have been received by all members of the group).
VERIFY_SUSPECT Sends message to ensure that a previously suspected member has indeed crashed.
UDP Typically used as the lowest layer for group message transport. IP multicast is used for group broadcast, while UDP is used for point-to-point communications.
PING Used to bootstrap membership management. Uses IP multicast "ping" messages to locate members and then request them to join group.

In addition, JavaGroups supports a set of probabilistic broadcast-based protocols that can scale to very large memberships (see Virtual synchrony versus probabilistic broadcast). Table 4 shows a partial list:

Table 4. Microprotocols based on probabilistic broadcast
Protocol Description
pbcast.GMS Group management service, based on probabilistic broadcast (gossip). Does not require FLUSH.
pbcast.FD Passive failure detection based on gossip. Does not send heartbeat message.
pbcast.PBCAST Implements probabilistic broadcast, gossips regularly to a random subset of the membership.
pbcast.STABLE Implements distributed garbage collection protocol (that is, deletes all messages that have been received by all members of the group).
pbcast.NAKACK Negative acknowledgement implementation for retransmission of missing messages and sequenced delivery of messages.
pbcast.STATE_TRANSFER Uses probabilistic broadcast for state transfer implementation. Does not require QUEUE.

To traverse WANs and firewalls, JavaGroups also provides the microprotocol support shown in Table 5:

Table 5. Microprotocols for WAN and firewall traversal
TCP Used in place of UDP as the lowest layer transport. Sends multiple unicast messages to members through TCP connections instead of multicast (not possible). Reliability, FIFO ordering, and flow control are already built-in.
TCPPING Uses a known set of members to bootstrap the membership management over TCP.
TCPGOSSIP Uses an external gossip (see Resources) server to locate initial set of members for bootstrap of membership management.
TUNNEL Enables tunneling through firewalls when used in place of UDP or TCP as the lowest layer transport. Works in conjunction with a JavaGroups Router process outside of the firewall.

JavaGroups: A vibrant open source community with an excellent pedigree
JavaGroups is an open source community with an eclectic mix of participants. Read more about the community and how it got its start.

Exploring session replication with a visual shopping cart
To see how we can use JavaGroups for session replication -- enabling Web tier clustering -- we can create a sample visual shopping cart called JGCart. JGCart represents an x-ray view into a single session managed by a Web application server. Imagine that there are hundreds of these on each application server instance. Figure 7 shows the GUI for this visual shopping cart:

Figure 7. GUI of a visual shopping cart (JGCart)
GUI of visual shopping cart (JGCart)

Shopping cart GUI and event flow
At the top of the cart is a product catalog. We can select any category of product by clicking its tab. Clicking the Buy button next to the item we want adds it to the cart below. The cart keeps track of the items that we have ordered -- including price and quantity -- and calculates the extended price (price per item multiplied by the quantity ordered). This is the visual representation of a single shopping cart session within an application server. At any time, an application server may be managing many such sessions in memory. We can use JavaGroups to enable replication of sessions such as this one in a way that is easy to program and maintain.

Figure 8 shows the hierarchy of GUI components in our JGCart application. The entire GUI is created using the Swing GUI library.

Figure 8. GUI components assembly of JGCart
GUI components assembly of JGCart

On the top half of the GUI is the CatalogUI component. CatalogUI is a JPanel component with a managed JTabbedPane displaying a list of CatalogItem components. Each CatalogItem is a JPanel component with a JButton and two JLabel components. JButton is the Buy button, and the two JLabels display the description and price of each item.

CatalogUI supports the forwarding of Buy events by offering a setOrderListener() method. The OrderListener interface is used to forward an OrderEvent from the CatalogUI component whenever a Buy button is clicked. Figure 9 shows the event forwarding action:

Figure 9. Event flow in JGCart
Event flow in JGCart

On the bottom half of the GUI in Figure 8, we have the OrderList component. This component is a JPanel with a managed JTable displaying the content of the shopping cart at any time. The managed JTable has a custom model (containing the data displayed), as implemented by our OrderTableModel class. This custom model ensures that the state we maintain in our session -- in an instance of the CartState class -- is synchronized with what is displayed within the managed JTable. We can update the data in the model (and thus the data displayed) at any time by using the OrderTableModel.changeData() method.

