Overview of Network Performance


¡Ü Congested or Collision - resend

¡Ü EtherNet

¡Ü Latency


¡Ü Slower remote server

¡Ü Network Monitoring Tool



ping command


How to use ping


#> ping


How to read ping -s output


¢º 2 single SPARCstations on a quiet EtherNet always respond with less than 1 millisecond


Example of ping


#> ping -s host
PING host: 56 data bytes
64 bytes from host ( icmp_seq=0. time7. ms
64 bytes from host ( icmp_seq=0. time7. ms

----host PING Statistics----
5 packets transmitted, 5 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip (ms) min/avg/max = 1/2/7


spray command


How to use spray


#> spray


How to read spray output


¢º If you use -d option, if there are many packet dropped the packet,


Example of spray


#> spray -d 20 -c 100 -l 2048 host

sending 100 packets of length 2048 to host ...
        no packets dropped by host
        560 packets/sec, 1147576 bytes/sec


netstat -i command


How to use netstat -i


#> netstat -i 5


How to read netstat data


¢º collision percentage > 5% (one system)

¢º collision percentage > 5% (all system)

¢º errs field has data


Example of netstat


#> netstat -i 5
    input   le0      output         input  (Total)   output
packets errs packets errs colls packets errs packets errs colls
71853   1    27270   8    4839  72526   1    27943   8    4839
7       0    0       0    0     7       0    0       0    0   
14      0    0       0    0     14      0    0       0    0   


snoop command


How to use snoop


#> snoop


Example of snoop


#> snoop host1
#> snoop -o filename host1 host2
#> snoop -i filename -t r | more
#> snoop -i filename -p99,108
#> snoop -i filename -v -p101
#> snoop -i filename rpc nfs and host1 and host2


nfsstat -c command


How to use nfsstat -c


#> nfsstat -c


How to read nfsstat data


¢º % of retrans of calls > 5% : maybe network problem

¢º high badxid, as well as timeout : remote server slow

¢º % of readlink of the calls > 10% : too many symbolic links


Example of nfsstat


#> nfsstat -c

Client rpc:
calls   badcalls retrans badxid timeout wait newcred timers
13185   0        8       0      8       0    0       50

Client nfs:
calls   badcalls nclget  nclcreate
13147   0        13147   0
null    getattr  setattr root   lookup   readlink read
0  0%   794  6%  10   0% 0  0%  2141 16% 2720 21% 6283 48%
wrcache write    create  remove rename   link     symlink
0  0%   581  4%  33   0% 29  0% 4  0%    0  0%    0  0%
mkdir   rmdir    readdir statf
0  0%   0  0%    539  4% 13 0%



Network Solutions


1st. Consider adding the Prestoserve NFS Write accelerator.

2nd. Subneting

3rd. Install the bridge

4st. Install the local disk into diskless machines.


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