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| Building and walking a custom parse tree using
Katz (mailto:howardk@fatdog.com?cc=&subject=JavaCC,
parse trees, and the XQuery grammar, Part 2) Proprietor, Fatdog
Software 1 December 2002
Part 1 of this article took an introductory look at
grammars, parsers, and BNF. It then introduced JavaCC, a popular parser
generator. Part 2 shows you how to modify the sample code in Part 1 so
that you can use an additional tool, JJTree, to build a parse tree
representation of the same parse. You'll explore the advantages of this
approach and look at how to write Java code to walk the parse tree at
runtime in order to recover its state information, and evaluate the
expression being parsed. The article concludes by showing you how to
develop a generalizable routine for walking and evaluating a parse tree
that you'll generate from a small portion of the XQuery grammar.
Using the JavaCC parser generator has one major downside: Much or most
of your client-side Java code needs to be embedded in the .jj grammar
script that encodes your BNF (Backus-Naur Form). This means you lose many
of the advantages that a proper Java IDE can provide you during the
development cycle.
Enter JJTree, JavaCC's companion tool. JJTree is set up to emit a
parser whose main job at runtime is not to execute embedded Java actions,
but to build an independent parse-tree representation of the expression
that's being parsed. This lets you capture the state of the parse session
in a single tree that's easy to walk and interrogate at runtime,
independent of the parsing code that produced it. Working with a parse
tree representation also makes debugging easy and speeds development time.
JJTree is distributed as part of the JavaCC distribution (see Resources).
I'll note before we go any further that the terms parse tree and
abstract syntax tree (or AST) describe very similar grammatical
structures. Strictly speaking, what I refer to as a parse tree in the
following, language theoreticians would more precisely call an AST.
To work with JJTree, you need to be able to:
- Create the .jjt script that JJTree takes as input
- Write client-side code to walk and evaluate the parse tree that's
produced at runtime
This article shows you how to do both. It doesn't cover everything, but
it'll certainly get you started.
basics JJTree is a preprocessor, and generating a parser for
a particular BNF is an easy two-step process:
- Run JJTree against a so-called .jjt file; this emits an intermediate
.jj file
- Compile that with JavaCC (this process was covered in Part 1)
Fortunately, the structure of a .jjt file is a minor extension of the
.jj format that I showed you in Part 1. The primary difference is that
JJTree adds a new syntactic node-constructor construct which lets
you specify where and under what conditions parse-tree nodes are to be
generated during the parse. In other words, this governs the shape and
content of the parse tree that's constructed by the parser.
Listing 1 shows a simple JavaCC .jj script that's similar to the ones
you saw in Part 1. For simplicity, I'm showing productions only. Listing 1. A JavaCC grammar for simpleLang
void simpleLang() : {} { addExpr() <EOF> }
void addExpr() : {} { integerLiteral() ( "+" integerLiteral() )? }
void integerLiteral() : {} { <INT> }
SKIP : { " " | "\t" | "\n" | "\r" }
TOKEN : { < INT : ( ["0" - "9"] )+ > }
This grammar states that a legal expression in this language consists
of either:
- a single integer literal, or
- an integer literal, followed by a plus sign, followed by another
integer literal.
The corresponding JJTree .jjt script (again, slightly abbreviated)
might look something like the following: Listing 2.
The JJTree equivalent to the JavaCC grammar in Listing 1
SimpleNode simpleLang() : #Root {} { addExpr() <EOF> { return jjtThis; }}
void addExpr() : {} { integerLiteral()
( "+" integerLiteral() #Add(2) )? }
void integerLiteral() : #IntLiteral {} { <INT> }
SKIP : { " " | "\t" | "\n" | "\r" }
TOKEN : { < INT : ( ["0" - "9"] )+ > }
This script adds several new syntactic features to those you've already
seen. Let's just touch on the highlights for the moment. I'll fill in the
details later.
Step-by-step through a JJTree
grammar Note first that JavaCC's procedural syntax for the
topmost simpleLang() production now specifies a return type:
SimpleNode . This, together with the embedded Java action,
return jjtThis (a bit of JJTree hand-waving), specifies that
calling the parser's simpleLang() method from your
application code returns the root of the parse tree, which is then
available for treewalking.
