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| Learn to effectively use SoftReference, WeakReference, and
Haggar (mailto:haggar@us.ibm.com?cc=&subject=Guidelines
for using the Java 2 reference classes) Senior Software Engineer,
IBM Corporation 1 October 2002
The Java 2 platform introduced the
java.lang.ref package, which contains classes that allow
you to refer to objects without pinning them in memory. The classes also
provide a limited degree of interaction with the garbage collector. In
this article, Peter Haggar examines the functionality and behavior of
the SoftReference , WeakReference , and
PhantomReference classes and recommends programming idioms
for their use.
When the java.lang.ref package, which includes the
SoftReference , WeakReference , and
PhantomReference classes, was first introduced in the Java 2
platform, its usefulness was arguably over-hyped. The classes it contains
can be useful, but they have certain limitations that narrow their appeal
and make their application very specific to a defined set of problems.
Garbage collection
overview The main feature of the reference classes is the
ability to refer to an object that can still be reclaimed by the garbage
collector. Before the reference classes were introduced, only strong
references were available. For example, the following line of code shows a
strong reference, obj :
Object obj = new Object();
The reference obj refers to an object stored in the heap.
As long as the obj reference exists, the garbage collector
will never free the storage used to hold the object.
When obj goes out of scope or is explicitly assigned to
null , the object is available for collection, assuming there
are no other references to it. However, an important detail to note is
that just because an object is available for collection does not mean it
will be reclaimed by a given run of the garbage collector. Because garbage
collection algorithms vary, some algorithms analyze older, longer-lived
objects less frequently than short-lived objects. Thus, an object that is
available for collection may never be reclaimed. This can occur if the
program ends prior to the garbage collector freeing the object. Therefore,
the bottom line is that you can never guarantee that an available object
will ever be collected by the garbage collector.
This information is important as you analyze the reference classes.
They are useful classes for specific problems, although, due to the nature
of garbage collection, they might not prove as useful as you originally
thought. Soft, weak, and phantom reference objects offer three different
ways to refer to a heap object without preventing its collection. Each
type of reference object has different behaviors, and their interaction
with the garbage collector varies. In addition, the new reference classes
all represent a "weaker" form of a reference than the typical strong
reference. Furthermore, an object in memory can be referenced by multiple
references that could be strong, soft, weak, or phantom. Before proceeding
further, let's look at some terminology:
- Strongly reachable: An object that can be accessed by a
strong reference.
- Softly reachable: An object that is not strongly reachable
and can be accessed through a soft reference.
- Weakly reachable: An object that is not strongly or softly
reachable and can be accessed through a weak reference.
- Phantomly reachable: An object that is not strongly, softly,
or weakly reachable, has been finalized, and can be accessed through a
phantom reference.
- Clear: Setting the reference object's referent field to
null and declaring the object in the heap that the
reference class referred to as finalizable.
The SoftReference
class A typical use of the SoftReference class
is for a memory-sensitive cache. The idea of a SoftReference
is that you hold a reference to an object with the guarantee that all of
your soft references will be cleared before the JVM reports an
out-of-memory condition. The key point is that when the garbage collector
runs, it may or may not free an object that is softly reachable. Whether
the object is freed depends on the algorithm of the garbage collector as
well as the amount of memory available while the collector is running.
The WeakReference
class A typical use of the WeakReference class
is for canonicalized mappings. In addition, weak references are useful for
objects that would otherwise live for a long time and are also inexpensive
to re-create. The key point is that when the garbage collector runs, if it
encounters a weakly reachable object, it will free the object the
WeakReference refers to. Note, however, that it may take
multiple runs of the garbage collector before it finds and frees a weakly
reachable object.
The PhantomReference
class The PhantomReference class is useful only
to track the impending collection of the referring object. As such, it can
be used to perform pre-mortem cleanup operations. A
PhantomReference must be used with the
ReferenceQueue class. The ReferenceQueue is
required because it serves as the mechanism of notification. When the
garbage collector determines an object is phantomly reachable, the
PhantomReference object is placed on its
ReferenceQueue . The placing of the
PhantomReference object on the ReferenceQueue is
your notification that the object the PhantomReference object
referred to has been finalized and is ready to be collected. This allows
you to take action just prior to the object memory being reclaimed.
Garbage collector and reference
interaction Each time the garbage collector runs, it
optionally frees object memory that is no longer strongly reachable. If
the garbage collector discovers an object that is softly reachable, the
following occurs:
- The
SoftReference object's referent field is set to
null , thereby making it not refer to the heap
object any longer.
- The
heap object that had been referenced by the
SoftReference is declared finalizable .
- When the
heap object's finalize() method
is run and its memory freed, the SoftReference object is
added to its ReferenceQueue , if it exists.
If the garbage collector discovers an object that is weakly reachable,
the following occurs:
- The
WeakReference object's referent field is set to
null , thereby making it not refer to the heap
object any longer.
- The
heap object that had been referenced by the
WeakReference is declared finalizable .
- When the
heap object's finalize() method
is run and its memory freed, the WeakReference object is
added to its ReferenceQueue , if it exists.
