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| Learn the basics of building Web-based applications that
work like rich clients
Liebeck (mailto:tliebeck@nextapp.com?cc=&subject=An
introduction to Echo) Chief Software Architect, NextApp, Inc. 9
September 2003
This two-part series provides an
introduction to the Echo framework, an open source, Java
technology-based platform for building Web applications that look and
act like rich clients. Part 1 introduces the framework and discusses
what it does and how it is best used, providing an introductory
walkthrough of its features. Part
2 takes you more in depth, building on your knowledge from Part 1 to
develop a complete application using the Echo framework.
Of rich clients and Web
clients Web-based applications are typically built as
collections of stateless services. The client -- a Web browser -- invokes
a service by making an HTTP request. The server sends back a dynamically
generated HTML page that is then displayed in the browser. The generated
document reflects the state of the application, providing links and forms
that enable the user to invoke other services.
When requirements call for greater user interface capability, such
Web-based applications often come up a bit short. In these cases, it's
common to see projects move to rich-client architectures; the low
deployment costs of a Web-based architecture are sacrificed to get out
from under the limitations of the Web. The problem is not a lack of
capability on the part of the browser, but rather the fact that its tools
are difficult to use to create complex applications. As many developers
have learned the hard way, HTML and JavaScript are not particularly
modular or maintainable in real-world development.
In a nutshell, the Echo framework provides a Web-based platform that
offers rich-client levels of capability and maintainability. Echo
developers create applications using a component- and event-based API that
resembles a rich-client user interface toolkit (think Java Swing). A
translation layer generates the HTML required to render the user interface
to the client browser. To bring the experience closer to the standard of a
thicker client, Echo uses an extensive library of client-side JavaScript
that extends the capabilities of the browser. The architecture aims to
completely remove the end developer from having to think about the
management of multiple windows, frames, forms, and complex DHTML and
JavaScript used to create a sophisticated Web application.
Under the hood Echo
provides a high level of abstraction between the development of a
Web-based user interface and the requirements of the browser environment.
To achieve this abstraction, the framework is built in two distinct tiers.
The first tier, called the Component Framework, provides the
developer with a user interface toolkit API with which applications are
built. The second tier, the Application Container, automatically
translates the state of an application into the languages of the
When working with the Component Framework API, a developer is
completely unconcerned with the usual concepts involved in developing
Web-based applications, such as parsing HTTP requests and rendering HTML
and JavaScript code. The Component Framework tier of Echo is entirely
uninvolved in any client-related aspects of the Web application. All such
responsibility is taken on by the Application Container.
The Application Container dynamically creates peer objects for each
user interface component that is presently a part of the application.
These peers function as intermediaries between the user interface
components and the client Web browser. Each one translates the state of
its represented component into HTML and JavaScript as required, and fires
events to the component in response to information received in HTTP
Web browser
interaction On the client side, Echo differs radically from
the usual architecture of a Web application framework. Client-side
JavaScript is used to ensure that the state of the client is synchronized
with that of the server. Each time the user takes an action that requires
the Web client to contact the server, all of the changes the user made are
sent in a single HTTP request, even if they were made in different forms
in multiple frames or windows. Other information is sent as well, such as
the positions of scroll bars and checksum-like data used to ensure that
the client state matches the server-side representation.
To make this work, Echo adds a non-visible HTML frame to each of an
application's windows on the client Web browser. This "controller" frame
is used as a communications channel between the client and the server. All
actions taken by the user between server interactions are recorded in
hidden form elements in the controller frame. When the user makes a
request that will require server interaction -- such as clicking a button
that has ActionListener s -- the controller frame submits all
the changes to the server at once.
On the server side, the Echo Application Container processes this
incoming HTTP request, firing events to components that were updated by
the user. The Application Container tracks which components have been
visually changed as a result. Finally, a new controller frame document is
created that contains JavaScript directives to instruct the client to
re-render the updated content.
This design removes many of the unusual constraints and annoyances that
often show up in Web application development. The problems that would
normally occur when user-input fields are spread across multiple windows
and documents are automatically eliminated. Updating content in multiple
frames and windows at the same time no longer requires any extra work.
Scroll bars don't jump back to the top every time a frame is updated. The
list goes on, but the overall effect is that both the developer and the
user enjoy a more rich client-like application experience.
What you'll need To
get started with Echo, you might need to obtain a few new tools. In
addition to Echo itself and JDK version 1.3 or higher, you will need:
- Apache Ant. Ant is a Java technology-based build tool used to
compile and package applications. In our case, we'll use it to simplify
the task of compiling a few tutorial applications and creating
deployable Web archives (WAR files).
