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Get started with Castor JDO
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Getting started
The karma of the mapping descriptor
Mapping objects and properties to elements and attributes
Defining relationships
Inheritance in Castor
Performing queries on the object model
Transactions in Castor
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Learn the basics of object-relational data binding using Castor

Level: Intermediate

Bruce Snyder ( started with Castor JDO)
Senior Software Engineer, DigitalGlobe
1 August 2002

A growing number of enterprise projects today call for a reliable method of binding Java objects to relational data -- and doing so across a multitude of relational databases. Unfortunately (as many of us have learned the hard way) in-house solutions are painful to build and even harder to maintain and grow over the long term. In this article, Bruce Snyder introduces you to the basics of working with Castor JDO, an open source data-binding framework that just happens to be based on 100 percent pure Java technology.

Castor JDO (Java Data Objects) is an open source, 100 percent Java data binding framework. Initially released in December 1999, Castor JDO was one of the first open source data binding frameworks available. Since that time, the technology has come a long way. Today, Castor JDO is used in combination with many other technologies, both open source and commercial, to bind Java object models to relational databases, XML documents, and LDAP directories.

In this article, you'll learn the fundamentals of working with Castor JDO. We'll start with a relational data model and a Java object model, and discuss the basics of mapping between the two. From there, we'll talk about some features of Castor JDO. Using a simple product-based example, you'll learn about such essentials as inheritance (both relational and object-oriented), dependent and related relationships, Castor's Object Query Language implementation, and short versus long transactions in Castor. Because this article is an introduction to Castor, we'll use very simple examples here, and we won't go into depth on any one topic. At the end of the article, you will have a good overview of the technology, and a good foundation for future exploration.

Please note that this article will not go into the general topic of object-relational mapping. To learn more about object-relational mapping, see the Resources section.

If you're interested in seeing how Castor JDO compares to the Sun JDO specification, see "How does Castor differ from the Sun JDO spec?."

Getting started
Sometimes I prefer to start a project by modeling the data; other times I like to begin by modeling the objects. For the purposes of this article, we'll start with the data model. Castor comes with some JDO examples that present a data model and an object model surrounding the notion of a product. We'll work with one of those examples, taking it through several different stages throughout the article. Figure 1 is an entity-relationship (ER) diagram of the data model for our example. For the sake of simplicity, it contains no explicit foreign keys. Notice, however, that the ID references do exist between tables.

Get the source

The Castor Project's source code has been released to the Java technology community via a BSD-style license called the ExoLab license. See Resources to download Castor JDO.

Figure 1. The Castor JDO example data model
The Castor JDO example data model

Figure 2 is a UML class diagram of the object model for the example. The JDO examples provide a one-to-one representation of tables to objects.

Figure 2. The Castor JDO example object model
The Castor JDO example object model

Castor's Java objects look a lot like JavaBeans components. Therefore, an object typically contains a pair of accessor and mutator (getter/setter) methods for each property (unless the property is mapped to be accessed directly). More complex relationships can contain additional logic for other purposes. Object-relational mapping can become extremely complex very fast; however, these examples are pretty straightforward in nature.

Listing 1 shows the source code for the Product object. Note that the code contains a property for each column in the product table, including the identity. For those new to object-relational mapping, a property for the identity may seem odd, but this construct is actually quite common and is used in other object-relational frameworks as well. Internally, Castor uses the object identity for tracking objects. Additionally, there are two java.util.Vectors for related ProductDetail and Category objects. Also note that the object contains a toString() method that can be useful for logging purposes when debugging your application.

Listing 1.

package myapp;

import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import org.exolab.castor.jdo.Database;
import org.exolab.castor.jdo.Persistent;

public class Product implements Persistent
      private int          _id;
      private String       _name;
      private float        _price;
      private ProductGroup _group;
      private Database     _db;
      private Vector       _details = new Vector();
      private Vector       _categories = new Vector();

      public int getId()
          return _id;

      public void setId( int id )
          _id = id;

      public String getName()

      public void setName( String name )

      public float getPrice()

      public void setPrice( float price )

      public ProductGroup getGroup()

      public void setGroup( ProductGroup group )

      public ProductDetail createDetail()
          return new ProductDetail();

      public Vector getDetails()
          return _details;

      public void addDetail( ProductDetail detail )
          _details.add( detail );
          detail.setProduct( this );

      public Vector getCategories()
          return _categories;

      public void addCategory( Category category )
        if ( _categories.contains( category ) ) {
          _categories.addElement( category ); category.addProduct( this );


      public String toString()
          return _id + " " + _name;

Looking at Figure 2, note that Product has different relationships to the ProductDetail and Category objects:

  • One Product can contain many ProductDetails. This is a one-to-many relationship.
  • Many Products can contain many Category objects. This is a many-to-many relationship.

The methods addDetail() and addCategory() are used to add objects to each of the java.util.Vectors to manage their respective relationships.

