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| Formatting and internationalization through custom
A. Kolb (mailto:mak@taglib.com?cc=&subject=Presentation
is everything) Software Engineer 15 April 2003
Localizing content for visitors is a
critical element for developers who want their Web applications to have
global impact. Internationalization features have been part of the Java
programming language since JDK 1.1, and the JSP Standard Tag Library
(JSTL) fmt library provides convenient access to all of
these features through a focused set of custom tags. Mark Kolb returns
to the topic of JSTL in this third installment of his four-part series
with a look at the fmt tags for formatting and
internationalizing data.
In the previous articles in this series, we discussed the JSTL and its
expression language (EL). We also examined the custom tags defined by the
core library. Specifically, in "The
expression language" we said the EL provides a simplified language for
accessing and manipulating data within a JSP application and making that
data available to JSTL custom tags as dynamic attribute values. The
core library, which includes custom tags for managing scoped
variables, displaying EL values, implementing iterative and conditional
content, and interacting with URLs, was the topic of "Getting
down to the core."
The next JSTL library we'll discuss is the fmt library.
The custom tags in the fmt library support localizing textual
content through resource bundles and the display and parsing of numbers
and dates. These tags leverage the Java language's internationalization
API as realized in the java.util and java.text
packages, so if you're already familiar with classes such as
ResourceBundle , Locale ,
MessageFormat , and DateFormat , you'll find much
to appreciate in the fmt library. If not, the
fmt library's tags encapsulate the internationalization API
in an intuitive manner that makes it easy to incorporate localization
features into your JSP applications.
Localization Within
the Java language internationalization API, there are two major factors
that influence how data is localized. One is the user's locale, the
other is the user's time zone. A locale represents the linguistic
conventions of a particular region or culture, including the formatting of
dates, numbers, and currency amounts. A locale will always have an
associated language, which in many cases is a dialect of a language shared
by multiple locales. For example, there are different locales for the
American, British, Australian, and Canadian dialects of the English
language, and for the French, Belgian, Swiss, and Canadian dialects of the
French language.
Time zone is the second factor in the localization of data, simply
because some locales span very large geographic regions. When you display
time-of-day information for a continent-spanning locale such as Australian
English, customizing the data for a user's time zone is just as important
as formatting it properly.
This begs the question, though: How does an application determine a
user's locale and time zone? In the case of Java applications, the JVM is
able to set a default locale and time zone by interacting with the local
operating system. While this approach works fine for desktop applications,
it's not really appropriate for a server-side Java application that is
handling requests from locations that may be halfway around the world from
the server the application resides on.
Fortunately, the HTTP protocol includes provisions for relaying
localization information from the browser to the server by means of the
Accept-Language request header. Many Web browsers allow users
to customize their language preferences, as illustrated in Figure 1.
Typically, those browsers that don't provide explicit settings for one or
more preferred locales will instead interrogate the operating system to
determine what value (or values) to send in the
Accept-Language header. The servlet specification
automatically takes advantage of this feature of the HTTP protocol through
the getLocale() and getLocales() methods of the
javax.servlet.ServletRequest class. The custom tags in the
JSTL fmt library in turn leverage these methods to
automatically determine a user's locale and adjust their output
Figure 1. Selecting locales by setting language
preferences for a browser
Unfortunately, however, no standard HTTP request headers exist for
transmitting a user's time zone from the browser to the server. As a
result, users who want their Web applications to localize time data will
need to implement their own mechanisms for determining and keeping track
of user-specific time zones. For example, the Weblog application
introduced in Part 2 of this series, "Getting
down to the core," includes a form that stores a user's time zone
preference in a cookie.
The fmt library The
custom tags in the JSTL fmt library fall into four major
groupings. The first set allows you to set the localization context in
which the other tags operate. In other words, this group of tags allows
the page author to explicitly set the locale and time zone that the other
fmt tags will use when formatting data. The second and third
sets of tags support the formatting and parsing of dates and numbers,
respectively. The final group of tags is focused on localizing text
Now that we've set the stage, let's focus our attention on each of
these four sets of tags in turn, and demonstrate their use.
