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| Deliver more useful exceptions without sacrificing clean
McLaughlin (mailto:brett@oreilly.com?cc=&subject=Build
a better exception-handling framework) Author and Editor, O'Reilly
and Associates 1 January 2003
Enterprise applications
are often built with little attention given to exception handling, which
can result in over-reliance on low-level exceptions such as
java.rmi.RemoteException and
javax.naming.NamingException . In this installment of EJB
Best Practices, Brett McLaughlin explains why a little attention
goes a long way when it comes to exception handling, and shows you two
simple techniques that will set you on the path to building more robust
and useful exception handling frameworks.
In previous tips in this series, exception handling has been peripheral
to our core discussion. One thing you may have picked up, however, is that
we've consistently distanced low-level exceptions from the Web tier.
Rather than have the Web tier handle exceptions such as
java.rmi.RemoteException or
javax.naming.NamingException , we've supplied exceptions like
ApplicationException and InvalidDataException to
the client.
Remote and naming exceptions are system-level exceptions,
whereas application and invalid-data exceptions are business-level
exceptions, because they deliver more applicable business information.
When determining what type of exception to throw, you should always first
consider the tier that will handle the reported exception. The Web tier is
generally driven by end users performing business tasks, so it's better
equipped to handle business-level exceptions. In the EJB layer, however,
you're performing system-level tasks such as working with JNDI or
databases. While these tasks will eventually be incorporated into business
logic, they're best represented by system-level exceptions like
RemoteException .
Theoretically, you could have all of your Web tier methods expect and
respond to a single application exception, as we did in some of our
previous examples. But that approach wouldn't hold up over the long run. A
far better exception-handling scheme would be to have your delegate
methods throw more specific exceptions, which are ultimately more useful
to the receiving client. In this tip, we'll discuss two techniques that
will help you create more informative, less generalized exceptions,
without generating a lot of unnecessary code.
Nested exceptions The first
thing to think about when designing a solid exception-handling scheme is
the abstraction of what I call low-level or system-level
exceptions. These are generally core Java exceptions that report errors in
network traffic, problems with JNDI or RMI, or other technical problems in
an application. RemoteException , EJBException ,
and NamingException are common examples of low-level
exceptions in enterprise Java programming.
These exceptions are fairly meaningless, and can be especially
confusing when received by a client in the Web tier. A client that invokes
purchase() and receives back a NamingException
has little to work with when it comes to resolving the exception. At the
same time, your application code may need to access the information within
these exceptions, so you can't simply throw out or ignore them.
The answer is to provide a more useful type of exception that also
contains a lower-level exception. Listing 1 shows a simple
ApplicationException that does just this: Listing 1. A nested exception
package com.ibm;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
public class ApplicationException extends Exception {
/** A wrapped Throwable */
protected Throwable cause;
public ApplicationException() {
super("Error occurred in application.");
public ApplicationException(String message) {
public ApplicationException(String message, Throwable cause) {
this.cause = cause;
// Created to match the JDK 1.4 Throwable method.
public Throwable initCause(Throwable cause) {
this.cause = cause;
return cause;
public String getMessage() {
// Get this exception's message.
String msg = super.getMessage();
Throwable parent = this;
Throwable child;
// Look for nested exceptions.
while((child = getNestedException(parent)) != null) {
// Get the child's message.
String msg2 = child.getMessage();
// If we found a message for the child exception,
// we append it.
if (msg2 != null) {
if (msg != null) {
msg += ": " + msg2;
} else {
msg = msg2;
// Any nested ApplicationException will append its own
// children, so we need to break out of here.
if (child instanceof ApplicationException) {
parent = child;
// Return the completed message.
return msg;
public void printStackTrace() {
// Print the stack trace for this exception.
Throwable parent = this;
Throwable child;
// Print the stack trace for each nested exception.
while((child = getNestedException(parent)) != null) {
if (child != null) {
System.err.print("Caused by: ");
if (child instanceof ApplicationException) {
parent = child;
public void printStackTrace(PrintStream s) {
// Print the stack trace for this exception.
Throwable parent = this;
Throwable child;
// Print the stack trace for each nested exception.
while((child = getNestedException(parent)) != null) {
if (child != null) {
s.print("Caused by: ");
if (child instanceof ApplicationException) {
parent = child;
public void printStackTrace(PrintWriter w) {
// Print the stack trace for this exception.
Throwable parent = this;
Throwable child;
// Print the stack trace for each nested exception.
while((child = getNestedException(parent)) != null) {
if (child != null) {
w.print("Caused by: ");
if (child instanceof ApplicationException) {
parent = child;
public Throwable getCause() {
return cause;
The code in Listing 1 is fairly straightforward; we've simply chained
together multiple exceptions to create a single, nested exception. The
real benefit, however, is in using this technique as the starting point to
create an application-specific hierarchy of exceptions. An exception
hierarchy will let your EJB clients receive both business-specific
exceptions and system-specific information, without requiring you to write
a lot of extra code.
A hierarchy of
exceptions Your exception hierarchy should begin with
something fairly robust and generic, like
ApplicationException . If you make your top-level exception
too specific you'll end up having to restructure your hierarchy later to
fit in something more generic.
So, let's say that your application called for a
NoSuchBookException , an
InsufficientFundsException , and a
SystemUnavailableException . Rather than create individual
exceptions for each, you could set up each exception to extend
ApplicationException , providing only the few additional
constructors needed to create a formatted message. Listing 2 is an example
of such an exception hierarchy: Listing 2. An
exception hierarchy
package com.ibm.library;
import com.ibm.ApplicationException;
public class NoSuchBookException extends ApplicationException {
public NoSuchBookException(String bookName, String libraryName) {
super("The book '" + bookName + "' was not found in the '" +
libraryName + "' library.");
The exception hierarchy makes things much simpler when it comes to
writing numerous specialized exceptions. Adding a constructor or two for
each exception class rarely takes more than a few minutes per exception.
You will also often need to provide subclasses of these more specific
exceptions (which are in turn subclasses of the main application
exception), providing even more specific exceptions. For example, you
might need an InvalidTitleException and a
BackorderedException to extend
NoSuchBookException .
Enterprise applications are often built with almost no attention given
to exception handling. While it's easy -- and sometimes tempting -- to
rely on low-level exceptions like RemoteException and
NamingException , you'll get a lot more mileage out of your
application if you start with a solid, well-thought-out exception model.
Creating a nested, hierarchical exception framework will improve both your
code's readability and its usability.
About the
author Brett McLaughlin has been working in computers
since the Logo days (remember the little triangle?). He currently
specializes in building application infrastructure using Java and
Java-related technologies. He has spent the last several years
implementing these infrastructures at Nextel Communications and
Allegiance Telecom, Inc. Brett is one of the co-founders of the Java
Apache project, Turbine, which builds a reusable component
architecture for Web application development using Java servlets. He
is also a contributor of the EJBoss project, an open source EJB
application server, and Cocoon, an open source XML Web-publishing
engine. Contact Brett at mailto:brett@oreilly.com?subject=Build
a better exception-handling framework. |
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