The parser invocation that looked like this in JavaCC:
SimpleParser parser = new SimpleParser(new StringReader( expression ));
now looks like this:
SimpleParser parser = new SimpleParser(new StringReader( expression ));
SimpleNode rootNode = parser.simpleLang();
Note that the root node you're grabbing isn't simply of type
SimpleNode . It's really of type Root , as
indicated by the #Root directive in Listing
2 (although you don't use that fact in your calling code above).
Root is a SimpleNode descendant, as is every
node constructed by a JJTree-generated parser. I'll show you several of
SimpleNode 's built-in methods below.
The #Add(2) construct in the addExpr()
production differs from the #Root directive above it in
several ways:
- It's parameterized. The tree builder uses a node stack during tree
construction; the default behavior for a node constructor with no
parameters is to place itself at the top of the parse tree that's under
construction, popping all the nodes off the node stack that were created
in the same node scope and hoisting itself into position as the
parent of those nodes. The argument
2 tells the new parent
(an Add node in this case) to adopt exactly two
children, the two IntLiteral subnodes described in the following
bullet. The JJTree documentation describes this process in more
detail. Walking through the parse tree at runtime with a good debugger
is another invaluable adjunct to understanding how tree building works
in JJTree.
- Of equal importance, the placement of the
#Root directive outside the body of its production means
that a Root node is generated every time this
production is traversed (which admittedly only happens once in this
particular case). However, the placement of the #Add(2)
directive inside an optional "zero or one" term means that an
Add node is only generated conditionally if the
optional clause containing it is traversed during the parse -- in other
words, if this production represents a true addition operation. When
that happens, integerLiteral() is traversed twice,
contributing a single IntLiteral node to the tree on each
invocation. Both IntLiteral nodes become children of the
Add node that invokes them. However, if the expression
being parsed is a single integer, then the resulting
IntLiteral node becomes a child of Root
Pictures are worth a kiloword (to bring a old saw up to date). Here's a
graphic representation of the two types of parse trees generated by the
above grammar:
Figure 1: Parse tree for a single integer
Figure 2: Parse tree for an addition
Let's look at the class hierarchy for SimpleNode in a bit
more detail.
Working with the parse
tree Every node you declare in a .jjt script instructs the
parser to generate a subclass of a JJTree SimpleNode .
SimpleNode , in turn, implements a Java interface called
Node . The source files for both of these classes are
generated automatically by every JJTree script, along with a custom .jj
file. Listing
1 shows the current example of a custom .jj file. In the current
example, JJTree also emits source files for your own classes --
Root , Add , and IntLiteral -- as
well as several additional helper classes not looked at here.
All SimpleNode subclasses inherit useful behavior. The
SimpleNode method dump() is a case in point. It
also serves as an example of my earlier contention that using parse trees
makes debugging easier and consequently speeds development time. The
following three-line snippet of client-side code instantiates the parser,
invokes it, grabs the parse tree that's returned, and dumps a
straightforward, textual representation of the tree to the console:
SimpleParser parser = new SimpleParser(new StringReader( expression ));
SimpleNode rootNode = parser.simpleLang();
The debug output for the tree in Figure
2 would be:
Aids to
navigation Another useful built-in SimpleNode
method is jjtGetChild(int) . When you're navigating downward
through the parse tree on the client side and encounter an
Add node, you'll want to grab its IntLiteral
children, extract the integer values they represent, and add them together
-- that, after all, is the purpose of the exercise. Assuming that
addNode , shown in the next bit of code, is a variable
representing the Add -type node we're interested in, we can
access addNode 's two children. (lhs and
rhs are commonly used abbreviations for left-hand side
and right-hand side, respectively.)
SimpleNode lhs = addNode.jjtGetChild( 0 );
SimpleNode rhs = addNode.jjtGetChild( 1 );
With everything you've done so far, however, you still don't have quite
enough information to calculate the results of the arithmetic operation
represented by this parse tree. Your current script has omitted one
important detail: The two IntLiteral nodes in the tree don't
actually contain the integers they purport to represent. That's because
you didn't save their values into the tree when the tokenizer encountered
them in the input stream; you need to modify your
integerLiteral() production to do that. You also need to add
a few simple accessor methods to SimpleNode .