Localization context
tags As we already discussed, the locale used by the JSTL
tags when formatting data is normally determined by examining the
Accept-Language header sent by a user's browser as part of
each HTTP request. If no such header is present, then JSTL provides a set
of JSP configuration variables you can set to specify a default locale. If
these configuration variables have not been set, then the JVM's default
locale is used, which is obtained from the operating system the JSP
container is running on.
The fmt library provides its own custom tag for overriding
this process of determining a user's locale:
<fmt:setLocale> . As the following snippet shows, the
<fmt:setLocale> action supports three attributes:
<fmt:setLocale value="expression"
scope="scope" variant="expression"/>
Only one of the attributes, the value attribute, is
required. The value of this attribute should be either a string naming a
locale, or an instance of the java.util.Locale class. A
locale name is constructed from a two-letter lowercase ISO country code,
optionally followed by an underscore or hyphen and a two-letter uppercase
ISO language code.
For example, en is the language code for English and
US is the country code for the United States, so
en_US (or en-US ) would be the locale name for
American English. Similarly, fr is the language code for
French and CA is the country code for Canada, so
fr_CA (or fr_CA ) is the locale name for Canadian
French. (See Resources
for links to all the valid ISO language and country codes.) Of course,
because the country codes are optional, en and
fr are themselves valid locale names and would be appropriate
for applications that do not distinguish between specific dialects of the
corresponding languages.
The optional scope attribute of
<fmt:setLocale> is used to specify the scope of the
locale. The page scope indicates that the setting is only
applicable over the current page, while the request scope
applies it to all JSP pages accessed during a request. If the
scope attribute is set to session , then the
specified locale is used for all JSP pages accessed over the course of the
user's session. A value of application indicates that the
locale is applied to all requests for all of the Web application's JSP
pages and for all users of that application.
The variant attribute (also optional) allows you to
further customize the locale to a specific Web browser platform or vendor.
For example, MAC and WIN are variant names for
the Apple Macintosh and Microsoft Windows platforms, respectively.
The following snippet shows how the <fmt:setLocale>
tag is used to explicitly specify the locale setting for a user's session:
<fmt:setLocale value="fr_CA" scope="session"/>
After the JSP container processes this JSP fragment, the language
preferences as specified in the user's browser settings will be
The <fmt:setTimeZone> action, like
<fmt:setLocale> , may be used to set the default time
zone value for use by the other fmt custom tags. Its syntax
is shown here:
<fmt:setTimeZone value="expression"
var="name" scope="scope"/>
Like the <fmt:setLocale> , only the
value attribute is required, though in this case it should be
either the name of a time zone or an instance of the
java.util.TimeZone class.
Unfortunately, there aren't any widely accepted standards for naming
time zones. Time zone names you may use for the value
attribute of the <fmt:setTimezone> tag are therefore
Java platform-specific. You can retrieve a list of valid time zone names
by calling the getAvailableIDs() static method of the
java.util.TimeZone class. Examples include
US/Eastern , GMT+8 , and
Pacific/Guam .
As was the case for <fmt:setLocale> , you can use the
optional scope attribute to indicate the scope of the time
zone setting. The code below shows the use of
<fmt:setTimeZone> to specify the time zone to be
applied to an individual user's session:
<fmt:setTimeZone value="Australia/Brisbane" scope="session"/>
You can also use the <fmt:setTimeZone> action to
store the value of a TimeZone instance in a scoped variable.
In this case, you use the var attribute to name the scoped
variable and the scope attribute specifies the variable's
scope (just as these two attributes are used in the
<c:set> and <c:if> actions, for
example). Note that when you use the <fmt:setTimeZone>
action in this manner, its only side effect is setting the specified
variable. When the var attribute is specified, no change is
made to the JSP environment with respect to what time zone is used by any
other JSTL tags.
The final tag in this group is the <fmt:timeZone>
<fmt:timeZone value="expression">
body content
Like <fmt:setTimeZone> , you use this tag to specify
the time zone to be used by other JSTL tags. The scope of the
<fmt:timeZone> action, however, is limited to its body
content. Within the body of an <fmt:timeZone> tag, the
time zone specified by the tag's value attribute overrides
any other time zone setting present in the JSP environment.
