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JavaCC, parse trees, and the XQuery grammar, Part 1
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Starting from the BNF
Parsing 101
From BNF to JavaCC
Walking the parser code
The JavaCC compilation process
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Using BNF and JavaCC to build custom parsers

Level: Intermediate

Howard Katz (, parse trees, and the XQuery grammar, Part 1)
Proprietor, Fatdog Software
1 December 2002

After a brief discussion of grammars, parsers, and BNF, this article introduces JavaCC, a popular parser generator tool. You'll develop sample code that uses JavaCC to build a custom parser, starting from a BNF description of the grammar. Part 2 goes on to show how to use an auxilliary tool, JJTree, to build a parse tree representation of the same parse and how to walk that tree at runtime to recover its state information. The article concludes by developing sample code to build and walk a parse tree that you'll generate for a small portion of the XQuery grammar.

You don't need anything as complicated as an automated parser generator to do most simple, everyday parsing tasks. A programming exercise as straightforward as teasing apart the pieces of a CSV (Comma-Separated-Value) file, for example, requires an understanding of the structure of the file and maybe an understanding of how to use a Java StringTokenizer. Otherwise, a CSV exercise requires very little knowledge of parsing theory as such or the need to apply automated tools to the task.

Once a language and the grammar that formally describes it becomes complex, however, the number of valid expressions in the language grows rapidly. It becomes more and more difficult to be able to hand-roll the code you'd need to parse an arbitrary expression into its constituent pieces (which is more or less a very concise definition of parsing). Automated parser generators alleviate that difficulty. Other programmers might also be able to use the parser that you've generated for their own purposes.

Starting from the BNF
The grammars for complex languages are commonly described using BNF (Backus-Naur Form) notation or its close relative, EBNF (Extended BNF). Automated tools can use those descriptions (I'll use the generic term, BNF, to refer to both variations) or a close approximation thereto to generate your parsing code for you. This article describes one such parser-generator tool called JavaCC. I'll explore JavaCC basics briefly and end up spending some time with one of its auxilliary tools, JJTree, without getting sidetracked by too much theory along the way. This article attempts to demonstrate my belief that you don't need to know a lot about formal parsing theory to be able to parse!

Why JavaCC? A couple of reasons: I have a strong interest in XQuery, and JavaCC is used by the W3C's XML Query working group to build and test versions of the XQuery grammar, as well as the XPath grammar it shares with the XSL group. I also use JavaCC to provide the query-parsing code in XQEngine, my own open-source XQuery implementation (see Resources).

Last but not least, the price is entirely right: While JavaCC isn't open-source, it is 100% free. (See Resources for information on obtaining JavaCC).

Parsing 101
Before I get to some actual XQuery grammar, let's start with a much simpler BNF that describes a language consisting of only two arithmetic operators that operate only on integers. I'll call this language SimpleLang:

simpleLang     ::=   integerLiteral ( ( "+" | "-" ) integerLiteral )?
integerLiteral ::=   [ 0-9 ]+

Each of the rules in this grammar is a production, in which the term on the lefthand side -- the name of the production -- is described in terms of the other productions in the grammar. The topmost production, simpleLang, states that a valid (or legal) expression in this language consists of an integer literal, followed optionally by either a plus (+) or a minus (-) sign followed by another integer literal. In terms of this grammar, the single integer "42" is valid, as is the expression "42 + 1". The second production describes in regex-like fashion more specifically what an integer literal looks like: a contiguous sequence of one or more numeric digits.

The grammar describes the abstract relationship that exists between the two productions, simpleLang and integerLiteral. It also details in concrete terms the composition of the three tokens (a plus sign, a minus sign, and an integer) that the parser expects to encounter while scanning through the input stream. Not surprisingly, the part of the parser that's responsible for that task is called the scanner or tokenizer. simpleLang is an example of a non-terminal symbol in this language, one that references other productions; the rule for integerLiteral on the other hand describes a terminal: a symbol that can't be decomposed further into other productions.

If the parser finds anything other than these three tokens during its scan, the expression it's scanning is considered invalid. One of the parser's main jobs is to determine the validity of any expression you pass it and to let you know. Its second job, once an expression has been deemed valid, is to break the input stream into its component pieces and deliver those to you in some useful fashion.

