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| Which J2EE technology is best suited to your
Gabhart (mailto:kyle@gabhart.com?cc=&subject=Persistent
data management, Part 1) Consultant, Gabhart Consulting 2 April
The J2EE platform provides a rich
set of options for managing enterprise data persistence, but how do you
choose the one that's right for your architecture? In the next two
installments of JEE pathfinder, Kyle Gabhart introduces J2EE's
top data persistence technologies -- entity beans, JDBC, and JDO -- and
compares them in several different environments. This month: JDBC versus
entity beans.
Data persistence is one of the trickiest aspects of enterprise
development. An enterprise data persistence solution must provide speedy
client transactions, ensure data integrity over time, and be able to
persist data through such everyday catastrophes as system crashes and
network failures. For the next two installments of the J2EE
pathfinder series, we'll focus on the J2EE technologies that can help
you create sound data persistence solutions for your enterprise
architecture. We'll launch the topic with a brief introduction to data
persistence in enterprise applications, then move on to a more specific
discussion of the various technology options. In this installment, we'll
compare the single-stop solution of entity beans to the more complex --
but also more robust -- combination of session beans and Java Database
Connectivity (JDBC) code. In the next installment, we'll talk about how
Java Data Objects (JDO) stack up against entity beans.
What is data
persistence? Data is the most important asset of any
computer application. The entire point of a computer application is to
enable a person or another computer system to access its data. In an
enterprise context, data must not only be accessible (that is, attached to
a user interface and managed by a series of business rules), it must also
be persistent. A persistent datastore is one that will survive even
in the event of a server crash.
Persistent data exists outside of an application's active memory,
typically in a database or flat file system. Although persistent data is
read into transient memory for the purpose of use or modification, it is
always written out to an external datastore for long-term storage. The
United States National Institute of Standards and Technology (see Resources)
defines three levels of persistent data:
- Partially persistent data is a persistent data structure that
allows updates to the latest version only.
- Persistent data is a data structure that preserves its old
versions; that is, both previous and current versions may be
- Fully persistent data is a persistent data structure that
both maintains and allows updates to all versions of its data.
Most business applications provide at least partially persistent data.
This type of persistence is vulnerable to mid-transaction or even
mid-request system failures, which can result in incomplete and often
corrupt data. In a persistent data implementation, on the other hand, a
system interruption or failure is countered by a "rollback," where the
state of the data is rolled back to the last known good configuration.
Persistent data implementations are common in enterprise architectures and
database management systems (DBMS). Fully persistent data implementations
are very rare. Among the few examples of fully persistent data
implementations are journaling file systems, VMS file systems (like VAX
and Mac OS X), and concurrent versioning systems (CVS).
Persistence in
J2EE The information age has put tremendous emphasis on the
use of distributed enterprise computing platforms. On such platforms, data
must be protected at all cost and must persist indefinitely, even in the
face of network failures, memory leaks, and server crashes. To maintain
this type of persistence, application components must be capable of
handling concurrency, connection management, data integrity, and
synchronization. All three of J2EE's data management technologies handle
these functions for the developer, although each one handles them somewhat
- Entity beans provide robust data persistence. The bean
container handles most of the data integrity, resource management, and
concurrency functions, letting developers focus on business logic and
data processing rather than these low-level details. With Bean Managed
Persistence (BMP) entity beans, the developer writes the persistence
code but the container determines when to execute that code. With
Container Managed Persistence (CMP) entity beans, the container
generates the persistence code as well as managing the persistence
- JDBC, when combined with session beans, provides the ease of
EJB development and platform-neutral deployment, without the resource
usage and memory overhead that is common with EJB technology. Like BMP
entity beans, this solution requires the developer to write the
persistence code. Unlike BMP beans, it also requires the developer to
write the persistence logic. Thus, the developer is responsible for
determining when to persist data to and load from the datastore.
- Java Data Objects is the newest persistence mechanism. JDO
provides an object-oriented persistent datastore. Developers use POJOs
(plain ordinary Java objects) to load and store persistent data.
We'll spend the rest of the article discussing the pros and cons of
entity beans versus the combination of session beans and JDBC.
Entity bean
advantages When it comes to enterprise-level data
persistence, entity beans offer the following advantages:
- Standardization. The EJB specification defines a set of
vendor-neutral interfaces that J2EE vendors can implement to support
entity beans. This standardization allows for the development of best
practices and reduces the ramp-up time when a new developer is hired.
Because the basic component architecture and design patterns are common
knowledge, it's fairly easy to find qualified talent to implement
- Container-managed services. As we discussed in the previous
two articles in this series, EJB container-managed services provide
tremendous benefits for handling such enterprise functions as security,
transaction handling, connection pooling, and resource management.
