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| Generational and concurrent garbage collection
Goetz (mailto:brian@quiotix.com?cc=&subject=Garbage
collection in the 1.4.1 JVM) Principal Consultant, Quiotix
Corp 25 November 2003
In last month's Java theory and
practice, columnist Brian Goetz reviewed the basic algorithms for
garbage collection. This month, he goes a step further and examines how
the 1.4.1 JVM actually handles garbage collection, including some of the
new garbage collection options for multiprocessor systems. Share your
thoughts on this article with the author and other readers in the
accompanying discussion
forum. (You can also click Discuss at the
top or bottom of the article to access the
Last month, we
looked at the classic garbage collection techniques of reference counting,
copying, mark-sweep, and mark-compact. Each of these approaches has
advantages and disadvantages in certain situations. For example, copying
does well when a large proportion of objects are garbage, but does poorly
with many long-lived objects (copying them repeatedly). Conversely,
mark-compact does quite well with long-lived objects (copying them only
once), but not so well with many short-lived objects. The technique used
by the 1.2 and later JVMs, called generational garbage
collection, combines these two techniques to get the best of both
worlds, and as a bonus provides very low object allocation overhead.
Old objects, young
objects In any application heap, some objects become garbage
shortly after their creation, some survive for a long time and then become
garbage, and others can remain live for the entirety of the program's run.
Empirical studies have shown that for most object-oriented languages, the
Java language included, the vast majority of objects -- as much as 98
percent, depending on your metric for object youth -- die young. One can
measure an object's age in wall-clock seconds, in total bytes allocated by
the memory management subsystem since the object was allocated, or the
number of garbage collections since the object was allocated. But no
matter how you measure, the studies show the same thing -- most objects
die young. The fact that most objects die young has significance for the
choice of collector. In particular, copying collectors perform quite well
when the majority of objects die young, since copying collectors do not
visit dead objects at all; they simply copy the live objects to another
heap region, then reclaim the whole of the remaining space in one fell
Of the objects that survive past their first collection, a significant
portion of those will become long-lived or permanent. The various garbage
collection strategies perform very differently depending on the mix of
short-lived and long-lived objects. Copying collectors work very well when
most objects die young, because objects that die young never need to be
copied at all. However, the copying collector deals poorly with long-lived
objects, repeatedly copying them back and forth from one semi-space to
another. Conversely, mark-compact collectors do very well with long-lived
objects, because long-lived objects tend to accumulate at the bottom of
the heap and then do not need to be copied again. Mark-sweep and
mark-compact collectors, however, expend considerably more effort
examining dead objects, because they must examine every object in the heap
during the sweep phase.
Generational collection A
generational collector divides the heap into multiple generations. Objects
are created in the young generation, and objects that meet some promotion
criteria, such as having survived a certain number of collections, are
then promoted to the next older generation. A generational collector is
free to use a different collection strategy for different generations and
perform garbage collection on the generations separately.
Minor collections One of
the advantages of generational collection is that it can make garbage
collection pauses shorter by not collecting all generations at once. When
the allocator is unable to fulfill an allocation request, it first
triggers a minor
collection, which only collects the youngest generation. Since many of
the objects in the young generation will already be dead and the copying
collector does not need to examine dead objects at all, minor collection
pauses can be quite short and can often reclaim significant heap space. If
the minor collection frees enough heap space, the user program can resume
immediately. If it does not free enough heap space, it proceeds to collect
higher generations until enough memory has been reclaimed. (In the event
the garbage collector cannot reclaim enough memory after a full
collection, it will either expand the heap or it will throw an
OutOfMemoryError .)
references Tracing garbage collectors, such as copying,
mark-sweep, and mark-compact, all start scanning from the root set,
traversing references between objects, until all live objects have been
A generational tracing collector starts from the root set, but does not
traverse references that lead to objects in the older generation, which
reduces the size of the object graph to be traced. But this creates a
problem -- what if an object in the older generation references a younger
object, which is not reachable through any other chain of references from
a root?
To address this problem, generational collectors must explicitly track
references from older objects to younger objects and add these
old-to-young references into the root set of the minor collection. There
are two ways to create a reference from an old object to a young object.
Either one of the references contained in an old object is modified to
refer to a young object, or a young object that refers to other young
objects is promoted into the older generation.
Tracking intergenerational
references Whether an old-to-young reference is created by
promotion or a pointer modification, the garbage collector needs to have a
comprehensive set of old-to-young references when it wants to perform a
minor collection. One way to do this would be to trace the old generation,
but this clearly has significant overhead. Somewhat better would be to
linearly scan the old generation looking for references to young objects.
This approach is faster than tracing and has better locality, but is still
considerable work.
The mutator and garbage collector can work together to maintain a
comprehensive list of old-to-young references as they are created. When
objects are promoted into the older generation, the garbage collector can
note any old-to-young references that are created as a result of the
promotion, which leaves only the tracking of intergenerational references
created by pointer modifications.