As was the case for <fmt:setTimeZone> , the
value attribute of the <fmt:timeZone> tag
should be either the name of a time zone or an instance of
java.util.TimeZone . An example of how to use
<fmt:timeZone> appears later in Listing
Date tags The
fmt library includes two tags for interacting with dates and
time: <fmt:formatDate> and
<fmt:parseDate> . As their names suggest,
<fmt:formatDate> is used to format and display dates
and times (data output), while <fmt:parseDate>
is used to parse date and time values (data input).
The syntax for <fmt:formatDate> is shown here:
<fmt:formatDate value="expression"
type="field" dateStyle="style"
var="name" scope="scope"/>
Only the value attribute is required. Its value should be
an instance of the java.util.Date class, specifying the date
and/or time data to be formatted and displayed.
The optional timeZone attribute indicates the time zone in
which the date and/or time are to be displayed. If no
timeZone attribute is specified explicitly, then the time
zone specified by any surrounding <fmt:timeZone> tag is
used. If the <fmt:formatDate> action is not enclosed in
the body of an <fmt:timeZone> tag, then the time zone
set by any applicable <fmt:setTimeZone> action is used.
If there is no relevant <fmt:setTimeZone> action, then
the JVM's default time zone is used (that is, the time zone setting
specified for the local operating system).
The type attribute indicates which fields of the specified
Date instance are to be displayed, and should be either
time , date , or both . The default
value for this attribute is date , so if no type
attribute is present, the <fmt:formatDate> tag -- true
to its name -- will only display the date information associated with the
Date instance, specified using the tag's value
The dateStyle and timeStyle attributes
indicate how the date and time information should be formatted,
respectively. Valid styles are default , short ,
medium , long , and full . The default
value is, naturally, default , indicating that a
locale-specific style should be used. The semantics for the other four
style values are as defined by the java.text.DateFormat
Rather than relying on the built-in styles, you can use the
pattern attribute to specify a custom style. When present,
the value of the pattern attribute should be a pattern string following
the conventions of the java.text.SimpleDateFormat class.
These patterns are based on replacing designated characters within the
pattern with corresponding date and time fields. For example, the pattern
MM/dd/yyyy indicates that two-digit month and date values and
a four-digit year value should be displayed, separated by forward slashes.
If the var attribute is specified, then a
String value containing the formatted date is assigned to the
named variable. Otherwise, the <fmt:formatDate> tag
will write out the formatting results. When the var attribute
is present, the scope attribute specifies the scope of the
resulting variable.
Listing 1 (which is an extension of Listing 8 from Part
2 of this series) includes two uses of the
<fmt:formatDate> tag. In the first usage,
<fmt:formatDate> is used to display only the date
portion of the creation timestamp for the first weblog entry. In addition,
a value of full is specified for the dateStyle
attribute, so that all date fields will be displayed in a locale-specific
format. Listing 1. Using the
<fmt:formatDate> tag to display date and time values
<fmt:timeZone value="US/Eastern">
<c:forEach items="${entryList}" var="blogEntry" varStatus="status">
<c:if test="${status.first}">
<tr><td align="left" class="blogDate">
<fmt:formatDate value=
"${blogEntry.created}" dateStyle="full"/>
<tr><td align="left" class="blogTitle">
<c:out value="${blogEntry.title}" escapeXml="false"/>
<tr><td align="left" class="blogText">
<c:out value="${blogEntry.text}" escapeXml="false"/>
<font class="blogPosted">
[Posted <fmt:formatDate value="${blogEntry.created}"
pattern="h:mm a zz"/>]
Within the body of the <c:forEach> loop, a second
<fmt:formatDate> action is used to display only the
time portion of each entry's creation date. In this case, the
pattern attribute is used to control the formatting of the
time value, specifying a single-digit hour display (when possible), a
twelve-hour clock, and output of an abbreviated time zone. The output is
shown in Figure 2:
Figure 2. Output of the en_US locale from Listing
To be more precise, the output shown in Figure 2 results when the
user's browser settings indicate a preference for the English language.
