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| Introduce temporal logic to assertions to supplement
E. Allen (mailto:eallen@cs.rice.edu?cc=&subject=Assertions
and temporal logic in Java programming) Ph.D. candidate, Java
programming languages team, Rice University 1 July 2002
Although traditional
assertions can increase the amount of checking that can be done over
Java code, there are many checks you just can't perform with them. One
way to fill this gap is with "temporal logic," a formalism used to
describe how a program state will change over time. In this article,
Eric Allen discusses assertions, introduces temporal logic, and
describes a tool for processing temporal logic assertions in your
programs. (The next article examines previous bug patterns and the
application of temporal logic.) Share your thoughts on this article
with the author and other readers in the discussion forum by clicking
Discuss at the top or bottom of the
We can all agree that more checking of your Java code is better than
less checking, and we've examined the use of assertions in testing new and
improved programming. But while traditional assertions can increase the
amount of checking that can be done, there are many checks we just can't
perform with them.
However, there is a way to fill the checking gap that assertions leave.
That is with the use of temporal logic. Temporal logic is a
formalism used to describe how a program state will change with time.
Let's discuss assertions and their properties and how temporal logic fits
into checking. Then we'll take a look at a tool for processing temporal
logic assertions.
Assertions and their
properties In addition to type checking and unit tests,
assertions provide a great way to determine that various properties are
maintained in a program.
Let's take a quick look at three categories of common assertion
properties (common, but which don't offer us the full coverage we'd like),
compare them with the types of program properties that can be expressed in
a traditional assertion language, and examine assertion properties that
are necessary for a multithreading context but are impossible to express
as conventional assertions. We'll also offer some code examples.
Common assertion
properties Traditionally, assertion properties fall into one
of these three categories:
- Pre-conditions assert that a property holds before execution
of a code block.
- Post-conditions assert that a property hold after execution
of a code block.
- Invariants assert that a property holds before and
after the execution of a code block.
As helpful as assertions of these typical forms can be, they don't
quite have the range for all the properties we'd like to be able to hold
in a program. Let's look at typical assertion-expressed program
Program properties expressable as
assertions This is just a short list of the types of program
properties that can be expressed in a traditional assertion language --
properties that any programmer would like in code:
- To ensure that any nonce is generated only once
- To assert that documents are never accessed by unauthorized agents
- To assert that each thread is given a chance to run
- To assert that the system will never get itself into deadlock
A nonce (number used once) generator is used by security protocols to
ensure freshness of transactions. As a simple concept in security, it is
important to ensure that once a particular nonce is generated, it is not
generated again. Another important security assertion is that secure
documents are never accessed by unauthorized agents.
In multithreaded code, we'd like to assert that each thread is
eventually given a chance to run. We'd also like to assure that the system
will never get itself into a state where two or more threads are waiting
on each other to supply a resource before they can continue processing
(also known as deadlock).
Essential, non-conventional assertion
properties Following are two very useful types of properties
that we'd like to make (and that we often want to make in the context of
multithreaded code) that are simply not possible to express with
conventional assertions:
- Safety assertions
- Liveness assertions
Safety assertions state that certain undesirable states of the system
will never be reached under any circumstances. Liveness assertions state
that certain events are guaranteed to occur eventually -- for instance,
that a given thread will eventually wake up instead of sleeping
Temporal logic can help make these assertions.
Where the temporal logic comes
in temporal logic
Temporal logic
defined Temporal logic is a type of modal logic that
is used for reasoning about changing properties with time.
Keeping time in mind, there are two general kinds of temporal
- One that models the future as a linear sequence of events
- One that models the future as a tree branching out with various
In this article, we will only consider the temporal logic that models
the future as a linear sequence of events. (The "branching tree" logic is
quite cool, but it's computationally less tractable.)
A temporal logic is normally built atop a simpler set of atomic
(small-unit) propositions, such as traditional program assertions. Various
modal operators can then be applied to these atomic assertions to generate
more complex assertions. The chain continues since traditional, Boolean,
logical operators (such as and or or ) can be
applied to these assertions to generate even more complex assertions.
Newly generated assertions can generate still more complex assertions, ad
Temporal logic employs three (or four, depending on the model) common
modal operators.
The typical modal
How can I check up on my temporal
logic? These modal operators are usually available in
temporal logic:
Next (special case)
When applied to an assertion, Always ensures that the
assertion continues to hold throughout the remainder of the execution of
the program.
A much weaker operator, Sometime in a sense is a relative
of Always . When applied to an assertion,
Sometime stipulates that there must be some point in the
future of the execution of the program during which the assertion
Until works over two assertions, stipulating that as soon
as the first assertion ceases to hold, the second must hold
In contexts where time can be a model that consists of a series of
discrete steps (as it can during, say, the execution of a program), you
will sometimes see the Next operator added to this illustrious
list. When Next is applied to an assertion, it stipulates that the
assertion holds in the "next" step. Of course, this only makes sense when
we are breaking time up into discrete steps.
Listing 1 shows some examples of temporal logic assertions: Listing 1. Sample temporal logic assertions
Always x != 0
Sometime x == 0
{x == y} implies {Next {x == y + 1}}
{x == y} Until {y == 0}
{x == 0} implies {Next {Always {x != 0}}} // x is zero only once
Sometime {! this.isInterrupted()} // this thread is not interrupted forever
Here's an example assertion for two threads that asserts they never
deadlock. (Note that the Boolean method isWaitingOn is used
to check if one thread is holding on a task performed by the other.) Listing 2. A sample to illustrate multithreading
Always {x.isWaitingOn(y) implies {! y.isWaitingOn(x)}}
And temporal logic can be extended.