The garbage collector can track old-to-young references that arise
through modifying references held within existing objects in several ways.
It could track them in the same manner as maintaining reference counts in
reference-counting collectors (the compiler could generate additional
instructions surrounding pointer assignments) or could use virtual memory
protection on the old generation heap to trap writes to older objects.
Another potentially more efficient virtual memory approach would be to use
the page modification dirty bits in the old generation heap to identify
blocks to scan for objects containing old-to-young pointers.
With a little cleverness, it is possible to avoid the overhead of
tracking every pointer modification and inspecting it to see if it crosses
generational boundaries. For example, it is not necessary to track stores
to local or static variables, because they will already be part of the
root set. It may also be possible to avoid tracking pointer stores within
constructors that simply initialize fields of newly created objects
(so-called initializing
stores), as (almost) all objects are allocated in the young
generation. In any case, the runtime must maintain an explicit set of
references from old objects to young ones and add these references to the
root set when collecting the young generation.
In Figure 1, the arrows represent references between objects in the
heap. The red arrows represent old-to-young references that must be added
to the root set for a minor collection. The blue arrows represent
references to old objects, either from the root set or from the young
generation, which don't need to be traced when collecting only the young
Figure 1. Intergenerational references
Card marking The Sun
JDKs use an optimized variant of an algorithm called card marking to
identify modifications to pointers held in fields of old-generation
objects. In this approach, the heap is divided into a set of cards, each of
which is usually smaller than a memory page. The JVM maintains a card map,
with one bit (or byte, in some implementations) corresponding to each card
in the heap. Each time a pointer field in an object in the heap is
modified, the corresponding bit in the card map for that card is set. At
garbage collection time, the mark bits associated with cards in the old
generation are examined, and dirty cards are scanned for objects
containing references into the younger generation. Then the mark bits are
cleared. There are several costs to card marking – additional space for
the card map, additional work to be done on each pointer store, and
additional work to be done at garbage collection time. Card marking
algorithms can add as little as two or three machine instructions per
non-initializing heap pointer store, and entails scanning any objects on
dirty cards at minor collection time.
The JDK 1.4.1 default
collector By default, the 1.4.1 JDK divides the heap into
two sections, a young generation and an old generation. (Actually, there
is also a third section, the permanent space, which is used for storing
loaded class and method objects.) The young generation is divided into a
creation space, often called Eden, and two
survivor semi-spaces, using a copying collector.
The old generation uses a mark-compact collector. Objects are promoted
from the young generation to the old generation after they have survived
copying a certain number of times. A minor collection will copy live
objects from Eden and one of the survivor semi-spaces into the other
survivor space, potentially promoting some objects to the older
generation. A major collection will collect both the young and old
generation. The System.gc() method always triggers a major
collection, which is one of the reasons you should use
System.gc() sparingly, if at all, because major collections
can take much longer than a minor collection. There is no way to
programmatically trigger a minor collection.
Other collection
options In addition to the copying and mark-compact
collectors used by default, the 1.4.1 JDK also contains four other garbage
collection algorithms, each of which is suited to a different purpose. JDK
1.4.1 includes an incremental collector (which has been around since JDK
1.2) and three new collectors for more efficient collection on
multiprocessor systems -- the parallel copying collector, the parallel
scavenging collector, and the concurrent mark-sweep collector. These new
collectors address the problem of the garbage collector being a
scalability bottleneck on multiprocessor systems. Figure 2 shows some
guidelines on when to choose alternate collection options.
Figure 2. 1.4.1 garbage collection options (courtesy of
Folgmann IT-Consulting)
collection The incremental collection option has been part
of the JDK since 1.2. Incremental collection reduces garbage collection
pauses at the expense of throughput, making it desirable only in cases
where shorter collection pauses are very important, such as near-realtime
The algorithm used by the JDK for incremental collection, the Train algorithm,
creates a new section of the heap between the old and young generations.
These heap sections are divided into "trains," each of which is divided
into a sequence of "cars." Each car can be collected separately.
Effectively, each train car constitutes a separate generation, which means
that not only must old-to-young references be tracked, but also references
from older trains to younger trains and older cars to younger cars. This
creates significant extra work for the mutator and garbage collector, but
permits much shorter collection pauses.
Parallel and concurrent
collectors The new collectors in JDK 1.4.1 are all designed
to address the issue of garbage collection on multiprocessor systems.