Because <fmt:formatDate> is sensitive to a user's
locale, however, a change in browser preferences will cause different
content to be generated. For example, when a French-language locale is
given precedence, the results will instead be like those shown in Figure
Figure 3. Output of the fr_CA locale from Listing
Whereas <fmt:formatDate> generates a localized
character-string representation of a java.util.Date instance,
the <fmt:parseDate> action performs the inverse
operation: Given a character string representing a date and/or time, it
generates the corresponding Date object. There are two forms
of the <fmt:parseDate> action, as shown here:
<fmt:parseDate value="expression"
type="field" dateStyle="style" timeStyle="style"
timeZone="expression" parseLocale="expression"
var="name" scope="scope"/>
type="field" dateStyle="style" timeStyle="style"
timeZone="expression" parseLocale="expression"
var="name" scope="scope">
body content
For the first form, only the value attribute is required,
and its value should be a character string specifying a date, time, or
combination of the two. For the second form, there are no required
attributes, and the character string representing the value to be parsed
is specified as the required body content of the
<fmt:parseDate> tag.
The type , dateStyle , timeStyle ,
pattern , and timeZone attributes play the same
role for <fmt:parseDate> as they do for
<fmt:formatDate> , except that they control the parsing
of a date value, rather than its display. The parseLocale
attribute is used to specify a locale that the tag's value is to be parsed
against, and should be either the name of a locale or an instance of the
Locale class.
The var and scope attributes are used to
specify a scoped variable that -- as a result of
<fmt:parseDate> -- the Date object is
assigned to. If the var attribute is not present, the result
is written to the JSP page using the Date class's
toString() method. Listing 2 shows an example of the
<fmt:parseDate> action: Listing
2. Using the <fmt:parseDate> tag to parse dates and
<c:set var="usDateString">4/1/03 7:03 PM</c:set>
<fmt:parseDate value="${usDateString}" parseLocale="en_US"
type="both" dateStyle="short" timeStyle="short"
<c:set var="gbDateString">4/1/03 19:03</c:set>
<fmt:parseDate value="${gbDateString}" parseLocale="en_GB"
type="both" dateStyle="short" timeStyle="short"
<li> Parsing <c:out value="${usDateString}"/> against the
U.S. English
locale yields a date of <c:out value="${usDate}"/>.</li>
<li> Parsing <c:out value="${gbDateString}"/> against the
British English
locale yields a date of <c:out value="${gbDate}"/>.</li>
The output of Listing 2 is shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4. Output of Listing 2
It is important to note that the parsing performed by
<fmt:parseDate> is not at all lenient. As Listing 2
suggests, the value to be parsed must strictly adhere to the specified
(locale-specific) styles or pattern. This is, of course, rather limiting.
On the other hand, the parsing of data is not a task well-suited to the
presentation layer. For production code, validating and transforming
textual input is better handled by back-end code (a servlet, for example),
rather than by means of JSP custom tags.
Number tags Just as
the <fmt:formatDate> and
<fmt:parseDate> tags are used for formatting and
parsing dates, the <fmt:formatNumber> and
<fmt:parseNumber> tags perform similar functions for
numeric data.
The <fmt:formatNumber> tag is used to display
numeric data, including currencies and percentages, in a locale-specific
manner. The <fmt:formatNumber> action determines from
the locale, for example, whether to use a period or a comma for delimiting
the integer and decimal portions of a number. Here is its syntax:
<fmt:formatNumber value="expression"
type="type" pattern="expression"
currencyCode="expression" currencySymbol="expression"
maxIntegerDigits="expression" minIntegerDigits="expression"
maxFractionDigits="expression" minFractionDigits="expression"
var="name" scope="scope"/>
As was the case for <fmt:formatDate> , only the
value attribute is required. It is used to specify the
numeric value that is to be formatted. The var and
scope attributes also play the same role for the
<fmt:formatNumber> action as they do for
<fmt:formatDate> .
The value of the type attribute should be either
number , currency , or percentage ,
and indicates what type of numeric value is being formatted. The default
value for this attribute is number . The pattern
attribute takes precedence over the type attribute and allows
more precise formatting of numeric values following the pattern
conventions of the java.text.DecimalFormat class.
When the type attribute has a value of
currency , the currencyCode attribute can be used
to explicitly specify the currency for the numerical value being
displayed. As with language and country codes, currency codes are governed
by an ISO standard. (See Resources
for links to all the valid ISO currency codes.) This code is used to
determine the currency symbol to display as part of the formatted value.