If the garbage collector discovers an object that is phantomly
reachable, the following occurs:
- The
heap object that is referenced by the
PhantomReference is declared
finalizable .
- Unlike soft and weak references, the
is added to its ReferenceQueue before the heap object is
freed. (Remember, all PhantomReference objects must be
created with an associated ReferenceQueue .) This allows for
action to be taken before the heap object is reclaimed.
Consider the code in Listing 1. Figure 1 illustrates the execution of
this code.
//Create a strong reference to an object
MyObject obj = new MyObject(); //1
//Create a reference queue
ReferenceQueue rq = new ReferenceQueue(); //2
//Create a weakReference to obj and associate our reference queue
WeakReference wr = new WeakReference(obj, rq); //3
Figure 1. Object layout after executing lines //1,
//2, and //3 of code in Listing 1
Figure 1 shows the state of the objects after each line of code
executes. Line //1 creates the object MyObject , while line
//2 creates the ReferenceQueue object. Line //3 creates the
WeakReference object that refers to its referent,
MyObject , and its ReferenceQueue . Note that each
object reference, obj , rq , and wr ,
are all strong references. To take advantage of these reference classes,
you must break the strong reference to the MyObject object by
setting obj to null . Recall that if you do not
do this, object MyObject will never be reclaimed, mitigating
any benefit of the reference classes.
Each of the reference classes has a get() method, and the
ReferenceQueue class has a poll() method. The
get() method returns the reference to the referent object.
Calling get() on a PhantomReference always
returns null . This is because PhantomReference s
are only used to track collection. The poll() method returns
the reference object that has been added to the queue, and
null if nothing is on the queue. Therefore, the result of
calling get() and poll() after the execution of
Listing 1 would be:
wr.get(); //returns reference to MyObject
rq.poll(); //returns null
Now, assume the garbage collector runs. The get() and
poll() methods return the same values because the
MyObject object is not freed; obj still
maintains a strong reference to it. In fact, the object layout remains
unchanged and looks like Figure 1. However, consider this code:
obj = null;
System.gc(); //run the collector
After this code executes, the object layout is as depicted in Figure 2:
Figure 2. Object layout after obj = null; and
garbage collector is run
Now, calling get() and poll() yields
different results:
wr.get(); //returns null
rq.poll(); //returns a reference to the WeakReference object
This situation indicates that the MyObject object, whose
reference was originally held by the WeakReference object, is
no longer available. This means that the garbage collector freed the
memory for MyObject , enabling the WeakReference
object to be placed on its ReferenceQueue . Therefore, you
know that an object has been declared finalizable and
possibly, but not necessarily, collected, when the get()
method of the WeakReference or SoftReference
class returns null . Only when finalization is completed and
the heap object's memory is collected is the
WeakReference or SoftReference placed on its
associated ReferenceQueue . Listing 2 shows a full working
program demonstrating some of these principles. The code is relatively
self-explanatory with many comments and print statements to aid in its
import java.lang.ref.*;
class MyObject
protected void finalize() throws Throwable
System.out.println("In finalize method for this object: " +
class ReferenceUsage
public static void main(String args[])
public static void hold()
System.out.println("Example of incorrectly holding a strong " +
//Create an object
MyObject obj = new MyObject();
System.out.println("object is " + obj);
//Create a reference queue
ReferenceQueue rq = new ReferenceQueue();
//Create a weakReference to obj and associate our reference queue
WeakReference wr = new WeakReference(obj, rq);
System.out.println("The weak reference is " + wr);
//Check to see if it's on the ref queue yet
System.out.println("Polling the reference queue returns " +
System.out.println("Getting the referent from the " +
"weak reference returns " + wr.get());
System.out.println("Calling GC");
System.out.println("Polling the reference queue returns " +
System.out.println("Getting the referent from the " +
"weak reference returns " + wr.get());
public static void release()
System.out.println("Example of correctly releasing a strong " +
//Create an object
MyObject obj = new MyObject();
System.out.println("object is " + obj);
//Create a reference queue
ReferenceQueue rq = new ReferenceQueue();
//Create a weakReference to obj and associate our reference queue
WeakReference wr = new WeakReference(obj, rq);
System.out.println("The weak reference is " + wr);
//Check to see if it's on the ref queue yet
System.out.println("Polling the reference queue returns " +
System.out.println("Getting the referent from the " +
"weak reference returns " + wr.get());
System.out.println("Set the obj reference to null and call GC");
obj = null;
System.out.println("Polling the reference queue returns " +
System.out.println("Getting the referent from the " +
"weak reference returns " + wr.get());
Usage and idioms The idea
behind these classes is to avoid pinning an object in memory for the
duration of the application. Instead, you softly, weakly, or phantomly
refer to an object, allowing the garbage collector to optionally free it.
This usage can be beneficial when you want to minimize the amount of heap
memory an application uses over its lifetime. You must remember that to
make use of these classes you cannot maintain a strong reference to the
object. If you do, you waste any benefit the classes offer.