- Transparent persistence. The idea of container-managed
services is taken even further in the case of CMP entity beans. Here,
the container also manages the persistence semantics automatically. With
BMP entity beans, developers must write the persistence logic but the
container determines when to call the methods defined by the developer.
With both CMP and BMP entity beans, the container calls the shots as to
when to persist a bean's state and how to ensure data integrity and
concurrency with the underlying datastore.
- Transaction support. Developers have coarse-grained control
over CMP transactions (isolation levels, transaction requirements, and
inclusion/exclusion of methods), and fine-grained control over BMP
transactions, by handling the transaction semantics programmatically in
the bean code. In both cases, the container manages the transactions and
determines whether or not a given transaction should be
- Component-based design. Entity beans are designed to be
self-contained components that are configured with a deployment
descriptor and can be deployed into any J2EE application server without
any code changes.
The rise and fall of entity
beans As architects, developers, and consultants began to
work with entity beans, however, the charm and fascination quickly
began to wear off. By the time the EJB 1.1 specification became
widely implemented, it was evident that entity beans had to be used
with great caution and respect. Although they still represented a
powerful component-model architecture for data persistence, they
were notorious for consuming far more than their fair share of
server resources. The EJB 2.0 specification has alleviated some of
these concerns. Although many people are still licking their wounds
from the EJB 1.1 entity bean days, entity beans are now more
trustworthy and a more viable solution than in days gone by. With
the advent of local interfaces, enhanced CMP capabilities, and J2EE
vendors with more experience implementing the EJB specification,
entity beans have again become a viable data persistence mechanism
for the industry at large. In 1999, when the J2EE and EJB
specifications were first introduced to the world, entity beans were
touted as a brilliant enterprise component that would revolutionize
enterprise application development, maintenance, and portability.
The industry got excited about what entity beans represented as a
sort of no-fuss, automatic persistence mechanism.
In summary, entity beans benefit from standardization and industry best
practices, ease some of the complexities of enterprise development, and
provide a compelling component-based design.
Entity bean
disadvantages While entity beans do have an impressive list
of features to recommend them, we must also consider their disadvantages,
which include the following:
- Design complexity. Container-managed services and automatic,
transparent persistence come at a heavy price. They introduce complexity
to your application design at several levels. First, to avoid network
overhead and force adherence to business rules, entity beans are almost
always accessed through a session bean. Thus, each transaction involves
at least two enterprise beans and often many more. As more components
become involved, the architecture becomes more complicated to design,
code, and maintain. Second, there is the cost of automation. The
container is something of a magical black box. It invokes bean callback
methods whenever it deems appropriate, creates and destroys bean
instances, activates and passivates beans, and stores and loads their
state to a persistent datastore whenever it chooses. The application
code has no control over how or when these things happen. On the
positive side, the container's function reduces the number of issues to
be considered when writing business logic. On the negative side, the
container's response to load conditions and data request patterns is
unpredictable, so extensive scenario-based load testing must be added to
the development process.
- Long build cycles. Because of the complexity of enterprise
beans and entity beans in particular, a single iteration
(design/build/test/integrate/test/deploy) can take two to three times
longer than comparable Java persistence solutions.
- Response time. Depending upon the load placed on the server
and the relative size of the entity bean that has been requested,
queries on entity beans can have sub-par response times. Entity beans by
their very nature are limited to the granularity of the bean instance.
Either the entire bean must be loaded or the bean cannot be loaded at
all. This granularity can further complicate an architecture, as the
only options are to keep the beans as is with the poor response times,
or to break the data up into smaller entities, further complicating the
system's architecture.
- Resource usage. All enterprise beans are resource hogs.
Entity beans are some of the worst offenders. While this will vary
depending upon what application design patterns are used and how
efficiently the vendor has designed its entity bean implementation,
entity beans still have a tendency to consume massive quantities of
server resources.
In summary, entity beans suffer from complexity and long build cycles,
making the design and development of systems that include them more
difficult. In production, entity beans are notorious for hogging resources
and responding slowly to concurrent requests for large entities.
Session beans and
JDBC Unlike entity beans, stateless session beans have not
ridden a roller coaster of popularity (see sidebar).
In fact, stateless session beans have remained steady and reliable in
terms of both popularity and functionality since 1999, when the EJB
specification was released. They produce excellent performance results and
efficient resource pooling, and are an important worker component of the
EJB family. The stability and predictability of stateless session beans
make them an excellent candidate for managing persistent enterprise
Stateless session beans and JDBC are often combined to create a solid
persistent data management solution. In the next couple of sections, we'll
weigh the pros and cons of that solution, but we won't go into much detail
about either technology on its own. If you need to learn more about
stateless session beans or JDBC, see Resources.