From BNF to JavaCC
Let's look at how to use JavaCC to implement this grammar. JavaCC works with something called a .jj file. The description of the grammar in this file is written in a notation that's very similar to BNF, so that it's generally fairly easy to translate from one to the other. (The notation has a syntax of its own, making it expressable in JavaCC.)

The main difference between a JavaCC .jj file grammar and standard BNF is that, with the JavaCC version, you can embed actions in the grammar. These actions execute once those portions of the grammar have been successfully traversed. The actions are Java statements that become part of the Java source code for the parser that's emitted as part of the parser generation process.

(Note that other than a single Java println() statement, Listing 1 doesn't contain the embedded Java code you'd need to actually evaluate an expression in this language. I'll explore that in more detail once you've looked at JJTree and its parse tree representations.)

Listing 1. The entire .jj script that encodes the SimpleLang grammar

PARSER_BEGIN( Parser_1 )
package examples.example_1;
public class Parser_1 {}
PARSER_END( Parser_1 )

void simpleLang() : {}             { integerLiteral() 
                                   ( ( "+" | "-" ) integerLiteral() )? <EOF> }
void integerLiteral() : {Token t;} { t=<INT> 
                                   { System.out.println("integer = "+t.image); }}

SKIP  : { " " | "\t" | "\n" | "\r" }
TOKEN : { < INT : ( ["0" - "9"] )+ > }

Note the following things about this file:

  • The PARSER_BEGIN and PARSER_END directives name the Java parser to be generated (, and provide a place to insert Java statements into that class. In this case you're placing a Java package statement at the top of the file. The package statement is also placed at the top of the Java helper files that are emitted as part of the generation process (see The JavaCC compilation process). This is also a good place to declare instance variables that will be referenced by Java statements in your productions although I'm not doing that in this example. And if you like, you can even insert a Java main() procedure at this point and use it to build a standalone application to fire up and test the parser you're generating.
  • The JavaCC syntax has a procedural look, with productions looking very much like method calls. This is no accident. The Java source that is emitted when JavaCC compiles this script contains methods that have identical names to these productions; these methods are executed at runtime in the order that they're called in the .jj script. I'll show you how that works in Walking the parsing code. (The term "compile" here is also no accident -- parser generators are also commonly referred to as "compiler compilers".)
  • Braces ({ and }) delineate the bodies of the productions, and escape any Java actions you're embedding. Note the braces enclosing the System.out.println() statement in the integerLiteral rule. This action is emitted as part of the method Parser_1.integerLiteral(). It is executed every time the parser encounters an integer.
  • The SKIP statement at the end of the file says that white space (blanks, tabs, carriage returns, and line feeds) can occur between tokens and is to be ignored.
  • The TOKEN statement contains a regex-like expression that describes what integer tokens look like. References to these tokens in the preceding productions are enclosed in angle brackets.
  • The second production, for integerLiteral(), declares a local variable t of type Token, a built-in class to JavaCC. This rule fires when an integer is encountered in the input stream, and the value of that integer (as text) is assigned to the instance variable, t.image. The other Token field, t.kind, is assigned an enum indicating that this particular token is an integer and not another kind of token that's known to the parser. Finally, the Java System.out.println() code that's generated in the parser is able to get at the internals of that token at parse time, using t.image to access and print out its textual value.

Walking the parser code
Let's look very briefly at the internals of the parser you've produced. Knowing a bit about the methods generated by a particular .jj grammar and their order of execution at runtime is useful for a couple of reasons:

  • Sometimes (particularly when you're first starting out), the parser seems to return different results that what you think the .jj file instructs it to. You can step through the emitted parser code at runtime to see what it's actually doing and adjust the grammar file accordingly. I still do this frequently.
  • If you know the order in which productions/methods are executed, you'll have a better understanding of where to embed Java actions in the script to obtain particular results. I'll come back to this in more detail when I talk about the JJTree tool and parse tree representations in Part 2.

While it's beyond the scope of this article to delve too deeply into the details of the parser that's been produced, Listing 2 shows the code that is generated for the method Parser_1.integerLiteral(). This might give you some idea of what the final code will look like. Note in particular the last statement in the method: System.out.println( "integer = "+t.image). This statement started life as the Java action that you embedded in the .jj script.