Alternatively, you can use the currencySymbol attribute to
explicitly specify the currency symbol. Note that as of JDK 1.4 and the
associated introduction of the java.util.Currency class, the
currencyCode attribute of the
<fmt:formatNumber> action takes precedence over the
currencySymbol attribute. For earlier versions of the JDK,
however, the currencySymbol attribute takes precedence.
The maxIntegerDigits , minIntegerDigits ,
maxFractionDigits , and minFractionDigits
attributes are used to control the number of significant digits displayed
before and after the decimal point. These attributes require integer
The groupingUsed attribute takes a Boolean value and
controls whether digits before the decimal point are grouped. For example,
in English-language locales, large numbers have their digits grouped by
threes, with each set of three delimited by a comma. Other locales delimit
such groupings with a period or a space. The default value for this
attribute is true .
Listing 3 shows a simple currency example, which is itself an extension
of Listing
1. In this case, neither the currencyCode nor the
currencySymbol attributes are specified. The currency is
instead determined from the locale setting. Listing
3. Using the <fmt:formatNumber> tag to display currency
<fmt:timeZone value="US/Eastern">
<c:forEach items="${entryList}" var="blogEntry"
<c:if test="${status.first}">
<tr><td align="left" class="blogDate">
<fmt:formatDate value=
"${blogEntry.created}" dateStyle="full"/>
<tr><td align="left" class="blogTitle">
<c:out value="${blogEntry.title}" escapeXml="false"/>
<tr><td align="left" class="blogText">
<c:out value="${blogEntry.text}" escapeXml="false"/>
<font class="blogPosted">
[My <fmt:formatNumber value="0.02" type="currency"/>
posted at <fmt:formatDate value="${blogEntry.created}"
pattern="h:mm a zz"/>]
The output for the en_US locale is shown in Figure 5:
Figure 5. Output of the en_US locale from Listing
The output for the fr_CA locale is shown in Figure 6:
Figure 6. Output of the fr_CA locale from Listing
The <fmt:parseNumber> action, shown below, parses a
numerical value provided through either its value attribute
or its body content in a locale-specific manner, and returns the result as
an instance of the java.lang.Number class. The
type and pattern attributes play the same role
for <fmt:parseNumber> as they do for
<fmt:formatNumber> . Likewise, the
parseLocale , var , and scope
attributes play the same role for <fmt:parseNumber> as
they do for <fmt:parseDate> .
<fmt:parseNumber value="expression"
type="type" pattern="expression"
var="name" scope="scope"/>
type="type" pattern="expression"
var="name" scope="scope">
body content
The comment made earlier regarding <fmt:parseDate>
is equally applicable to <fmt:parseNumber> : Parsing
data is not a task well-suited to the presentation layer. Software
maintenance will be simplified if parsing and validating data are
implemented as part of the application's business logic. For this reason,
it is generally advisable to avoid the use of both
<fmt:parseDate> and
<fmt:parseNumber> in production JSP pages.
Only the integerOnly attribute is unique to
<fmt:parseNumber> . This attribute takes a Boolean value
indicating whether only the integer portion of the provided value should
be parsed. If this attribute's value is true , any digits
following the decimal point within the character string being parsed are
ignored. The default value for this attribute is false .
tags Localizing text in JSTL is accomplished with the
<fmt:message> tag. This tag allows you to retrieve text
messages from a locale-specific resource bundle and display it on a JSP
page. Furthermore, because this action leverages the capabilities provided
by the java.text.MessageFormat class, parameterized values
can be substituted into such text messages to customize localized content
Resource bundles for storing locale-specific messages take the form of
classes or property files that adhere to a standard naming convention, in
which a basename is combined with a locale name. Consider, for example, a
property file named Greeting.properties that resides in our
weblog application's classpath in the subdirectory corresponding to the
com.taglib.weblog package. You could localize the resource
bundle represented by this property file for the English and French
languages by specifying two new property files in the same directory,
named by appending the appropriate language codes. Specifically, these two
files would be named Greeting_en.properties and
Greeting_fr.properties , respectively. If additional
localization for the Canadian dialect of the French language were desired,
you could introduce a third property file that includes the appropriate
country code in its name (such as Greeting_fr_CA.properties ).