- A servlet container. Echo applications are servlets, and
therefore require a servlet container to make them work. Any container
that meets the servlet 2.2 specification should work. If you're new to
the servlet world, try out a recent version of Jakarta Tomcat from the
Apache group (see Resources).
It's free and runs on most platforms.
The elements of an Echo
application In many ways, creating an Echo application is
similar to creating a thick-client using Java Swing. The state of an
application's user interface is represented as a hierarchy of Component
objects. Event listeners are added to these components that perform work
in response to a user's actions.
It is the responsibility of the Application Container to ensure that
the end user of an Echo application will see an up-to-date rendering of
the application's component hierarchy at all times. The Application
Container uses PropertyChangeListener s to track visual
changes made to any components visible within the application. Each time
the client makes a request to the server -- causing the component
hierarchy to be updated -- the state will be subsequently reflected back
to the client. The underlying lesson here is that all you have to do to
make a change in what a user will see is to make that change to the
component hierarchy. The Application Container takes care of the dirty
The heart of an application: The
EchoInstance object The state of a single user's instance of
an Echo application is represented by an EchoInstance object.
When a new user visits an Echo application, a new
EchoInstance is automatically created by the Application
Container and stored in the user's servlet session. An
EchoInstance is thus a stateful object, and as such is often
used to store application-wide state information. For example, the name of
the currently logged-in user could be stored in an instance variable of
the EchoInstance , or perhaps it might also be used to store
references to open transactions or other middle-tier and database
EchoInstance functions as the effective "root" of the user
interface. It is responsible for tracking and managing which windows are
open in the application, providing a complete picture of the application's
Every Echo application is required to provide an implementation of the
abstract EchoInstance class. The derived form is only
required to provide an implementation of a single method,
init() , which initializes the state of a new application
instance. The init() method returns a Window
object that represents the state of the "initial window" of the
application. The component hierarchy placed in the "initial window" is
rendered in the browser window used to first navigate to the
A very simple implementation of an EchoInstance is shown
in Listing 1, displaying the text "Hello, World!" in the user's browser
window: Listing 1. A simple EchoInstance
class HelloWorld extends EchoInstance {
public Window init() {
Window window = new Window();
ContentPane content = new ContentPane();
Label label = new Label("Hello, World!");
return window;
The EchoServer: A servlet wrapper
for an Echo application To make Echo applications work as
servlets, a servlet class must be defined to house the application. Echo's
EchoServer class (which extends HttpServlet )
handles nearly all of this work right out of the box. For instance,
EchoServer provides implementations of the
doGet() and doPost() methods to handle incoming
requests automatically by feeding them to the Echo Application
The only task required of the developer when creating an
EchoServer implementation is to tell the object how to create
new user instances of an application. This is accomplished by providing a
concrete version of the abstract getEchoInstance() method to
return a new application instance on demand. Listing 2 shows just how
simple such a class can be: Listing 2. An
EchoServer implementation
public class HelloWorldServlet extends EchoServer {
public EchoInstance newInstance() {
return new HelloWorld();
Building a user interface with
components An Echo Component is an object that
represents an element or "widget" of a user interface. For example, a
label component is used to display a string of text or an icon, and a text
field component is used to enable the user to input a single line of text.
Components may contain child components, enabling the formation of
component hierarchies. An Echo user interface is defined by such a
component hierarchy, as shown in Figure 1:
Figure 1. A user interface represented as a hierarchy
of components
Echo provides a basic array of built-in components to cover the
fundamental concepts of user interfaces, such as windows, labels, buttons,
text entry areas, listboxes, and tables. Components are designed to be
extended so that developers can derive new reusable or
application-specific components from the existing library.
Responding to user actions through
events While the state of a user interface is defined by
components, its dynamics are built using events. Components that are
interactive -- for instance, buttons -- provide methods to register event
listeners. When an event listener is registered with a component, it is
notified when the component changes state in response to a user's
behavior. For example, ActionListener s registered with a
Button component will be invoked when the user clicks the
As previously mentioned, Echo is an event-driven framework. Once the
initial state of an application has been set up as a result of
EchoInstance 's init() method being invoked, all
future changes to an application's state will be in response to
Listing 3 shows the EchoInstance class of a very simple
application that demonstrates the use of events. It displays three colored
buttons that change the background color of the window's content when they
are clicked. The class itself implements the ActionListener
event-listener interface, providing an actionPerformed()
method to process action events. When the class creates the buttons, it
adds itself as an action listener to each of them. Listing 3. The EchoInstance of an application that makes
use of events
class ButtonDemo extends EchoInstance
implements ActionListener {
private Button redButton, greenButton, blueButton;
private ContentPane content;
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
if (e.getSource() == redButton) {
} else if (e.getSource() == greenButton) {
} else if (e.getSource() == blueButton) {
public Window init() {
Window window = new Window();
content = new ContentPane();
redButton = new Button("Red");
greenButton = new Button("Green");
blueButton = new Button("Blue");
return window;
When a button is clicked, the actionPerformed() method is
invoked. The implementation of this method determines which button was
pressed by checking the source of the event and then setting the
background color of the application based on which button fired it.