Listing 2. A generated method in Parser_1

  static final public void integerLiteral() throws ParseException {
                            Token t;
    t = jj_consume_token(INT);
    System.out.println( "integer = "+t.image);

Here's a high-level, blow-by-blow description of what this parser is doing:

  1. The topmost method, simpleLang(), calls integerLiteral().
  2. integerLiteral() expects to immediately encounter an integer in the input stream, else the expression would be invalid. To verify this, it calls the tokenizer ( to return the next token in the input stream. The tokenizer moves through the stream, inspecting characters one at a time until it encounters either an integer or the end of file. If it's the former, it packages up the value in an <INT> token; if the latter, as an <EOF>; and returns the token to integerLiteral() for further processing. If the tokenizer encounters neither token, it returns a lexical error.
  3. If the token returned by the tokenizer isn't an integer token or an <EOF>, integerLiteral() throws a ParseException and parsing is complete.
  4. If it's an integer token, the expression is still potentially valid, and integerLiteral() calls the tokenizer once again to return the next token. If it returns an <EOF>, the entire expression consists of a single integer, is valid, and the parser returns control to the calling application.
  5. If the tokenizer returns either a plus or a minus token, the expression is still valid, and integerLiteral() calls the tokenizer one last time, looking for another integer. If it encounters one, the expression is valid and the parser is done. If the next token isn't an integer, the parser throws an exception.

Note that if the parser fails, it throws either a ParseException or a TokenMgrError. Either one indicates that your expression was invalid.

A key point here is that any Java actions embedded in these two productions are only executed if the parser successfully traverses the portion of the production in which they're embedded. If this parser is passed the expression "42 + 1", the statement integer = 42 is printed to the console, followed by integer = 1. If it's run against the invalid expression "42 + abc", the message integer = 42 is emitted, followed by the catch-block message a Token Manager error!. In the latter case, the parser has only successfully traversed the first integerLiteral() term in the simpleLang production, and not its second:

void simpleLang() : {} { integerLiteral() ( ("+" | "-") integerLiteral() )? <EOF> }

In other words, the second integerLiteral() method has not been executed because the expected integer token wasn't encountered.

The JavaCC compilation process
When you run JavaCC against the .jj file, it generates a number of Java source files. One is the primary parsing code,, which you'll invoke from your application when you have an expression to parse. JavaCC also creates six other auxilliary files that are used by the parser. In total, JavaCC generates the following seven Java files. The first three are specific to this particular grammar; the final four are generic helpers that are always generated no matter what the grammar looks like.


Once JavaCC has generated these seven Java sources, they can be compiled and linked into your Java application. You can then call the new parser from your application code, passing it an expression to evaluate. Here's a sample application that instantiates your parser and feeds it an expression that you hardwired in at the top of the app.

Listing 3: Invoking your first parser

package examples.example_1;

import examples.example_1.Parser_1;
import examples.example_1.ParseException;

public class Example_1
    static String expression = "1 + 42";
    public static void main( String[] args )
        new Example_1().parse( expression );

    void parse( String expression )
        Parser_1 parser = new Parser_1( new StringReader( expression ));
        catch( ParseException pe )  {
            System.out.println( "not a valid expression" ); 
        catch( TokenMgrError e ) {
            System.out.println( "a Token Manager error!" );

What's noteworthy here?

  1. To invoke the parsing code in Parser_1, you invoke the method simpleLang() in that class. The order of the productions in a .jj file is generally irrelevant except in this case, where the name of the topmost production in the grammar is used to invoke the parser.
  2. If the expression you're passing in to the parser code can't be legally constructed according to the grammar, either a ParseException or a LexicalError is thrown.
  3. If the expression is valid, any Java actions embedded in the parts of the grammar that have been successfully traversed are executed, as described at the end of Walking the parser code.

Part 2 of this article continues where this one leaves off. You'll start with similar example code and learn how to use JavaCC's companion tool, JJTree, to create a parser that builds a parse-tree representation of the parse at runtime, rather than executing actions that you've embedded in the .jj script. This has a number of advantages, as you'll see.


About the author
Howard Katz lives in Vancouver, Canada, where he is the sole proprietor of Fatdog Software, a company that specializes in software for searching XML documents. He's been an active programmer for nearly 35 years (with time off for good behavior) and is a long-time contributor of technical articles to the computer trade press. Howard cohosts the Vancouver XML Developer's Association and is the editor of an upcoming book from Addison Wesley, The Experts on XQuery, a compendium of technical perspectives on XQuery by members of the W3C's Query working group. He and his wife do ocean kayaking in the summer and backcountry skiing in the winter. You can contact Howard at

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