Each of these files would define the same properties, but the values
for those properties would be customized to the corresponding language or
dialect. This approach is shown in Listings 4 and 5, which provide sample
contents for the Greeting_en.properties and
Greeting_fr.properties files. In these examples, two
localized messages are defined. They are identified by the
com.taglib.weblog.Greeting.greeting and
com.taglib.weblog.Greeting.return keys. The values associated
with these keys, however, have been localized for the language identified
in the file's name. Note that the {0} pattern appearing in
both values for the com.taglib.weblog.Greeting.greeting
message enables a parameterized value to be dynamically inserted into the
message during content generation. Listing 4.
Contents of the Greeting_en.properties localized resource
com.taglib.weblog.Greeting.greeting=Hello {0}, and welcome to the JSTL Blog.
5. Contents of the Greeting_fr.properties localized resource
com.taglib.weblog.Greeting.greeting=Bonjour {0}, et bienvenue au JSTL Blog.
The first step in displaying such localized content with JSTL is to
specify the resource bundle. The fmt library provides two
custom tags for accomplishing this -- <fmt:setBundle>
and <fmt:bundle> -- which are analogous in their
behavior to the <fmt:setTimeZone> and
<fmt:timeZone> tags introduced earlier. The
<fmt:setBundle> action sets a default resource bundle
for use by <fmt:message> tags within a particular
scope, whereas <fmt:bundle> specifies the resource
bundle for use by any and all <fmt:message> actions
nested within its body content.
The code snippet below shows the syntax for the
<fmt:setBundle> tag. The basename
attribute is required, and identifies the resource bundle to be set as the
default. Note that the value for the basename attribute
should not include any localization suffixes or filename extensions. The
basename for the example resource bundle presented in Listings 4 and 5 is
com.taglib.weblog.Greeting .
<fmt:setBundle basename="expression"
var="name" scope="scope"/>
The optional scope attribute indicates the JSP scope that
the setting of the default resource bundle applies to. If this attribute
is not explicitly specified, page scope is assumed.
If the optional var attribute is specified, then the
resource bundle identified by the basename attribute will be
assigned to the variable named by this attribute's value. In this case,
the scope attribute specifies the variable's scope; no
default resource bundle is assigned to the corresponding JSP scope.
You use the <fmt:bundle> tag, whose syntax is shown
below, to set the default resource bundle within the scope of its body
content. Like <fmt:setBundle> , only the
basename attribute is required. You use the optional
prefix attribute to specify a default prefix for the
key values of any nested <fmt:message>
<fmt:bundle basename="expression"
body content
Once the resource bundle has been set, it is the role of the
<fmt:message> tag to actually display a localized
message. Two different syntaxes are supported by this action, depending on
whether any nested <fmt:param> tags are required:
<fmt:message key="expression" bundle="expression"
var="name" scope="scope"/>
<fmt:message key="expression" bundle="expression"
var="name" scope="scope">
<fmt:param value="expression"/>
For <fmt:message> , only the key
attribute is required. The value of the key attribute is used
to determine which of the messages defined in the resource bundle is to be
You can use the bundle attribute to specify an explicit
resource bundle for looking up the message identified by the
key attribute. Note that the value of this attribute must be
an actual resource bundle, such as is assigned by the
<fmt:setBundle> action when its var
attribute is specified. String values, such as the basename
attribute of <fmt:bundle> and
<fmt:setBundle> , are not supported by the
bundle attribute of <fmt:message> .
If the var attribute of <fmt:message>
is specified, then the text message generated by the tag is assigned to
the named variable, rather than written to the JSP page. As usual, the
optional scope attribute is used to specify the scope for the
variable named by the var attribute.
You use the <fmt:param> tag to provide parameterized
values for the text message, where needed, through the tag's
value attribute. Alternatively, the value can be specified as
body content of the <fmt:param> tag, in which case the
attribute is omitted. Values specified with the
<fmt:param> tag are spliced into the message retrieved
from the resource bundle wherever parameterized value patterns appear in
the message text, in accordance with the behavior of the
java.text.MessageFormat class. Because parameterized values
are identified by their indices, the order of the nested
<fmt:param> tags is significant.