How it works Because
session beans don't possess an inherent data access mechanism, they must
use a resource manager connection factory. A resource manager is a
component of a J2EE container that manages the entire life cycle of a
particular type of resource, including connection pooling, transaction
support, and any necessary network protocols that make the actual
connection possible. A connection factory is an object that is used
to create connections to a resource manager. The EJB specification defines
resource managers for JDBC, JMS, JavaMail, and JCA resources.
In a persistence architecture based on session beans and JDBC, a
session bean delegates all access commands to the JDBC layer. On receiving
a call, the session bean uses JDBC to obtain an object that implements the
javax.sql.DataSource interface. The object returned then
serves as a resource manager factory for java.sql.Connection
objects (defined by the JDBC API) that implement connections to a database
management system. Once a Connection object has been
obtained, the remainder of the persistence code and business logic
(queries, updates, stored procedure calls, result set navigation,
transaction commit/rollback, and so on) are pure JDBC.
Session bean/JDBC
advantages Session beans and JDBC make an excellent team for
handling enterprise data persistence. The most commonly recognized
advantages to this combination are as follows:
- Design simplicity. From an architectural design standpoint,
handling data management directly through session beans is much simpler
than using entity beans.
- Fine-grained control. Because session beans are generic
worker components, they allow the developer complete control over the
entire persistence process, including caching, persistence, concurrency,
synchronization, and more. In contrast, CMP entity beans allow the
developer no control over the persistence mechanism, and BMP entity
beans only enable the developer to define what should happen, not when
or under what circumstances.
- Maturity. JDBC is approximately seven years old! Entity
beans, by contrast, are just over three years old. The reliability and
best practices of JDBC is a tremendous asset to the development of a
J2EE persistence mechanism.
- Speed. Because developers have complete control over the data
access mechanism used within a session bean, data access and persistence
logic can be optimized for certain tasks. This can result in incredibly
quick response time due to direct, purposeful actions.
In summary, the combination of session beans and JDBC gives the
developer fine-grained control over data management semantics, leverages a
robust and mature data management technology, enables functional
optimization, and packages it all into a relatively simple component
Session bean/JDBC
disadvantages Sounds good so far, but there are a few
downsides to the combination of session beans and JDBC. They are as
- Implementation complexity. While the architectural design of
such a system is fairly simple, the actual session bean implementation
is often quite complicated. Managing database connections, ensuring data
integrity, and properly handling transaction semantics are crucial tasks
that can be overwhelming to implement if the application's data needs
are fairly sophisticated. Developers are often required to implement
some type of caching along with ensuring optimum performance. The
construction of such a caching mechanism further complicates the
development and maintenance of this system.
- Not inherently transactional. Entity beans are inherently
transactional components with configurable transaction semantics;
session beans are not. When coding the transaction semantics directly
into the application code, developers must take every precaution to
ensure that the business rules, flow control, and transactional
integrity of each function are preserved and fault-tolerant. These
details are handled by the container in entity-bean development.
- Persistence isn't automatic or guaranteed. In entity bean
operation, the container handles the persistence of a bean's state,
ensuring that such data has been preserved for later use. With session
beans, the responsibility of persisting data to a secure, long-term
datastore is on the developer's shoulders.
In summary, session beans combined with JDBC suffer from three key
problems: the implementation of the bean is often complex; session beans
aren't inherently transactional; and the persistence mechanism isn't
automatic or guaranteed.
Making the
call Despite the drawbacks, J2EE architects have begun to
claim plain vanilla stateless session beans with raw JDBC calls as the
safest and most commonly recommended data persistence mechanism. This
isn't so much because the combination is a superior solution to entity
beans (both have their merits) as it is a matter of momentum. Whereas
entity beans rose quickly to prominence and then fell just as quickly out
of favor, the popular acceptance of session beans and JDBC has been
accumulating slowly and steadily over time.
Despite the current trend, it is worthwhile to carefully weigh the
advantages of entity beans versus session beans with JDBC. The following
list identifies four key areas in which to compare the two data
persistence solutions:
- Read/write needs. Data that needs to be read often and never
changed or occasionally changed is best handled by session beans with
JDBC. The development should be simple, straightforward, and result in
excellent response times.
If the data needs to be frequently
updated and support many concurrent requests (and thus many concurrent
changes), then entity beans are the clear choice. The complexity
involved in building a mechanism to ensure data integrity,
synchronization, and frequent persistence in the face of concurrent
requests for data would simply be too overwhelming and not worth the
time and effort involved in creating it.