The karma of the mapping descriptor
Just as some people believe that the key to life is a proper understanding and acceptance of one's personal karma, I've found that the key to working with Castor JDO is a proper understanding and implementation of the mapping descriptor. The mapping descriptor provides the connection (the map) between relational database tables and the Java objects. The format of the mapping descriptor is XML -- and for good reason. The other half of the Castor Project is Castor XML (see Resources). Castor XML provides a superior Java-to-XML and XML-to-Java data binding framework. Castor JDO makes use of Castor XML's ability to unmarshall an XML document into a Java object model for the purposes of reading the mapping descriptor.

Mapping objects and properties to elements and attributes
Each Java object is represented by a <class> element and each property in that object is represented by a <field> element. Additionally, each column from within a relational table is represented by an <sql> element. Listing 2 shows the mapping for the Product object seen above. Take a look at the listing and then we'll discuss some of the finer points of the code.

Listing 2. The mapping for Product

    <class name="myapp.Product" identity="id">
      <description>Product definition</description>
      <map-to table="prod" xml="product" />
      <field name="id" type="integer">
          <sql name="id" type="integer" />
      <field name="name" type="string">
          <sql name="name" type="char" />
      <field name="price" type="float">
          <sql name="price" type="numeric" />

      <!--  Product has reference to ProductGroup,
            many products may reference same group  -->
      <field name="group" type="myapp.ProductGroup">
          <sql name="group_id" />

      <!-- Product has reference to ProductDetail
           many details per product  -->
      <field name="details" type="myapp.ProductDetail" required="true"
          <sql many-key="prod_id"/>

      <!-- Product has reference to Category with
           many-many relationship -->
      <field name="categories" type="myapp.Category" required="true"
          <sql name="category_id"
             many-table="category_prod" many-key="prod_id" />

The <class> element supports some important attributes and elements. For example, the mapping for Product uses the identity attribute to indicate which property of the object serves as the object identity. The <class> element also supports a <map-to> element that tells Castor to what relational table each object maps. The <field> element supports some attributes as well.

Notice that the mapping for all the <field> and <sql> elements contains a type attribute. Type attributes indicate to Castor what TypeConvertor should be used internally to convert between object and relational data types.

Defining relationships
A special case of the type attribute exists for each "to-many" relationship. As previously mentioned, the two java.util.Vectors in Product handle the one-to-many and many-to-many relationships. The one-to-many relationship exists in the <field> element called details. The information in the details element tells Castor that the property is a Collection of type java.util.Vector; that the Collection contains objects of type ProductDetail; and that it is required (that is, cannot be null). The <sql> element tells Castor that the <field>'s object mapping contains an SQL column called prod_id and that this column should be used to identify the one-to-many relationship.

The many-to-many relationship exists in the <field> element called categories. The categories element tells Castor that the property is a Collection of type java.util.Vector; that the Collection contains objects of type Category; and that it is required (that is, it cannot be null). The <sql> element tells Castor that this relationship makes use of an additional table called category_prod. It also states that this <field>'s object mapping contains an SQL column called prod_id, and that this column should be used along with category_id to identify the many-to-many relationship.

One more relationship exists between ProductGroup and Product. This relationship is a one-to-many relationship whereby many Products can have a relationship to the same ProductGroup. While this relationship is the same as the one-to-many relationship between Product and ProductDetail, it operates in reverse (many-to-one), so we only see the "to-one" side of the relationship in the mapping.

Inheritance in Castor
Castor makes use of two types of inheritance: Java inheritance and relational inheritance. Listing 3 contains the mapping for Computer. As you may recall from Figure 1, Computer is an extension of Product.

When a Java object simply extends a generic base class or implements an interface, the inheritance need not be reflected in the mapping descriptor. Because both Product and Computer are mapped classes, however, the inheritance must be noted for Castor to reflect it properly. The extends attribute of the <class> element is used to represent the relationship between Computer and Product. Note in Figure 1 that the comp (computer) table does not contain the columns from the prod (product) table. Rather, the prod table contains the base information and the comp table extends it.

Listing 3. The mapping for Computer

<class name="myapp.Computer" extends="myapp.Product" identity="id">
      <description>Computer definition, extends generic
      <map-to table="computer" xml="computer" />
      <field name="id" type="integer">
        <sql name="id" type="integer" />
      <field name="cpu" type="string">
        <sql name="cpu" type="char"/>

Dependent versus related relationships
Castor distinguishes the relationship of two objects as either dependent or related, and maintains different life cycles for each of the two types of relationship. Up to this point, we've only discussed independent (or related) objects. Independent objects are those objects that do not have the depends attribute specified in the <class> element of the mapping descriptor. If you want to perform any CRUD (create, read, update, delete) operation on an independent object, you can do so directly on the object.

Listing 4 contains the mapping for the dependent object ProductDetail. Notice that the <class> element contains the depends attribute. This tells Castor that ProductDetail is dependent upon Product for all operations. In this case, Product is the master object and ProductDetail is the dependent object. If you want to perform any CRUD operations on the ProductDetail object, you can do so only through its master object. That is, you must first fetch a Product and navigate to ProductDetail using the accessor method. Each dependent object may have only one master object.