The interaction of the <fmt:bundle> ,
<fmt:message> , and <fmt:param> tags
is shown in Listing 6. Here, the <fmt:bundle> tag
specifies the bundle localized messages are to be retrieved from by the
two nested <fmt:message> tags. The first of these two
<fmt:message> tags corresponds to a message with a
single parameterized value, for which a corresponding
<fmt:param> tag appears. Listing
6. Using the <fmt:message> tag to display localized
<fmt:bundle basename="com.taglib.weblog.Greeting">
<fmt:message key="com.taglib.weblog.Greeting.greeting">
<fmt:param value="${user.fullName}"/>
<a href=
"<c:url value='/index.jsp'/>"><fmt:message
Listing 7 shows the use of <fmt:bundle> 's
prefix attribute; the value provided for the
prefix attribute is automatically prepended to all
key values in the nested <fmt:message>
actions. Listing 7 is therefore equivalent to Listing 6, but takes
advantage of this convenience feature to enable the use of abbreviated
key values in the two <fmt:message> tags.
Listing 7. Effect of the prefix attribute of
<fmt:bundle> on the <fmt:message> tag
<fmt:bundle basename="com.taglib.weblog.Greeting"
<fmt:message key="greeting">
<fmt:param value="${user.fullName}"/>
<a href="<c:url value='/index.jsp'/>"><fmt:message key="return"/></a>
Figure 7 and Figure 8 show the fmt library's
message-related tags in action, showing the output resulting from the code
in Listing 7 and the localized resource bundles in Listing
4 and Listing
5. Figure 7 shows the results when the browser preferences reflect an
English-language locale.
Figure 7. Output of the en_US locale from Listing
Figure 8 shows the output for a locale specifying the French language.
Figure 8. Output of the fr_CA locale from Listing
Summary The custom
tags in the JSTL fmt library provide straightforward access
to the Java platform's internationalization API for JSP developers. Text
messages, numerical values, and dates can all be displayed in a
locale-sensitive manner, while times can also be adjusted for specific
time zones. The locale for a particular user can be determined
automatically from the user's browser settings, or specified explicitly by
the page author. Finally, in addition to providing actions for generating
and displaying formatted data, the fmt library also includes
custom tags for parsing numerical and time-oriented data.
- Download the source
code for the Weblog example application.
- Sun's product page
for the JSP Standard Tag Library is a good starting point to learn more
about JSTL.
- The JSTL 1.0
Specification is the final authority on the EL and the four JSTL tag
- The Jakarta
Taglibs project is home to the reference implementation for JSTL
- JSTL in
Action by Shawn Bayern (Manning, 2002) provides excellent
coverage of all JSTL features, having been written by the reference
implementation lead.
- Popular Java programming author David Geary has also written a book
on JSTL, entitled Core
- JSPTags.com is a
directory of JSP resources, focusing particularly on custom tag
- Coverage of JSTL is included as part of Sun's Java
Web Services Tutorial.
- Mark Davis and Helena Shih provide an extensive overview of the Java
platform's internationalization features in "The
Java International API: Beyond JDK 1.1" (developerWorks,
October 1998).
- If you're interested in internationalization, you won't want to miss
Joe Sam Shirah's comprehensive tutorial, Java
internationalization basics (developerWorks, April
- Valid language codes are defined by the ISO 639
specification, while the ISO 3166
specification defines the valid country codes.
- Similarly, currency codes are defined by the ISO 4217 specification.
- "Using
JSPs and custom tags within VisualAge for Java and WebSphere Studio"
Developer Domain) is a WBOnline hands-on workshop demonstrating the
use of servlets, JSP pages, and custom tag libraries.
- Learn all about custom tag libraries with Jeff Wilson's excellent
article, "Take
control of your JSP pages with custom tags" (developerWorks,
January 2002).
- Noel Bergman's article "JSP
taglibs: Better usability by design" (developerWorks,
December 2001) shows you how declarative tags help improve the usability
of your JSP pages.
- Find hundreds more Java technology resources on the developerWorks
Java technology zone.