- Transactional support. CMP entity beans shield developers
from being concerned with transaction contexts. All the transactional
details are declared within the bean's deployment descriptor. If this
level of control is acceptable, then CMP entity beans clearly provide
the easiest solution. If more control is needed, BMP beans allow
developers to define what actions should be taken without being
concerned with writing business rules for when such actions should be
triggered. For the maximum level of control, a session bean should be
used. That session bean could manage a complicated transaction involving
CMP and BMP entity beans, as well as a handful of JDBC calls that
directly hit the database.
- Time to market. CMP entity beans easily represent the single
fastest time to market of any J2EE persistence mechanism. Data types and
names are declared, deployment settings are defined, and the application
server and vendor tools take care of the rest. It's hard to say whether
BMP entity beans or session beans with JDBC would rank as the second
fastest solution. On one hand, BMP would be faster because the container
is providing so many life-cycle services on behalf of the bean. On the
other hand, session beans would come in ahead, as they have a much less
complicated and thus shorter build/test/deploy cycle. Ultimately,
ranking these three as they relate to your particular project is only
part of the picture. This ranking must then be weighed against the next
category: resource usage.
- Resource usage. Entity beans are notorious for consuming a
large quantity of resources, especially when concurrent requests are
made on especially large entities. In comparison, session beans and JDBC
datasource connections are very lightweight and require only a small
amount of server resources. For more information on this, read the
description of the stateless session EJB instance-pooling model outlined
in the first article of this series, "J2EE technologies for the
stateless network" (see the J2EE Pathfinder series in Resources).
Conclusion In this
third installment of the J2EE pathfinder series, we have compared
and contrasted entity beans with session beans and JDBC for data
persistence. The scenarios discussed here don't cover every situation, but
they are representative of some of the most common uses for entity EJB
components and session EJB components.
Next month we'll continue our exploration of J2EE data persistence
mechanisms as we compare entity beans with Java Data Objects. Until then,
happy pathfinding!
- Participate in the discussion forum on this
article. (You can also click Discuss at the top or bottom of the
article to access the forum.)
- See the complete J2EE
pathfinder series by Kyle Gabhart.
- The J2EE home page is the
place to start if you want to learn more about the Java 2 platform,
Enterprise Edition and related technologies.
- The National Institute of Standards
and Technology offers a complete listing of the types of standard
data persistence.
- The tutorial "Getting
started with Enterprise JavaBeans technology"
(developerWorks, April 2003) is a comprehensive introduction to
EJB technology.
- Brett McLaughlin's EJB
best practices series on developerWorks introduces some
of the basic patterns and uses associated with Enterprise
- Rick Hightower details container-managed persistence in this
four-part tutorial series (developerWorks, March 2002 - July
- Part
1 explains all about CMP/CMR.
- Part
2 describes the three varieties of component managed
relationships: one-to-one, many-to-many, one-to-many.
- Part
3 introduces EJB QL.
- Part
4 focuses on advanced finder methods and more complex EJB-QL
- Srikanth Shenoy offers best practices for EJB
exception handling (developerWorks, May 2002).
- Kyle Brown's "Choosing
the Right EJB Type: Some Design Criteria" (WebSphere
Developer Domain, August 2000) is a careful comparison of EJB
- The J2EEOlympus.com portal
is an excellent repository of J2EE information (particularly the EJB pages).
- developerWorks offers two tutorials by Robert Brunner that
detail JDBC.
- In "Building
Web-based applications with JDBC (December 2001) you'll learn the
fundamentals of Web application programming using three separate
techniques: a servlet approach, a JSP approach, and combined JSP,
JavaBeans, and servlet approach (also known as Model 2).
- In "Advanced
database operations with JDBC" (November 2001) you'll learn
several advanced database operations, including stored procedures and
advanced datatypes, that can be performed by a Java application using
- "What's
new in JDBC 3.0?" by Josh Heidebrecht (developerWorks, July
2001) outlines the key features of JDBC 3.0, the current version of the
JDBC specification.
- See the developerWorks
Java technology tutorials page for a complete listing of more free
tutorials from developerWorks.
- You'll find hundreds of articles about every aspect of Java
programming in the developerWorks
Java technology zone.
About the
Kyle Gabhart is an independent consultant and
subject matter expert with J2EE, XML, and Web services technologies.
Kyle is a popular public speaker, recognized for his enthusiasm and
dynamic analysis and presentation of emerging technologies. For
information on his recent and upcoming presentations or industry
publications, visit Gabhart.com. Kyle can be reached at kyle@gabhart.com.
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