Laying out the user
interface By default, Echo components will be laid out
sequentially, from left to right and then top to bottom on the user's
screen. This default layout is not desirable when building a real
application. Echo provides numerous components whose purpose is to lay out
the user interface of an application, such as defining the positioning and
order of other components.
The "strut" component is arguably the simplest of Echo's layout
components. Its sole purpose is to provide horizontal or vertical spacing
between two other components. Struts are created by invoking a static
factory method in the Filler class. Two such methods exist:
createHorizontalStrut() and
createVerticalStrut() . Each takes an integer value as a
parameter to indicate the size -- in pixels -- of separation desired.
Most application layouts are typically defined using Echo's
Grid class. Grid s provide a greater degree of
control by letting the developer place components in the cells of a grid.
Figure 2 shows an application using several Grid components
to lay out its content. The buttons on the left side of this figure are
laid out using a Grid , as is the content in the central
region of the application's window.
Figure 2. An application laid out using pane
components and Grids
Windows and panes In
Echo, the Window component represents a complete and
independent browser window. In contrast to most Web-based application
architectures, Echo allows the developer complete control over management
of multiple windows involved in a single application. Window s
may be opened and closed by invoking the EchoInstance 's
addWindow() and removeWindow() methods.
Applications can even be notified when the user attempts to close a window
by registering WindowListener s.
Pane components are used for dividing Window components
into smaller regions. Window s are somewhat unique from other
components in that they only allow a single component as their content,
and that component must be a pane. All pane components are recognizable by
the fact that they are derived from the AbstractPane class,
in addition to having the "Pane" suffix in their class names.
The two most commonly used pane types are ContentPane s and
ContainerPane s. A ContentPane allows regular
components (that are not panes) to be added, such as Label s,
Panel s, Grid s, and TextField s. In
both the HelloWorld (see Listing
1) and ButtonDemo (see Listing
3) examples, ContentPane s have been used as the root
content of each application's main window.
ContainerPane s are used to divide a window's "real estate"
into distinct areas. ContainerPane s may only contain other
pane components (including other ContainerPane s). In Figure
2, the window has been divided into major regions using several
ContainerPane s.
Style properties Most
Echo components provide settable properties that control their appearance,
as shown in Listing
3, where the background colors of the Button and
ContentPane components are modified. At a minimum, every
component is capable of adjusting its font, as well as its foreground and
background colors, because the Component class itself
provides these features. Many components contain additional stylistic
properties. For example, TextField s allow you to configure
the style, size, and color of their borders.
When developing a complex user interface, you will often want the same
properties applied to many instances of the same type of component. For
example, you might want all text fields to have a light blue background,
black text, and a thin dark blue border. Echo provides a
Style class to group such property settings, so that the same
information can be reused by multiple components.
Applying Echo As
you've learned in this article, Echo has a lot in common with a user
interface toolkit. As a result, Echo works best with applications whose
user interfaces lend themselves to being built with a user interface
toolkit-like architecture. If a project works well as a rich client
application, it will likely work well with Echo; but if you think a
project resembles a Web site more than an application, you will probably
want to use a different technology to build it.
Many projects will benefit from using a hybrid of Echo and other
technologies. It's fairly common among the Echo development community to
see projects built using both Echo and other Web application frameworks
and Web scripting languages. These sites are often architected so the
page-based technologies are used to create the content-rich portions of
the site, and Echo-based applications are created to handle the more
complex and interactive pieces.
The future of
Echo After more than 20 months of development and testing,
Echo 1.0 was finally released in June 2003. There are two new versions of
Echo currently in development: 1.1 will offer some minor updates and is
set to be released in the near future; 1.2 will offer more significant
improvements and will be released a few months later.
For 1.2, a roster of new features is planned. Many of the additions are
aimed toward providing a more rich client-like experience, such as
allowing for complete control over component focus, as well as tracking
and updating window screen positions and sizes. Other features target
making life easier on developers, such as allowing style information to be
externalized and streamlining the installation process of third-party Echo
component libraries.
Because Echo is an open source project, all development takes place out
in the open. The primary vehicles of communication among developers are
the online forums and mailing lists. Anyone is welcome to join and
contribute or discuss ideas for future development.
About the
author Tod Liebeck founded NextApp, Inc. in 2001 to pursue
advanced Web-based user interface technology. He currently serves as
the lead developer of the Echo Web application framework and Chief
Software Architect. Contact Tod at tliebeck@nextapp.com. |