Listing 4. The mapping for ProductDetail

<class name="myapp.ProductDetail" identity="id" depends="myapp.Product">
      <description>Product detail</description>
      <map-to table="prod_detail" xml="detail" />
      <field name="id" type="integer">
          <sql name="id" type="integer"/>
      <field name="product" type="myapp.Product">
          <sql name="prod_id" />
      <field name="name" type="string">
          <sql name="name" type="char"/>

Performing queries on the object model
Castor provides an implementation of a subset of the ODMG 3.0 specification for the Object Query Language (OQL). The syntax for OQL is similar to that of SQL but it lets you query the object model rather than directly querying the database. This can be a powerful asset when you're supporting more than one database. Internally, Castor's OQL implementation translates the OQL query into the appropriate SQL for the database. Parameters are bound to a query using the bind() method. Below are some simple examples of OQL queries.

Rather than continue to use a fully qualified object name throughout a query, Castor's OQL implementation supports the use of aliases for objects. In the queries below, c is one such alias.

If you wanted to query for all Computers, you would execute the following query:

SELECT c FROM myapp.Computer c

If you wanted to query for a Computer whose ID equaled 1234, you would start with:

SELECT c FROM myapp.Computer c WHERE $1

followed by:

query.bind( 1234 )

To query for a Computer whose name is like a particular string, you would execute the following query:

SELECT c FROM myapp.Computer c WHERE LIKE $1

followed by:

query.bind( "%abcd%" )

To query for a Computer whose ID fell within a list of IDs, you would execute the following query:

SELECT c FROM myapp.Computer c WHERE IN LIST ( $1, $2, $3 )

followed by:

query.bind( 97 )
query.bind( 11 )
query.bind( 7 )

Further details on the Castor OQL implementation are beyond the scope of this article. To learn more, see the references in the Resources section.

Transactions in Castor
Castor's persistence operations take place within the context of a transaction. However, Castor is not a transaction manager. Rather, it is much more of a cache manager, in that it utilizes the atomicity of transactions to persist objects to a database. This setup allows the application to more easily commit or rollback any changes to an object graph. An application running in a non-managed environment must explicitly commit or rollback transactions. When running in a managed environment, the application server can manage the transactional contexts.

Short transactions versus long transactions
Normal transactions in Castor are referred to as short transactions. Castor also provides the notion of long transactions, which are made up of two short transactions. We can use a typical Web application to understand the difference between the two types of transaction. In the case of an application that calls for data to be read from a database, displayed to a user, and then committed to the database, we're looking at a potentially lengthy transaction time (which is typical for Web applications). But a write lock in the database can't be held indefinitely. To work around this, Castor utilizes two short transactions. For example, the first short transaction materializes objects using a read-only query, which lets you display the objects without leaving the transaction open. If the user makes changes, a second short transaction is started and the update() method brings the changed objects into the transaction's context. Listing 5 is an example of a long transaction.

Listing 5. A long transaction example

public LineItem getLineItem()
      LineItem lineItem = ( LineItem ) db.load( LineItem.class, 
          lineItemNum, Database.ReadOnly );
      return lineItem;

public void updateOrder( LineItem li )
      db.update( li );

Because the time interval between the first short transaction and the second short transaction is arbitrary, you'll have to perform a dirty check to determine whether the object has been changed in the database. Dirty checking is used to verify that an object has not been modified during a long transaction. You can enable dirty checking by specifying the dirty attribute in the <sql> element of the mapping descriptor. For this to work properly, each object must hold a timestamp. If you implement the Timestampable callback interface, Castor will set the timestamp in the first short transaction and check it during the second short transaction.

Database support

The main feature of Castor JDO is that it provides an API for binding Java objects to relational databases. Castor JDO supports the following databases:
  • DB2
  • HypersonicSQL
  • Informix
  • InstantDB
  • Interbase
  • MySQL
  • Oracle
  • PostgreSQL
  • SAP DB
  • SQL Server
  • Sybase
  • Generic (for generic JDBC support)

Adding support for additional databases is fairly easy. See Resources for further information.

In this article, we've discussed the basics of mapping a relational data model to a Java object model using Castor. The examples used in this article closely follow the examples currently provided with the Castor source code. By no means do these simple examples cover the breadth of Castor's capabilities. In fact, Castor supports many other features, including key generation, lazy loading, an LRU cache, different locking/access modes, and much more. If you want to learn more about these features and many others, consult the Resources section.

Castor JDO is just one of many data-binding solutions available in the open source world today. As this article has shown, Castor provides a sophisticated alternative to in-house solutions, which generally require you to maintain different SQL and JDBC code for each database you support. Furthermore, because it is an open source, community-based project, Castor is constantly improving. I encourage you to check out the technology, and maybe even become a part of the Castor community.


About the author
Bruce Snyder lives in the Denver, Colorado, metropolitan area, where he has worked at various startups implementing J2EE and related solutions over the last few years. Currently, Bruce is a senior software engineer at DigitalGlobe, a satellite imagery and information company located in Longmont, Colorado. Bruce's experience with Java technology and J2EE runs the gamut from system design and architecture to implementation and testing. After working with Castor and object-relational data binding for nearly two years, Bruce recently became lead developer of the Castor JDO team. You can contact him at

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