Extending the language We
can also extend the language of temporal logic to include quantifiers over
collections of values in databases. For example, we could check that the
assertion always held for all values in a table or for at least one value
in the table.
With this level of expressiveness, we can form extremely powerful
safety and security assertions. For example, consider a context where
explicit agent objects can request access to various documents. We can
form assertions about the clearance of the agents that can view various
The following assertion guarantees that no agent views a document until
he has clearance to do so: Listing 3. A sample to
illustrate database security
ForAll agents in AgentPool
{ForAll document in TopSecretDocumentPool
{{! agent.canView(document)} Until {agent.hasClearanceFor(document)}}}
Now, at this point you might protest: "Well, it's great that I can
say all of these things, but I don't have any way to check what I
say is true, so what's the point?!"
To that I say: there are tools for checking just these types of
assertions. In the case of digital circuits, assertions like these are
statically verified before the chip is built.
In the case of software, our ability to statically check such
assertions is paltry, but quality tools exist for checking that these
assertions hold during particular runs of the program (such as, say, the
runs of your unit tests). Assertions like these can help you to leverage
unit testing to a much greater degree; each temporal logic assertion can
correspond to countless traditional assertions (and that's just in cases
where traditional assertions could be used to express the assertion at
Temporal Rover, from Time Rover Inc., is a tool for processing temporal
logic assertions in Java programs and generating valid Java code from the
assertions. (See Resources.)
The company also offers a tool, DBRover, that works over database
Temporal Rover includes all of the temporal operators as well as others
designed for discussing events that occurred in the past. DBRover can
quantify assertions over values in a database. Unfortunately, these tools
are not free, but they do offer a 30-day free trial version.
Like assertions in JUnit, Temporal Rover/DBRover assertions give the
programmer the option to print diagnostic messages when assertions fail.
In fact, the syntax of Temporal Rover assertions is the same syntax I've
used in the examples above, where assertions taken by the modal operators
are surrounded with braces. These assertions are then passed to a
TRAssert function (Temporal Rover Assert) with the following
/* TRAssert{<assertion> => <output string>}
The <output string> is displayed when the assertion
fails to hold. In this way, TRAssert statements can be
embedded into valid Java programs and these programs can still be compiled
without Temporal Rover (of course, compiling without Temporal Rover will
prevent the assertions from having any affect).
A timely last word Temporal
logic assertions like these can help you to leverage unit testing to a
greater degree because each temporal logic assertion can correspond to
many traditional assertions. This means that these assertions are so
powerful that they can help in a big way to stamp out many of the classic
bug patterns discussed in this column.
In the next article, I will re-examine several bug patterns in the
context of temporal logic assertions and demonstrate how to use these
assertions to eliminate occurrences of the pattern.
- Participate in the discussion forum on this
article. (You can also click Discuss at the top or bottom of the
article to access the forum.)
- The Stanford
Encyclopedia of Philosophy carries a broad discussion of the
philosophical and mathematical foundations of temporal logic.
- The Spin
project at Bell Labs -- a widely distributed software package that
supports the formal verification of distributed systems -- is an example
of temporal logic model checking for hardware verification.
- The assertion facility is one eagerly awaited new feature of the
Java 1.4 release. Learn more about it in "Magic
with Merlin: Working with assertions" (developerWorks,
February 2002).
- In a previous Diagnosing Java code installment, "The
Fictitious Implementation bug pattern" (developerWorks,
August 2001), Eric Allen shows you how to use assertions and unit tests
as executable documentation.
- Granville Miller discusses the Unified Modeling Language and
sequence diagramming, examining the role of conditional logic in
sequence diagramming, in "Java
Modeling: A UML workbook" (developerWorks, June 2001).
- Application
Quality Assurance: Unit Testing (JUnit) (WebSphere Developer Domain)
shows how JUnit helps you write code faster while increasing code
quality, by creating synergy between coding and testing.
- "Testing,
fun? Really?" (developerWorks, March 2001) helps you
integrate testing into your daily development activities.
- Follow along in "Automating
the build and test process" (developerWorks, August 2001) as
Erik Hatcher shows you how he has modified the popular Ant 1.3 and the
JUnit test framework for complete, customized automation of the build
and test process.
- "Dynamic
Type Checking in Jalapeno" presents a variety of techniques for
performing dynamic type checking, reducing the run-time overhead of such
- Check out this XP
site for a summary of the ideas behind extreme programming.
- The JUnit Web site
provides links to many interesting articles from a multitude of sources
that discuss program testing methods.
- You can check out the Temporal Rover trial at the Time-Rover Web site.
- Read all of Eric Allen's Diagnosing
Java code articles.
- Find more Java resources on the developerWorks Java technology
About the
author Eric Allen has a bachelor's degree in computer
science and mathematics from Cornell University and is a PhD
candidate in the Java programming languages team at Rice University.
Before returning to Rice to finish his degree, Eric was the lead
Java software developer at Cycorp, Inc. He has also moderated the
Java Beginner discussion forum at JavaWorld. His research
concerns the development of semantic models and static analysis
tools for the Java language, both at the source and bytecode levels.
Eric is the lead developer of Rice's experimental compiler for the
NextGen programming language, an extension of the Java language with
added language features, and is a project manager of DrJava, an
open-source Java IDE designed for beginners. Contact Eric at eallen@cs.rice.edu. |