Programming the GUI and wiring the events flow
We can see in Listing 2 (highlighted in red) how the CatalogUI component is wired to the OrderList component by the CreateUIandPrepChannel() and addOrderItem() methods of the JGCart class.

Note that the addOrderItem() method is not directly called due to a Buy button click event. Instead, the Buy button click generates the broadcast of an AddItemMessage message to all the members of the cluster, including the member who sent the message. It is during the handling of this message, through the receive() method of the MessageListener interface (which the JGCart class implements), where the addOrderItem() method will be called. This effectively replicates all changes in the cart to all members of the group.

If you are interested in the detailed operations of all the GUI classes, see the Resources section to download the source code.

Listing 2. Creating the GUI and forwarding events in JGCart

 private void CreateUIandPrepChannel() {
  mainFrame=new JFrame();

      subPanel = new JPanel();
      subPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(2,1));
      catUI = new CatalogUI();
      orderModel = new OrderTableModel(Arrays.asList(data));       
      ordList = new OrderList(orderModel);
      mainFrame.getContentPane().add("Center", subPanel);
  private void addOrderItem(String desc, Integer price) {
      cstate.addOrderItem(desc, price);

Testing the visual shopping cart
To observe the session replication behavior of this application, perform the following steps:

  1. Start an instance of JGCart on your system by using the run.bat batch file (under the src directory of the code distribution). You will need to edit the run.bat file specifying where your JavaGroups library is located.

  2. Start another instance on another PC on the same LAN (or start another instance on the same PC if you're not working on a LAN).

  3. On the first instance, click on the catalog, then click the Buy button for several items. Note that the session state changes are replicated immediately to the other machine.

Figure 10 illustrates the two replicated sessions as represented by JGCart. Notice how they are kept in sync with one another.

Figure 10. Replicated JGCart sessions
Replicated JGCart sessions

If you have more than two machines on the LAN, you can easily extend this experimental cluster to more machines -- just start new instances of JGCart on those machines.

Now, imagine that this shopping cart session is running inside an application server and the server hardware crashes. We can simulate this scenario by closing the first JGCart instance. Of course, it is easy to see that we can continue to shop by sending requests to the second instance of the session. In clustering terms, this is a fail-over. The ability to survive hardware crashes across a number of servers within the cluster ensures high availability of the service.

In fact, even if there is no system crash, shopping cart requests can be directed to either server A or B at any time, since the session exists on both servers and can be changed on either server. The incoming request can be directed to the server currently with the lowest workload (called load balancing), transparent to the shopper. As you can see, Web tier session replication across a cluster of machines using JavaGroups can provide high availability service, with fail-over and load balancing possibilities.

A problem in session replication
As I'll now illustrate, there can be problems with session replication. Start another instance of JGCart (on another machine over the LAN or on the same machine). Now, go back to the original instance and add some more items. Figure 11 illustrates what you should see:

Figure 11. Out of sync replicated JGCart sessions
Out of sync replicated JGCart sessions

While all the additions to the shopping cart session are still being replicated to the second instance, the two instances are completely out of sync. The reason for this problem, of course, is that the second instance was started after we had already placed several items into the first shopping cart. We did not have this problem initially because all replicated sessions were started at the same time.

In cluster implementations, it is unreasonable to insist that clustered machines be started at the same time. In fact, we should be able to add machines or remove machines at any time. This requires that the newly joining clustered machine be able to request the "current state" from the replicated sessions. Not surprisingly, JavaGroup's JChannel provides a STATE_TRANSFER microprotocol specifically for this purpose. See the Resources section for details about the STATE_TRANSFER microprotocol implementation.

Coding state transfer logic with JavaGroups
To incorporate state transfer functionality in the JGCart application, we must add code that will perform the following tasks:

  1. Set Channel options to respond to GET_STATE requests. By default, any GET_STATE event from the STATE_TRANSFER protocol will not be propagated up to the application to simplify typical client implementations. In our case, we want to receive the GET_STATE event. Listing 3 shows how we set the option (highlighted in red). This is done inside the PrepareChannel() method.

  2. After you're connected to the Channel, call JChannel's getState() method to obtain the current state from the cluster (since the session is identically replicated in the cluster, this can be obtained from any member), as shown in Listing 3 (highlighted in green). Again, it is part of the PrepareChannel() method.