In addition, you must use the correct programming idiom to check if the
collector has reclaimed the object before using it, and if it has, you
must re-create the object first. This process can be done with different
programming idioms. Choosing the wrong idiom can cause you problems.
Consider the code idiom in Listing 3 for retrieving the referent object
from a WeakReference :
obj = wr.get();
if (obj == null)
wr = new WeakReference(recreateIt()); //1
obj = wr.get(); //2
//code that works with obj
After studying this code, consider the alternate code idiom in Listing
4 for retrieving the referent object from a WeakReference :
obj = wr.get();
if (obj == null)
obj = recreateIt(); //1
wr = new WeakReference(obj); //2
//code that works with obj
Compare the two idioms to see if you can determine which one is
guaranteed to work, and which one is not. The idiom outlined in Listing 3
is not guaranteed to work at all times, but Listing 4's idiom is. The
reason the idiom in Listing 3 is deficient is because obj is
not guaranteed to be non-null after the body of the if block
completes. Consider what happens if the garbage collector runs after line
//1 of Listing 3 but before line //2 executes. The
recreateIt() method re-creates the object, but it is
referenced by a WeakReference , not a strong reference.
Therefore, if the collector runs before line //2 attaches a strong
reference to the re-created object, the object is lost and
wr.get() returns null .
Listing 4 does not have this problem because line //1 re-creates the
object and assigns a strong reference to it. Therefore, if the garbage
collector runs after this line, but before line //2, the object will not
be reclaimed. Then, the WeakReference to obj is
created at line //2. After working with obj after this
if block, you should set obj to
null to enable the garbage collector to reclaim this object
to take full advantage of weak references. Listing 5 shows a complete
program demonstrating the idiom differences just described. (To run this
program, a "temp.fil" file must exist in the directory from which the
program runs.)
import java.io.*;
import java.lang.ref.*;
class ReferenceIdiom
public static void main(String args[]) throws FileNotFoundException
public static FileReader recreateIt() throws FileNotFoundException
return new FileReader("temp.fil");
public static void broken() throws FileNotFoundException
System.out.println("Executing method broken");
FileReader obj = recreateIt();
WeakReference wr = new WeakReference(obj);
System.out.println("wr refers to object " + wr.get());
System.out.println("Now, clear the reference and run GC");
//Clear the strong reference, then run GC to collect obj.
obj = null;
System.out.println("wr refers to object " + wr.get());
//Now see if obj was collected and recreate it if it was.
obj = (FileReader)wr.get();
if (obj == null)
System.out.println("Now, recreate the object and wrap it
in a WeakReference");
wr = new WeakReference(recreateIt());
System.gc(); //FileReader object is NOT pinned...there is no
//strong reference to it. Therefore, the next
//line can return null.
obj = (FileReader)wr.get();
System.out.println("wr refers to object " + wr.get());
public static void correct() throws FileNotFoundException
System.out.println("Executing method correct");
FileReader obj = recreateIt();
WeakReference wr = new WeakReference(obj);
System.out.println("wr refers to object " + wr.get());
System.out.println("Now, clear the reference and run GC");
//Clear the strong reference, then run GC to collect obj
obj = null;
System.out.println("wr refers to object " + wr.get());
//Now see if obj was collected and recreate it if it was.
obj = (FileReader)wr.get();
if (obj == null)
System.out.println("Now, recreate the object and wrap it
in a WeakReference");
obj = recreateIt();
System.gc(); //FileReader is pinned, this will not affect
wr = new WeakReference(obj);
System.out.println("wr refers to object " + wr.get());
Summary The Reference
classes can be useful if used for the right situations. However, their
usefulness is tempered by the fact that they rely on the sometimes
unpredictable behavior of the garbage collector. Their effective use is
also dependent on applying the correct programming idioms; it's critical
that you understand how these classes are implemented and how to program
to them.
- Sam Borman wrote an interesting series on the IBM Garbage Collector.
1 examines object allocation; Part
2 details garbage collection; and Part
3 explains how to interpret
verbosegc and how some of
the command-line parameters work.
- In his article "Java References," (Dr. Dobb's Journal,
February 2000), Jonathan Amsterdam explains how references work and
presents useful abstractions that make working with them easier. (This
article is available for purchase from this DDJ archive
- Jeff Friesen demonstrates
how to use the Reference Object API to manage image caches, obtain
notification when significant objects are no longer strongly reachable,
and perform post-finalization cleanup in this article from
JavaWorld (January 2002).
- Find hundreds of Java programming resources on the
developerWorks Java technology
About the
Peter Haggar is a Senior Software Engineer with
IBM in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina and the author of the
book Practical
Java Programming Language Guide, published by
Addison-Wesley. In addition, he has published numerous articles on
Java programming. He has a broad range of programming experience,
having worked on development tools, class libraries, and operating
systems. At IBM, Peter works on emerging Internet technology and is
currently focused on high performance Web services. Peter is a
frequent technical speaker on Java technology at numerous industry
conferences. He has worked for IBM for more than 15 years and
received a B.S. in Computer Science from Clarkson University. He can
be contacted at mailto:haggar@us.ibm.com
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