Because most garbage collection algorithms stop the world for some period
of time, a single-threaded garbage collector can quickly become a
scalability bottleneck, because all but one processor are idle while the
garbage collector has suspended the user program threads. Two of the new
collectors are designed to reduce collection pause time -- the parallel
copying collector and the concurrent mark-sweep collector. The other, the
parallel scavenge collector, is designed for higher throughput on large
The parallel copying collector, enabled by the
-XX:+UseParNewGC JVM option, is a young-generation copying
collector that divides the work of garbage collection among as many
threads as there are CPUs. The concurrent mark-sweep collector, enabled by
the -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC option, is an old-generation
mark-sweep collector that stops the world briefly for an initial mark
phase (and again later for a brief re-mark phase) and then allows the user
program to resume while the garbage collector threads execute concurrently
with the user program. The parallel copying collector and concurrent
mark-sweep collector are basically concurrent versions of the default
copying and mark-compact collectors. The parallel scavenging collector,
enabled by -XX:+UseParallelGC , is a young-generation
collector optimized for very large (gigabyte and larger) heaps on
multiprocessor systems.
Selecting an
algorithm With six algorithms to choose from, you're
probably wondering which one to use. Figure 2 offers
some guidance, dividing collectors into single-threaded and concurrent,
and into low-pause and high-throughput. Given what you know about your
application and deployment environment, this may be enough to select the
appropriate algorithm. For many applications, the default collectors work
just fine -- so if you don't have a performance problem, there's no point
in inviting more complexity. However, if your application is deployed on a
multiprocessor system or uses a very large heap, you may get some
performance boost from changing collector options.
Tuning the garbage
collector JDK 1.4.1 also includes numerous options for
tuning garbage collection. You can spend considerable time tweaking these
options and measuring their effect, so before you try and tune the garbage
collector, you'll probably get a better return on your tuning investment
by making sure your application has been thoroughly profiled and optimized
The first place to start with tuning garbage collection is to examine
the verbose GC output. This will give you information on the frequency,
timing, and duration of garbage collection operations. The simplest form
of garbage collection tuning is simply expanding the maximum heap size
(-Xmx ). Copying collection becomes more efficient as the heap
grows, so by expanding the heap, you reduce the cost of collection on a
per-object basis. In addition to increasing the maximum heap size, you can
also use the -XX:NewRatio option to increase the proportion
of space assigned to the young generation. You also can specify the size
of the young generation explicitly with the -Xmn option. See
Resources for a
number of articles offering more detailed garbage collection tuning
Summary As the JVM has
evolved, the default garbage collector has gotten better and better. The
generational collector employed by JDK 1.2 and later offers far better
allocation and collection performance than the mark-sweep-compact
collector used by earlier JDKs. The 1.4.1 JDK further improves the
effectiveness of garbage collection by adding new multithreaded collection
options for multiprocessor systems and very large heaps.
Next month, we'll wrap up our exploration of garbage collection by
looking at some performance hints and myths about garbage collection,
including the true cost of object allocation, the costs and benefits of
explicit nulling, and the cost of finalization.
- Participate in the discussion forum on this
article. (You can also click Discuss at the top or bottom of the
article to access the forum.)
- Read the complete Java theory and
practice series by Brian Goetz.
- Garbage
Collection: Algorithms for Automatic Dynamic Memory Management
(John Wiley & Sons, 1997) is a comprehensive survey of garbage
collection algorithms, with an extensive bibliography. The author,
Richard Jones, maintains an updated bibliography of nearly 2000 papers
on garbage collection on his Garbage Collection
- The Garbage Collection mailing list maintains a garbage collection
- The IBM 1.4 Developer Kits for the Java platform use a
mark-sweep-compact collector, which supports incremental
compaction to reduce pause times.
- The three-part series "Sensible
sanitation -- Understanding the IBM Java Garbage Collector" (developerWorks,
August - September 2002) describes the garbage collection strategy
employed by the IBM 1.2 and 1.3 Developer Kits for the Java
- "Fine-tuning Java
garbage collection performance" (developerWorks,
January 2003) describes how to detect and troubleshoot garbage
collection issues.
- This article from IBM Systems
Journal describes some of the lessons
learned in building the IBM 1.1.x Developer Kits for the Java
platform, including the details of mark-sweep and mark-sweep-compact
garbage collection.
- This document from Sun offers an introduction to
the process of garbage collection performance tuning.
- Reference
objects, such as
WeakReference and
SoftReference , introduce additional considerations for
determining whether an object should be garbage collected.
- The GC Portal is a
collection of tools for tracking the garbage collection performance of
your application.
- This article from Sun describes the garbage collection
and tuning options in Sun JVMs, and explains how to interpret
verbose GC output.
- In the paper "A fast write
barrier for generational garbage collectors", Urs Hoeltze covers
both the classical card-marking algorithm and an improvement that can
reduce the cost of marking significantly by slighly increasing the cost
of scanning dirty cards at collection time.
- The chart shown in Figure 2
appears here courtesy of Folgmann
- This paper describes the details of the Train incremental
garbage collection algorithm.
- Find hundreds more Java technology resources on the developerWorks
Java technology zone.
About the
author Brian Goetz has been a professional software
developer for the past 15 years. He is a Principal Consultant at Quiotix, a
software development and consulting firm located in Los Altos,
California, and he serves on several JCP Expert Groups. See Brian's
published and
upcoming articles in popular industry publications. Contact
Brian at brian@quiotix.com. |
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