    Listing 3. Preparing the Channel for state transfer
    private void PrepareChannel() throws Exception  {
        Channel=new JChannel(props);
        Channel.setOpt(Channel.GET_STATE_EVENTS, Boolean.TRUE); 
        System.out.println("Connecting to " + groupname);
        padapter =new PullPushAdapter(Channel, this, this);

  3. After the SET_STATE request is received from the microprotocol stack, the PullPushAdapter instance will call back to the setState() method of the MessageListener interface. We need to implement this method to set our state. Listing 4 shows this implementation. Here, we simply set the private cstate variable, then update TableModel with cstate. This will update the GUI view automatically, because the Swing library routine will synchronize the GUI view with TableModel.

    Listing 4. Setting the state of JGCart during state transfer
        public void setState(Object state) {
                   if (state  == null) {
                             System.out.println("--  PullPush callback: 
                               initial SETSTATE with null arg.");
                             cstate = new CartState();
                       else {
                       // set our local state
                       cstate = (CartState) state;

  4. After the GET_STATE request has been received -- typically from a new member joining the cluster -- we need to return the current state. The PullPushAdapter class will call back on the getState() method of the MessageListener interface. Listing 5 shows our implementation of this method. We simply make a copy of the state, then return it as an object.

    Listing 5. Handling GET_STATE requests
    public Object getState() {
      System.out.println("-- PullPush callback: GetState has 
          been called!");
      return cstate.Copy();

    It is worthwhile to note that a deep copy (a member-by-member copy of every referenced Java object) of the state must be made because it is possible that the STATE_TRANSFER protocol may hold on to the state for awhile before it is transmitted on the wire. If any object referenced by the state is modified at this time, the state transmitted can become inconsistent. In fact, because the deep copy operation itself can take significant time, the state must be protected from concurrent access during the copy through synchronization of state operations.

  5. Finally, we need to call getState() ourselves during JGCart start up. The line highlighted in green in Listing 3 is responsible for this action and is part of the PrepareChannel() method. Note that the getState() call is asynchronous. It merely starts the STATE_TRANSFER protocol to obtain the state from the cluster, but it returns immediately. A setState() callback on the MessageListener interface by the PullPushAdapter class will occur sometime later.

The code in Listings 3 through 5 are in the source code (see Resources), but are commented out. To get the state transfer support functionality, remove the comments and recompile.

With the STATE_TRANSFER support in place, we are ready to try the JGCart cluster simulation again. First, start up a JGCart instance, then add several items to the cart. Now, simulate the addition of a new machine to the cluster by starting another JGCart instance. The instance now starts up with all the items in the cart, identical to the first instance. After it is started, we can use either JGCart to continue our shopping. JavaGroups' state transfer protocol enables us to add new machines to a cluster at any time.

Of course, if the state that needs to be transferred is very large, it may not be practical or even possible to send it over the wire to every new machine joining the cluster. This is especially true if machines are constantly joining and leaving the cluster. Fortunately, J2EE Servlet/JSP container-level implementations often involve a low membership count and infrequent membership changes (for instance, machines crashing or being taken out of the cluster for maintenance).

Commodity machine clusters can provide a scalable and highly available platform to deploy Web application and Web services. The networking software required for such clusters, however, is often custom to the specific application and can be daunting to write and test. JavaGroups, an open source distributed systems toolkit, can help by providing ready-to-deploy, high-level features such as:

  • Group membership management
  • Multicast and unicast message-based group communications
  • State transfer protocol
  • Functional distributed data structure
  • A library of reusable, frequently used communication coding patterns

By leveraging the features of JavaGroups, we have created a visual demonstration of a session replication mechanism for a clustered shopping cart Web application: JGCart. Experimenting with JGCart, we've seen how session replication can improve the availability and scalability of the Web tier application.

By using JavaGroups to handle the group communications, state transfer, and data replication aspects of a clustering solution, designers can focus on other application-specific requirements.


About the author
Sing Li is the author of Early Adopter JXTA and Professional Jini, as well as numerous other books with Wrox Press. He is a regular contributor to technical magazines and is an active evangelist of the P2P evolution. Sing is a consultant and freelance writer and can be reached at

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