Saving and restoring
state To store the value of scanned tokens into the
appropriate nodes, add the following modifications to
SimpleNode :
public class SimpleNode extends Node
String m_text;
public void setText( String text ) { m_text = text; }
public String getText() { return m_text; }
Change the following production in your JJTree script:
void integerLiteral() : #IntLiteral {} <INT> }
to this:
void integerLiteral() : #IntLiteral { Token t; }
{ t=<INT> { jjtThis.setText( t.image );} }
This production grabs the raw text value of the integer it's just
encountered from t.image and uses your setText()
setter to store that string in the current node. The client-side
eval() code in Listing
5 shows how to use the corresponding getText()
You can easily modify SimpleNode.dump() to emit the value
of m_text for any node that's stored it during a parse --
I'll leave that as a proverbial exercise for you. This gives an even
better visualization of what the parse tree looks like for debugging
purposes. For example, if you parsed "42 + 1", a slightly modified
dump() routine can produce the following useful output:
Putting it all together: A BNF
snippet for XQuery Let's put it all together and conclude by
looking at a snippet of an actual, real-world grammar. I'll show you a
very small subset of the BNF for XQuery, the W3C's specification for a
query language for XML. (See Resources.)
Most of what I'm saying here applies to XPath as well, since the two share
much of the same grammar in common. I'll also look briefly at the issue of
operator precedence and generalize the treewalking code into a
full-fledged recursive routine that's able to handle arbitrarily complex
parse trees.
3 shows the piece of the XQuery grammar that you'll work with. This
snippet of BNF is from the November 15, 2002 working draft: Listing 3: A portion of the XQuery grammar
[21] Query ::= QueryProlog QueryBody
[23] QueryBody ::= ExprSequence?
[24] ExprSequence ::= Expr ( "," Expr )*
[25] Expr ::= OrExpr
[35] RangeExpr ::= AdditiveExpr ( "to" AdditiveExpr )*
[36] AdditiveExpr ::= MultiplicativeExpr (("+" | "-") MultiplicativeExpr )*
[37] MultiplicativeExpr ::= UnionExpr (("*" | "div" | "idiv" | "mod") UnaryExpr )*
You're going to build just enough of a JJTree grammar script to handle
the + , - , * , and div
operators in productions [36] and [37], again with the simplifying
assumption that the only datatype this grammar knows about is integers.
This sample grammar is extremely small and does no justice to the
richness of expression and data types supported by XQuery. However, it
should give you a good head start in using JavaCC and JJTree, if you're
going to build parsers for larger, more complex grammars.
4 shows the .jjt script. Note the options{} block at the
top of the file. These options (there are a number of other switches
available as well) specify, among other things, that tree building in this
case operates in multi mode, where node constructors are used to
explicitly name the types of generated nodes. The alternative (not
explored here) is for productions to contribute only
SimpleNode nodes to the parse tree and not subclasses
thereof. That option is useful if you want to avoid proliferating node
Note also that the original XQuery BNF frequently multiplexes multiple
operators into the same production. I've demultiplexed these into separate
productions in the JJTree script in Listing
4, since this makes the code on the client side more straightforward.
To mulitiplex, simply store away the scanned operator's value, exactly as
you did for integers. Listing 4: The JJTree script for
the XQuery grammar in Listing 3
options {
PARSER_BEGIN( XQueryParser )
package examples.example_2;
public class XQueryParser{}
PARSER_END( XQueryParser )
SimpleNode query() #Root : {} { additiveExpr() <EOF> { return jjtThis; }}
void additiveExpr() : {} { subtractiveExpr()
( "+" subtractiveExpr() #Add(2) )* }
void subtractiveExpr() : {} { multiplicativeExpr()
( "-" multiplicativeExpr() #Subtract(2) )* }
void multiplicativeExpr() : {} { divExpr() ( "*" divExpr() #Mult(2) )* }
void divExpr() : {} { integerLiteral()
( "div" integerLiteral() #Div(2) )* }
void integerLiteral() #IntLiteral : { Token t; }
{ t=<INT> { jjtThis.setText(t.image); }}
SKIP : { " " | "\t" | "\n" | "\r" }
TOKEN : { < INT : ( ["0" - "9"] )+ > }
This .jjt file introduces several new features. For one, the arithmetic
productions in this grammar are now iterative: Their optional
second terms are expressed using a * (zero or more)
occurrence indicator, as opposed to the ? (zero or one)
notation in Listing
2. The parser emitted by this script can parse arbitrarily long
expressions such as "1 + 2 * 3 div 4 + 5".
precedence This grammar also knows about operator
precedence. You would expect multiplication, for example, to have a
higher precedence than addition. In practical terms, this means an
expression like "1 + 2 * 3" would be evaluated as "1 + ( 2 * 3 )" and not
"( 1 + 2 ) * 3".
Precedence is achieved using the cascading style, where each production
calls the higher-precedent production immediately following it. That, as
well as the placement and format of the node constructors, guarantees that
the parse tree is generated in the proper conformation so that treewalking
does the right thing. It might be easier to grasp this with some visual
3 shows the parse tree generated by this grammar that correctly
enables you to evaluate "1 + 2 * 3" as "1 + ( 2 * 3 )". Note that the
Mult operator binds its terms tighter than does
Plus , which is exactly what you want:
Figure 3. A properly formed tree
And, Figure
4 shows a tree (which this grammar doesn't generate) indicating
that you (incorrectly) wanted to evaluate this as "(1 + 2) * 3".
Figure 4. An incorrectly formed tree
Walking the parse tree
client-side I conclude as promised with a listing for the
client-side code that invokes this parser and walks the parse tree it
generates, using a simple but powerful, recursive eval()
function to do the right thing with each node it encounters during the
treewalk. Comments in Listing
5 provide additional detail on internal JJTree workings. Listing 5. An easily generalizable eval()
// return the arithmetic result of evaluating 'query'
public int parse( String query )
SimpleNode root = null;
// instantiate the parser
XQueryParser parser = new XQueryParser( new StringReader( query ));
// invoke it via its topmost production
// and get a parse tree back
root = parser.query();
catch( ParseException pe ) {
System.out.println( "parse(): an invalid expression!" );
catch( TokenMgrError e ) {
System.out.println( "a Token Manager error!" );
// the topmost root node is just a placeholder; ignore it.
return eval( (SimpleNode) root.jjtGetChild(0) );
int eval( SimpleNode node )
// each node contains an id field identifying its type.
// we switch on these. we could use instanceof, but that's less efficient
// enum values such as JJTINTLITERAL come from the interface file
// SimpleParserTreeConstants, which SimpleParser implements.
// This interface file is one of several auxilliary Java sources
// generated by JJTree. JavaCC contributes several others.
int id = node.id;
// eventually the buck stops here and we unwind the stack
if ( node.id == JJTINTLITERAL )
return Integer.parseInt( node.getText() );
SimpleNode lhs = (SimpleNode) node.jjtGetChild(0);
SimpleNode rhs = (SimpleNode) node.jjtGetChild(1);
switch( id )
case JJTADD : return eval( lhs ) + eval( rhs );
case JJTSUBTRACT : return eval( lhs ) - eval( rhs );
case JJTMULT : return eval( lhs ) * eval( rhs );
case JJTDIV : return eval( lhs ) / eval( rhs );
default :
throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException(
"eval(): invalid operator!" );
Conclusion If you
want to see a much beefier version of an eval() function that
handles much of the real XQuery grammar, feel free to download a copy of
my open-source XQuery implementation, XQEngine. (See Resources.)
Its TreeWalker.eval() routine cases on some 30-odd
XQuery node types. A .jjt script is provided.
- Participate in the discussion forum on this
article. (You can also click Discuss at the top or bottom of the
article to access the forum.)
- Review Part
1 of this article for a brief discussion of grammars, parsers, and
BNF, and an introduction to JavaCC. You'll also find sample code that
uses JavaCC to build a custom parser, starting from a BNF description of
the grammar.
- Check out the free (though not open-source) distribution for JavaCC
and JJTree.
- Find out more about the W3C's XQuery and XPath specifications at the
XML Query home page.
- XQEngine is the author's
Java-based open-source implementation of an XQuery engine.
- Want to find out more about BNF? Check out Wikipedia.org.
- Find more information on the technologies covered in this article at
the developerWorks XML and Java technology
WebSphere Studio provides a suite of tools that automate XML
development, both in Java and in other languages. It is closely
integrated with the WebSphere
Application Server, but can also be used with other J2EE servers.
- Find out how you can become an IBM
Certified Developer in XML and related technologies.
About the
author Howard Katz lives in Vancouver, Canada, where he is
the sole proprietor of Fatdog Software, a company that specializes
in software for searching XML documents. He's been an active
programmer for nearly 35 years (with time off for good behavior) and
is a long-time contributor of technical articles to the computer
trade press. Howard cohosts the Vancouver XML Developer's
Association and is the editor of an upcoming book from Addison
Wesley, The Experts on XQuery, a compendium of technical
perspectives on XQuery by members of the W3C's Query working group.
He and his wife do ocean kayaking in the summer and backcountry
skiing in the winter. You can contact Howard at howardk@fatdog.com. |